
  • Aplis

    Kas ir šīs lapas autors? Sponsorus es tīri labi redzu, bet autoru nevaru sameklēt... help

    27.10.2004 - 13:28

  • Aplis

    Nevaru ielikt atsauci savā kursa darbā... tāpēc jautāju.

    27.10.2004 - 13:29

  • Jānis

    Vortālu ezeri.lv izveidojusi un uztur bezpeļņas sabiedrība "Latvijas ezeri". Jaunajā versijā šis info vēl nav sakārtots.

    27.10.2004 - 20:21

  • madara

    lūdzu pastāstiet kaut ko par ezeriem un upēm Sabilē

    05.11.2004 - 16:28

  • madara

    atsūtiet man to informāciju bandiniece@banda.lv

    05.11.2004 - 16:29

  • Jānis

    Madara, pieeja ezeri.lv ir bezmaksas. Ja gribat vairāk informācijas - kaut kas jādod pretī.

    06.11.2004 - 11:35

  • Nāra

    Cik ezeru ir Latvijā?

    10.11.2004 - 11:10

  • Vita

    2328 ar nosaukumu, un vēl daudzi nelieli ezeri, kuriem nosaukums nav zināms.

    10.11.2004 - 16:54

  • olga

    Vai Juus vareetu luudzu dot defineejumu, kas ir "tauvas josla"? Paldies!

    03.02.2005 - 13:11

  • Vita

    Definīcija ir Zvejniecības likumā: "Tauvas josla - sauszemes josla gar ūdeņu krastu, kas paredzēta ar zveju vai kuģošanu saistītām darbībām." Likumā noteikts, ka tauvas josla ir paredzēta arī kājāmgājējiem. Tauvas joslas platums gar privāto ūdeņu krastiem - 4 m, gar publisko - 10 m. "Tauvas josla nav jānosaka, ja privātie ūdeņi un tiem piegulošās sauszemes daļa pieder vienam un tam pašam īpašniekam un zvejas tiesības šajos ūdeņos nepieder valstij."

    03.02.2005 - 15:50

  • Zaigucis

    Vai jūs varētu ielikt kaut ko par Madlienas EZEIEM. Jo tur ir skaistiezeri.

    08.02.2005 - 17:23

  • Vita

    Zaiguci, kas Jūsuprāt ir "kaut kas par Madlienas ezeriem"? Ja domāts Madlienas pagasts, tad ar ezeru bagātību tas neizceļas - izņemot Ogres vecupes, citu ezeru nav (ja tomēr ir kādi sīki ezeriņi - atsūtiet informāciju). Netālu no Madlienas gan ir ezeri, piemēram, Plaužu, Pečoru - par šiem informācija DB ir pat vairāk kā par citiem ezeriem.

    08.02.2005 - 22:15

  • guna

    Ja VZD jaunaakaas kartees vienam un tam passam ezeram ir dazzaadi nosaukumi, kuru variantu lieto juridiskos papiiros? To, kas ir ezera pasee? Pat ja tur noraadiitais apsekossanas gads ir 1972.?

    11.02.2005 - 11:26

  • Jānis

    Būtu jālieto ūdenstilpju klasifikatora pamatnosaukums, iekavās papildus jeb alternatīvais nosaukums, un klasifikatora kods.

    11.02.2005 - 12:41

  • Līgucis

    Kāpēc dažos ezeros ir tik maz zivis?

    14.02.2005 - 16:04

  • Jānis

    Daļa zivju šodien ir noklīdušas DB kverijos. Tā ir pārejoša parādība, rīt būs vairāk

    14.02.2005 - 17:11

  • zzyzx

    Zivis ir - tikai jāpameklē. "Uz urrā - rīt braucam uz copi" nekas menotiek. Apceļo Lavviju- atklāsi daudz labas ūdenstilpnes, kuras nav ne izkāstas, ne piedrazotas. Ir vēl mūsu zemītē neizčakarēti ūdeņi(maz bet ir), kur ir ko pavilkt ar pīcku!Gadās vēl tādas pērles..

    15.02.2005 - 19:34

  • Ina

    Vai kaads var ieteikt ekspertu ezeru rekultivacijas metozhu izveles, pielietoshnas jautajumos, kam butu ari zinami praktiska darba rezultati shepat Latvija? Vajag seminaram.

    24.02.2005 - 15:16

  • Jānis

    Ina, kas tas par semināru? Ko Jūs saucat par rekultivāciju? Latvijā ir tikai daži attīrīti (uzlaboti) ezeri, toties ir vairāk, kurus, mēģinot attīrīt, procesu īstenībā virza uz papildus piesārņošanu...

    24.02.2005 - 21:35

  • Jānis

    Ina, šāda doma ir apsveicama. Es varētu nolasīt kādu lekciju par ezeru ietekmējošajiem kaitīgajiem faktoriem, un krastu īpašnieku iespējām tos samazināt. Kas attiecas uz ezerā esošajiem biogēniem - šeit ir vairāki risinājumi, un izvākšana ir tikai viena no metodēm. Šādas lietas pagaidām nav diezko aktuālas, vispirms tāpēc, ka dārgas. Ir divi kolēģi, kas uz šīm lietām specializējušies, viens zviedrs (biomanipulācijas), otrs vācietis (notekūdeņu attīrīšana), bet domāju, ka viņu zināšanas īsti nepieciešamas tikai nopietnam līmenim. Mans e-pasts: litrema et latnet punkts lv

    28.02.2005 - 17:20

  • Raits

    Loti laba lapa. Vai varetu kaads pateikt, kaadi Latvijaa ir peldejumi ezeros? Zinu liidz shim vienu. Usmaa, uz Moricsalu un atpakaļ. Vajadzeetu padomaat par Latvijas ezeru popularizeshanu un peldeshanas iespeejam. Jo ezers sniedz dveeseles un kermenja baudu. taa nav tikai zivju nozvejas vieta:)) Paldies.

    03.03.2005 - 10:58

  • Dzoanna

    Sveiki, gribetu Jus uzslavet - loti, loti laba lapa! Arkartigi interesantas lietas var atrast! Varbut jus man iesakuma varetu mazliet palidzet. Planoju iegadaties maju Gulbenisa ezera tuvuma. Shobrid ziema izskatas ka, tas aug ciet. Varbut ari ne. Es no shim lietam pilnigi neko nesaprotu un tapec mekleju specialistus kuri man varetu palidzet. Labprat uzzinatu ko vairak, ari par iemesliem kapec tas aug ciet, ko var darit un ka saglabat to brinumu ko daba mums devusi. Vai ir kads telefons uz kuru var piezvanit? Jau ieprieks paldies.

    03.03.2005 - 18:13

  • Jānis

    Dzoanna, par mazajiem ezeriem ir maz informācijas. Nāksies pagaidīt līdz vasarai, pavasarī pēc ledus izkušanas kaut ko noteikt var ļoti aptuveni. Tālrunis: 9418761, Skype: ezerilv - bet ar parunāšanu vien nekas nebūs līdzēts, ezeram kā katram pacientam diagnoze nav nosakāma pa telefonu.

    03.03.2005 - 23:30

  • Jānis

    Rait, peldēšanas pasākumi ezeros ir sarežģīta situācija. 1.vajag, lai ezers no pūļa neciestu 2.vajag tādu ezeru, kurā pūlis būs uz mieru līst iekšā. Piemēram, Engures ezeram no peldētājiem nebūs ne vainas, toties peldētāju atgriešanās procents dēļ sapīšanās zālēs būs neliels. Vīragnes un Lielajam Ludzas ezeram arī nenokaitēs, toties būs ļoti maz drosmīgo. Savukārt Čortoka dzidrajā ūdenī līst tiks aizliegts, un pamatoti. Tāpēc paliek pamaz - derētu Alūksnes, Ķīšezers, Cirms, Balvu, Višķu, Puzes, Zebrus, Sventes, Sīvers, Kāla... Visi derīgi peldēšanai, bet ne iesācējiem - iespējami viļņi.

    03.03.2005 - 23:54

  • Vita

    laba lapa!!

    06.03.2005 - 20:10

  • Marija

    Gribētu uzzināt sekojošu informāciju. Kas ir ezers? Kādi ir noteicošie kritēriji, ka virszemes ūdenstilpe tiek dēvēta par ezeru? Ja ir iespējams norādiet lūdzu, kurā normatīvajā aktā ir definēts jēdziens "ezers".

    09.03.2005 - 08:53

  • Jānis

    Ūdens apsaimniekošanas likuma definīcija: "5) ezers — dabiska ūdenstilpe sauszemes padziļinājumā (ezerdobē) ar palēninātu ūdensapmaiņu". Mēs par ezeru uzskatām ūdenstilpi ar spoguļa laukumu sākot ar 1 ha. Ūdenstilpju klasifikatora uzsācēji - ar 10 ha. Upju baseinu pārvalde - ar 50 ha. Tātad galvenie kritēriji - dabiska izcelsme, palēnināta ūdens apmaiņa, kaut kāds minimālais izmērs. Vēl ūdens apsaimniekošanas likumā eksistē : "stipri pārveidots ūdensobjekts" - uz šādu "godu" kandidē Lubāns. Es ieteiktu šiem pieskaitīt arī Talsu ezeru, Lielo Ludzas ezeru - tādus, kurus izrakt no jauna gandrīz vieglāk nekā attīrīt.

    09.03.2005 - 18:54

  • Marija

    Paldies par izsmeļošu atbildi. Ir vēl viens jautājums - kā ir ar ezeriem, kuru platība ir mazāka par 1 ha (piem. 0,5ha). Vai tādi "ezeri" arī ir uzskatāmi par ezeriem? Vai uz tiem arī attiecas Aizsargjoslu likuma prasības?

    10.03.2005 - 10:20

  • Jānis

    Likumdošanā mazākā robeža nav definēta. Aizsargjoslu likumā aizsargjosla paredzēta ūdenstilpēm LĪDZ 10 ha platībā. Tādi mums tie likumi. Praktiski - par ezeru vēl noteikti ir uzskatāms Čertoks (1.9 ha), Talsu ezers (3.6 ha). Manuprāt, ja par ezeru grib uzskatīt ūdenstilpi, kas mazāka par 1 ha, nepieciešams pamatojums. Citādi būs nevajadzīgas problēmas ar sīkajiem purvu ezeriņiem.

    10.03.2005 - 11:32

  • Toms

    Es gribētu uzzināt pilnīgi visiem Talsu Pauguraines dabas parka ezeriem dziļumu. Kāpēc dažiem tas nav parādīts?

    11.03.2005 - 16:27

  • annija

    lūs baigi feini kā jau agrāk teicu. Kur atrodas baikāls?

    12.03.2005 - 11:51

  • Andris

    Es gribētu, lai Toms aizbrauc un izmēra dziļumu tiem ezeriem, par kuriem mums nav informācijas!

    14.03.2005 - 01:06

  • Jānis

    Tom, "Latvijas ezeri" sniedz ezeru izpētes pakalpojumus. Ja vajag dziļumus, varam izmērīt. Ja vajag skābekli - arī varam izmērīt. Utt.

    14.03.2005 - 17:22

  • Darja

    Kā un kas aizsarņo latvijas ezerus?

    09.04.2005 - 09:46

  • Raimonds

    Iistenībā, labs saits ar visaptverosu info. Bet, vienmeer atradiisies kaads bet, mani interesee info par ezeru kopeejo platiibu katraa LV rajonaa. Protams to var dariit saskaitot katru platiibu, bet cik tas laika tad prasiis. Varbuut datu baazi var papildinaat ar saadu mekleesanas iespeeju???

    10.04.2005 - 13:36

  • Jānis

    1.Paredzēts, ka kopsavilkumi pieejami tikai "Latvijas ezeru" sadarbības partneriem - pamatā informācijas sniedzējiem, tāpēc, lai iegūtu pieeju kopsavilkumiem, pēc reģistrācijas jāsūta vēstuli [iesniegumu] uz linkā "par mums" norādītajām e-pasta adresēm. 2.Datubāzē (izvērstajā meklēšanā) ir iebūvētas skaitlisko parametru agregatēšanas funkcijas. Jāņem vērā, ka kopsavilkuma tipa izvēlē un rezultātu interpretācijā nepieciešama vēlamā rezultāta izpratne (piemēram, varam saskaitīt Liepājas rajona ezeru spoguļa laukuma platību, pie tam būtu jāizvēlas ņemt jaunākos datus. Bet šai gadījumā rezultāta analīzē jāņem vērā, ka robežezeriem platība ir norādīta 3 reizes - kopējā, Latvijā, kaimiņvalstī.) Tāpēc neizvērtētas summas bieži var būt nedaudz palielinātas.

    10.04.2005 - 14:09

  • mārtiņš

    kāda ir atšķirība starp ezeru un dīķi

    20.04.2005 - 18:13

  • Jānis

    Ezers ir dabiskas izcelsmes, dīķis - mākslīgas. Ūdens apsaimniekošanas likums runā par stipri pārveidotiem ūdensobjektiem - pašreizējais Lubāns arī būtu pieskaitāms mākslīgajiem. Protams, ir visādas starpformas un terminu jucekļi, it sevišķi vietējā mērogā. Kūdras degumu ezeri. Karjeru ezeri. Dzirnezeri.

    20.04.2005 - 19:44

  • Jānis

    Juri, tas būs gandrīz vienīgais gadījums, kad zemes zem ezera īpašumam ir kāda nozīme. Pārējais jau attiecas uz Civillikuma sadaļu par apslēpto mantu - izskatās, ka kādreiz rakuši zemē uz nebēdu, tāpēc tas ir sīki reglamentēts.

    21.04.2005 - 18:32


    Nav īstas skaidrības par Lobes ez.Vai drikst peldēt ar personīgo laivu. Ezera apsaimniekotāji bļauj ka nedrīkt.Ezers publisks,apsaimniekotājs Lobes pagasts.

    29.04.2005 - 15:20

  • Jānis

    Pret bļaušanu cīnīties būtu grūti. Demokrātija, runas brīvība... Ja apsaimniekotājaprāt, ar personiskajām laivām braukt aizliegts, lai likumā noteiktajā kārtībā sastāda administratīvo aktu, ar kuru liek izvākt personisko laivu un/vai uzliek sodu. Viņiem tas būs ĻOTI grūti izdarāms, jo "Ūdens apsaimniekošanas likuma 17.pants. Maksa par ūdens resursu lietošanu (1) Fiziskās un juridiskās personas bez maksas lieto ... ūdens resursus nekomerciālam transportam, peldēšanai, ūdenssportam, ūdenstūrismam... ". No minētā izriet, ka ar LIKUMU noteikts, ka ar laivu pa ūdeņiem VAR braukt bez maksas, un pie tam ne tikai pa publiskajiem. Ja būtu pamatojums, varētu aizliegt braukt ar laivām vispār. "Noteikumi par kuģošanas līdzekļu satiksmi iekšējos ūdeņos 26. Vadītājam aizliegts: 26.6. izmantot kuģošanas līdzekli vietās, kur to aizliedzis iekšējo ūdeņu īpašnieks vai valdītājs, kā arī pašvaldības noteiktās, apzīmētās un aizliegtās akvatorijās un peldvietās". Toties jebkuri daļēji laivu lietošanas aizliegumi "ar mūsējām - drīkst, ar savām vai svešām - nē" faktiski ir maksas pieprasīšanas mehānisms. Cita lieta - makšķerēšanu no laivas gan var ierobežot ar licencētās makšķerēšanas noteikumiem.

    29.04.2005 - 19:27



    30.04.2005 - 16:50


    Tātad lai makšķerētu Lobes ezerā jāizmanto laivas ko izīrē privātpersonas,vai ezeram pieguļošo zemju īpašnieki.Pie tam apsaimniekošanas noteikumos esot noteikts konkrēts laivu skaits ezerā(40 gab.),neatkarīgi no makšķernieku skaita laivā.Uz 1 Maija copi laivas jāpiesaka jau JANVĀRĪ.

    30.04.2005 - 16:59

  • chers

    kur var iegādāties zušu mazuļus un lašu (apaugļotos) ikrus?

    02.05.2005 - 00:52

  • Jānis

    Neesmu nekāds speciālists zivīs un to audzēšanā it īpaši, bet ir dzirdēts, ka stikla zušus jāpērk Lielbritānijā, vai kur citur Eiropā, Latvijā neesot. Vajagot pirkt agrāk, kad lētāki, paturēt baseinos, un izlaist, kad temperatūra pietiekama. Lašus audzē padaudz, jāprasa zivju audzētavām.

    02.05.2005 - 11:38

  • Ivars

    Savulaik ezera parametros varēja atrast ezera ūdens caurredzamiibu( pēc seki skalas), bet tagad es to vairs neatrodu, vai kas ir mainījies?

    05.05.2005 - 10:48

  • Jānis

    Caurredzamības un citu vienkāršiem lietotājiem nevajadzīgu datu apskatei nepieciešama reģistrācija (galvenajā lapā kreisā pusē apakšā). http://www.ezeri.lv/ar/GetArticle?id=1086

    05.05.2005 - 11:41

  • Aga

    Vai tagad ezera atrašana ar filtrēšanu vairs nav iespējama? Piem., publiskie ezeri pa rajoniem?

    12.05.2005 - 17:04

  • Jānis

    Aga, filtrēšana tagad saucas izvērstā meklēšana. http://www.ezeri.lv/db/Filter. Ir daudz ātrāka un ir papildus funkcionalitāte.

    12.05.2005 - 19:27


    Sakiet lūdzu,kur atrodās "LIELCIECERES" EZERS?

    31.05.2005 - 11:24

  • Vita

    Tāda ezera nav. Lielciecere ir apdzīvota vieta Brocēnu novadā, apm. 1 km uz austrumiem no Cieceres ezera.

    31.05.2005 - 12:28

  • Ivars

    Sveiki, man jautājums šāds, par ūdens caurredzamību, kas tā pa Seki skalu un kā tiek rēkināts tas ūdens dzidrums, cik es saprotu jo lielāks cipars jo redz labāk:))Iepriekš paldies!

    10.06.2005 - 14:28

  • Vita

    Seki disks ir balta ripa apm. 30 cm diametrā. Ar virvē iesieto disku no laivas arī mēra caurredzamību. Jo lielāks cipars, jo ūdens dzidrāks. Īpaša uzmanība jāpievērš datumam, jo "derīgi" ir tikai jūlija un augusta dati.

    10.06.2005 - 15:35

  • Renārs

    Kā tur patiesība ir ar ezeru nomāšanu?Kas,kur,kam?

    13.06.2005 - 17:32

  • Jānis

    Renār, ar ezeru iznomāšanu ir visai sarežģīti. Ir zināma nozīme ezera juridiskajam statusam - publisks, zvejas tiesības pieder valstij, privāts. Ir nozīme izmantošanas veidam, priekš kura iznomā. MK noteikumi puslīdz nosaka publisko ezeru iznomāšanu, pārējos cenšas noformēt līdzīgi. Pamatproblēma - kā no ezera apsaimniekošas iegūt pietiekami naudas nepieciešamo pasākumu veikšanai. Tas būtu gara problēmraksta temats, galvenokārt dēļ situācijas nepietiekamas reglamentācijas un attiecigas variablitātes. Es uz ezeru iznomāšanu raugos kā uz pagaidām vienīgo metodi panākt ezeru atbildīgu apsaimniekošanu. Ja cilvēks apsaimnieko 1 ha meža, viņam jāgatavo meža apsaimniekošanas plāns. Ja veic pasākumus, kas ietekmē 500 ha ezeru - "brīvo roku" režīms, kā Ārzemnieku leģionam īpašos gadījumos (: .

    13.06.2005 - 19:27

  • Renārs

    Turpinot par to nomāšanu.Ja es vēlos uzsākt lauku tūrismu,zeme pie ezera ir privāta,bet ezers ir publisks, cik tālu līdz ezeram var veikt saimnieciskas darbiibas?Kā ir ar ezera krasta iztīrīšanu,utt!?

    13.06.2005 - 22:18

  • Jānis

    Renār, uzsākot darbību pie ezera, ir nepieciešami darbību saskaņojumi. Lielākajā daļā gadījumu vides iestādes vai nu pilnā vienaldzībā atļaus ezeru sabojāt, vai liks visus iespējamos šķēršļus. Pamatā tur ir kvalifikācijas problēma. Ir jārēķinās, ka ne visiem ezeriem visas darbības ir nekaitīgas, un ne visi ezeri visiem izmantošanas veidiem ir derīgi. Plānojot ezera izmantošanu, iespējami agrā projektēšanas stadijā nepieciešama speciālista konsultācija. Atkritīs daudzas problēmas. Kad kopā ar speciālistu būsiet izkorigējis savu [skiču] projektu, varēs sākt rakstīt ietekmes izvērtējumu, ko kopā ar darbības pieteikumu iesniegsiet RVP un pašvaldībā. Ezera iznomāšana tam būtu vajadzīga retā izņēmuma gadījumā.

    13.06.2005 - 22:37

  • Jonny

    Man te nejaushi radaas taads jautaajiens par Muizhnieku ezeru - viens no parametriem (staavoklis, vai) ir - nosusinaats, bet max dziljums 3 m, jaasaprot, ka to akal ir uzpludinaajushi atpakalj?

    14.06.2005 - 09:16

  • Vita

    Ja paskatās datumus pie šiem ierakstiem, tad iznāk loģiski - sākumā nosusinājuši, tad uzpludinājuši atkal. Dīķiem - uzpludinājumiem tas ir vienkārši izdarāms. Protams, nav zināms, vai šī bijusi vienīgā reize, kad dīķi nolaiž/uzpludina. Arī avārijas gadījumos, kad sabrūk aizsprosts un ūdens aiztek, parādās ieraksts - nosusināts.

    14.06.2005 - 11:06

  • Renārs

    Kas ir šie eksperti un kā ar viņiem sazināties?

    14.06.2005 - 16:12

  • Jānis

    Eksperts vismaz vides aizsardzības jomā, pamazām kļūst par lamuvārdu. Liels nopelns tam ir pielikums VIDM 249.rīkojumam http://www.dap.gov.lv/public/files_uploaded /Mikroliegumi/ml_eksperti.pdf, kur redzam gandrīz rotu universālo kareivju, nu gatavo Švarcnegeru. Protams, ka viņu zināšanas neatbilst tabulai. Tāpēc pieklājīgi būs teikt: "speciālists". Augstas kvalifikācijas ezeru speciālisti Latvijā ir 3, no tiem viens ārzemēs, viens atvaļinājumā, viens pensijā. Uzrakstiet, kas par ezeru. Ja būs interesants, varu pamēģināt ieinteresēt kādu no augstā līmeņa. Ja parasts vai piesārņots - domāsim, cik interesants ir pats projekts. Mans e-pasts ir apakšā: sadaļā "Par mums".

    14.06.2005 - 19:51

  • toms

    Ko nozīmē 100 procentu aizaugums?

    18.06.2005 - 12:43

  • Vita

    Aizaugums 100 procenti nozīmē to, ka ezeru visā platībā noklāj ūdensaugi. No krasta sekla ezera atklātā daļa var izskatīties neaizaugusi, jo iegrimušie augi (visbiežāk - raglapes, hāras, spožās glīvenes) pa gabalu nav saskatāmi. Arī no laivas iegrimušie augi ne vienmēr ir redzami. Lai pētītu aizaugumu, nepieciešamas palīgierīces.

    18.06.2005 - 13:23

  • Dzoanna

    Sveiki, iespejams, ka mans lugums dublosies, jo kaut kur šo jau ierastīju. Esam iegadajušies īpašumu, t.sk.dalu no Gulbenina ezera Madonas rajona. Mums ka neprofesionāliem liekas, ka situacija galīgi bēdīga. Labprāt aprunātos ar speciālistiem, ko var lietas labā darīt. Jau iepriekš paldies, Dzoanna

    21.06.2005 - 16:32

  • Jānis

    Ezeru jāapskatās uz vietas un jāpamēra. Tūlīt jau sāksies sezona.

    21.06.2005 - 22:52

  • zivtiņa

    Vai nevarētu ielikt kādu jauku bildi pie sārcenes ezeru, jo tas taču ir samērā liels un skaists ezers

    22.06.2005 - 13:58

  • Vita

    Zivtiņa, kad atsūtīsiet kādu jauku bildi (vislabāk - zemūdens, kā jau zivtiņai pieklājas) uz vita et ezeri.lv, tad uzreiz ieliksim.

    22.06.2005 - 17:40

  • Martins

    Vai pie dūņezera kas atrodas netālu no Adažiem ir laivu bāze, ja ir, kā to atrast?

    01.07.2005 - 16:58

  • aivis

    Kurš zin cik lielas metros ir tauvas joslas gar ezeriem kas ir valsts īpašumā.

    11.07.2005 - 21:22

  • Jānis

    Publiskajiem - 10m, pārējiem (privātajiem)- 4m. Ja ir kraujš krasrs, tauvas joslu mēra no kraujas malas.

    11.07.2005 - 22:05

  • Kolumbs

    gandrīz visiem ezeriem ir 10 m

    11.07.2005 - 22:07

  • valts

    Ar ko mēra ezera dziļumu?

    15.07.2005 - 11:23

  • Jānis

    Normāli dziļumu mēra ar eholotu vai loti. Anormālos gadījumos - ar enkuru, batometru, grābekli, utml.

    15.07.2005 - 13:24

  • Valts

    Vai dziļumu mērot ieskaita arī ezera dūņu kārtu?

    17.07.2005 - 13:07

  • Jānis

    Dūņas neskaita.

    17.07.2005 - 15:19

  • valts

    Kāpēc visiem ezeriem nemēra dziļumus? Vai tad nav interesanti zināt pašiem cik dziļš ir ezers?

    18.07.2005 - 16:36

  • Jānis

    Būtiski ir izmērīt ne tikai dziļumu vien, vajag dziļumu koordināti. Kad nebija portatīvo eholotu un GPS, ezeru dziļumus mērīja no ledus. Darbs ne no vieglajiem. Tagad var vasarā no laivas, savukārt aparatūra ne no lētajām. Bet, ja jau brauc vasarā uz ezeru, būtu jāmēra ne tikai dziļumus - vajag arī caurredzamību, skābekli, pH, krāsainību... Ezeru plaša mēroga pētniecība neatbilst pašreizējām reālajām valsts prioritātēm. Cenšas mērījumus finansēt tikai konkrētos objektos, kad parādās vajadzība. Manuprāt, rezultātā sanāk gan kopumā dārgāk, gan sliktāk. Un nav arī sabiedrības ieinteresētības - es lūdzu ezeru DB lietotājus izmērīt caurredzamību - 0 reakcijas.

    18.07.2005 - 23:59

  • Gatis

    Kas nosaka ezera reģistrāciju? Kādi parametri vai kas cits?

    01.08.2005 - 23:24

  • Jānis

    Ezeru reģistrāciju nosaka vajadzības un interese. Piem., LVGMA minimāli interesē ezeri, tāpēc šie sarakstos uzņem ar 50ha. Meliorācijas institūtam bija interese, tāpēc ieskaitīja jau ar 10ha. Mums interese un iespējas ir lielākas. Mēs par ezeru uzskatām dabisku ūdenstilpi ar vismaz 1ha spoguļa laukumu. Ja mazāks par 1 ha, tad ezera vārdam parasti uzskatām par nepieciešamu speciālu pamatojumu. Varbūt drīz pāriesim uz 0.1ha - jo ar 0.1ha dīķiem ir vajadzīga zemes transformācija, tātad tie tiek piereģistrēti.

    02.08.2005 - 00:25

  • ķuķūrs

    vai tad drīkst jums sūtīt bildes?

    02.08.2005 - 23:00

  • Jānis

    Laipni lūdzam! Bildes var sūtīt uz vita et ezeri.lv. Ja bilžu daudz- jāsūta nevis bildes, bet pieteikums, un mēs piešķirsim ievadīšanas tiesības datubāzē. Tikai - bildēm lūdzu aprakstus.

    03.08.2005 - 07:47

  • kola

    Vai mazā, seklā ezerā zivis nav jūtīgākas pret laika maiņu kā lielā dziļā.

    06.08.2005 - 12:14

  • rumpis

    Vai varētu pievienot Solveja ezeru, es tikai nezinu kur tas atrodas. Grāmatā Latvijas Ezeri tāds ir nofotogrāfēts

    10.08.2005 - 19:46

  • tkenins@inbox.lv

    Varbūt kāds ir saskāries ar līdzīgu problēmu kā manējā? Es atjaunoju vecu akmens klēti, kura atrodas valsts īpašuma ezera krasta tauvas joslā (10m robeža skarās pie pašas ēkas mūra. Zeme protams pieder man. Taču problēma ir tā, ka vieta aiz šīs ēkas nemitīgi tiek piedrazota. Jautājums vai šādā situācijā pastāv likums par tauvas joslas samazināšanu, nu kaut vai uz 4m, tad es varētu ierīkot pieklājīgu sētu un drazošana mitētos?

    23.08.2005 - 11:56

  • Jānis

    Tauvas joslu iespējams samazināt esošas apbūves dēļ pilsētās un blīvi apdzīvotās vietās, tā ka tālāk par ēkas sienu nesanāks. Iesaku ierīkot miskasti tualeti. Sāpīgi, protams, bet labāk, nekā to visu lasīt no zemes.

    23.08.2005 - 14:10

  • Andris

    Saistībā ar tauvas joslas piedrazošanu iesaku izlasīt Džeka Londona "Magoņu lauks". (Teksts - http://www.marxists.org/archive/london/revolution/ch05.htm)

    25.08.2005 - 13:28

  • Mix

    vai Nūstīņu ezers ir privāts vai pašvaldībai piederošs ezers?

    28.08.2005 - 15:27

  • Jānis

    Pēc juridiskā statusa - privāts. Privāts ezers var piederēt gan privātpersonai, gan pašvaldībai. Ja krastu zemes īpašumi ir dažādiem īpašniekiem, nevaram runāt par visa ezera piederēšanu vienam īpašniekam, tas ir kopīpašums, ar lielākām tiesībām "savā", pieguļošajā daļā

    28.08.2005 - 23:09

  • Anny

    Labdien. Sakiet ludzu, cik procentuali ezeri sastada no visiem saldudeniem Latvija? Un kas ir antropogena eitrofikacija? Paldies par atbildi jau ieprieks.

    29.08.2005 - 17:38

  • Vita

    Ezeri (dabiskas izcelsmes) no visām Latvijas ūdenstilpēm sastāda apmēram 88proc. (pēc platības). Upēm ir sava aritmētika - tām rēķina nevis kopējo platību, bet kopējo garumu. Antropogēnā eitrofikācija ir ūdenstilpes bagātināšanās ar barības vielām cilvēka darbības ietekmē (notekūdeņi, krasta apbūve, rekreācija utt.).

    29.08.2005 - 18:37

  • kola

    Vai Latvijā (var arī krieviski) ir kāds izdevums, publiski pieejams, par mūsu platuma grādos augošajiem ezeru un upju ūdensaugiem (ar ilustrācijam). Paldies.

    30.08.2005 - 11:36

  • Vita

    Grāmatas tipa izdevumu ar ilustrācijām par Latvijas ūdensaugiem nav nācies redzēt. Visērtāk sameklēt internetā: www.latvijasdaba.lv ir visi Latvijas augi, arī bildes, atsevišķi atfiltrēt ūdensaugus nevar, jāskata visu sarakstu pēc kārtas. Zinot auga latīnisko, nav problēmu sameklēt bildes - ne jau tikai Latvijā šie aug. Šeit kaut kas nedaudz ir par upju augiem: http://www.liis.lv/kasirupe/41.htm

    30.08.2005 - 12:08

  • Inese

    1/Ko tas, lūdzu, nozīmē - hipereitrofs? 2/Pārbaudījām Valguma ezera ūdeni laboratorijā. Atbildi saņēmām, ka tīrs, piesarņojums zems. Kā Jūs vērtējat Valguma ezeru? Paldies.

    12.09.2005 - 16:33

  • Jānis

    1.Hipereitrofs pēc definīcijas ir jau stipri vairāk bagātināts ar barības vielām nekā vienkārši eitrofs. 1.Hipereitrofu stāvokli ezers nevar iegūt dabiskā ceļā, ja nu vienīgi tiešām kāda dabas katastrofa. Praktiski "hipereitrofs" ezeram nozīmē to pašu, ko bankai "uz bankrota sliekšņa". Hipereitrofs stāvoklis ezeram ir priekšpēdējais pirms galējā stāvokļa "pilnīgi aizaudzis". Vairāk par hipereitrofo stāvokli Sandra Poikānes rakstā http://www.ezeri.lv/ar/GetArticle?id=1144 literatūras apskatā 1.9.3. punktā. 2.Interesanti: kura laboratorija noņēma paraugus, kura mērīja, tieši kad tika noņemti paraugi, kādi parametri tika mērīti?

    12.09.2005 - 18:46

  • Darbiigais

    Peldvieta pamazaam aizaug ar niedreem.Kaa iztiiriit peldvietu no niedreem.

    18.09.2005 - 13:21

  • Jānis

    Pļaut nebūtu iesakāms. Vislabāk izravēt, t.i., izraut ar saknēm. Ja pasākums lielāks par nedaudz metriem, jāskata MK noteikumi - Virszemes ūdensobjektu tīrīšanas un padziļināšanas kārtībahttp://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=84552 Ja īpaši aizsargājama dabas teritorija, var būt vēl kādi ierobežojumi.

    18.09.2005 - 13:54

  • Silvija

    Esmu dzirdējusi labas atsauksmes, kā baltie amūri palīdz atrisināt ūdenstilpnes aiaugšanas problēmas. Varu iedot zivju audzetaju kontaktus.

    19.09.2005 - 15:55

  • Jānis

    Silvija, vispirms vajadzētu aprakstu par šiem zvēriem, ieskaitot to, ko viņi ēd ziemā :) Pozitīvās, negatīvās ietekmes, patvarīgas vairošanās iespējas un iespējamās sekas. Citādi mēs sāksim piedāvāt latvāņu sēklas (kolosāls nektāraugs!) un jenotsuņu mazuļus (kas par kažokiem!). Rotani mums jau ir. Izskatās, ka ar Piejūras imigrantiem pie mums ir vienas problēmas? Tāpēc nepieciešama pamatīga informācija un kārtīga apsvēršana. Un arī DAP atļauja introdukcijai. Un tikai pēc tam audzētavas.

    19.09.2005 - 17:14

  • Silvija

    Cik nu man zinams, tad ziema vinas nekadu aktivitati neizrada, gul. Ievest sis zivis vareja un savos norobezotos dikos ari var turet un nekadas sliktas atsauksmes par sim zivim nav dzirdetas - un ne pirmo gadu ir iedzivojusas labi privatajos dikos. Esot kaut kada zina lidzigas karpam.

    26.09.2005 - 13:19

  • Eko

    Vai uz ezeriem, kas faktiski ir darbojošos dzirnavu ezeri (mākslīgi uzpludināti) attiecas visi tie paši likumi, kā uz jebkuru citu ezeru? Pēc idejas dzirnavu saimnieks savas darbības vajadzībām drīkst to ezeru arī nolaist, vai ne? Un tad ezera vairs nav...

    26.09.2005 - 14:48

  • Vita

    Vislielākais kuriozs ir tas, ka mūsu likumos NAV aizliegts ezeriem mainīt ūdens līmeni, nemaz nerunājot par uzpludinājumiem. Izņēmums ir tikai ĪADT ezeri, kuriem aizliegts mainīt hidroloģisko režīmu. Arī ūdenskrātuvēm ar HESiem ir šādi tādi ierobežojumi.

    26.09.2005 - 15:14

  • ...

    kas ir ornitoloģiskie un kompleksie dabas liegumi?(saistībā ar ezeriem)

    04.11.2005 - 16:21

  • Vita

    ..., tādas Latvijā bija aizsargājamo teritoriju kategorijas līdz 1999.gadam (ne tikai saistībā ar ezeriem). Oficiāli tādu ornitoloģiko liegumu nebija, bet bija zooloģiskie liegumi (dažādu sugu dzīvnieku aizsardzībai), taču putnu aizsardzībai izveidotos sauca par ornitoloģiskajiem. Kompleksos liegumus veidoja vairāku (dažādu) vērtību aizsardzībai, t.sk., ainavu, bet nelielās teritorijās. Vēl bija purvu, dzērvenāju, botāniskie liegumi. Šobrīd tie visi saucas vienādi - dabas liegumi.

    04.11.2005 - 18:50

  • Jānis

    Pirmkārt gribu pateikties Ezeri.lv veidotājiem. Jūs esat super! Tagad jautājums:), kas zina , cik šobrīd zivīgs ir Cārmaņa ezers? Vēl mani interesē (vismaz aptuvens) Kirjaņiška ezera dziļums. Tas ir Daugavpils rajonā uz robežas ar Baltkrieviju. Jau iepriekš pateicos par informāciju:)

    16.01.2006 - 14:41

  • Vita

    :)) Ziņas par Ķirlānišķu ezera dziļumiem ir datubāzē atrodamas: http://www.ezeri.lv/db/ShowRecords?id=1416, ja esat reģistrējies, atradīsiet šeit arī ezera nogulumu karti.

    16.01.2006 - 15:22

  • nezinītis

    Kā (un vai ) ezera izcelsmes tips iespaido tajā esošo zivju daudzumu - arvienvārdsakot - kura ezera tipā (pēc izcelsmes) iespējama labāka cope ?

    18.01.2006 - 18:13

  • Vita

    Īsumā - produktīvāki būs cietūdens ezeri un ezeri ar normālu vai vāji bāzisku ūdens reakciju. Ezera produktivitāte ir atkarīga arī no trofijas pakāpes - piemēram, eitrofi ezeri būs produktīvāki par mezotrofiem.

    18.01.2006 - 20:01

  • Veesturnieks

    Vai kaads no klaatesoshajiem ir bijis uz copi Dzelves purva ezerinos? Saka, ka esot labas zivis, tikai tikt liidz taam pagruuti un daudzi purvaa par bariibu ziviim palikushi.

    26.01.2006 - 18:59

  • Jānis

    Ezera zivīgumā liela nozīme caurtecei un savienojumam ar jūru vai lielu upi. Un vislabākais variants - zivju audzētava vai zivju dīķi tuvumā. Ir viens ezers, kuram nodalīta daļa akvakultūrai. Zivis palaikam izbēg...

    26.01.2006 - 20:50

  • Veesturnieks

    Hei, kas shobriid notiek Lilastes ezeraa? Vai zivis keras?

    27.01.2006 - 17:54

  • Gama

    Vai Jums ir kaut kur dokumentos par ūdenstilpni, ko sauc par Kalnimantu dīķi? Es to meklējot nekur neatradu šajā portālā. Tas atrodas Talsu rajonā Valdgales pagastā, samērā liels, mākslīgs, bet blakus atrodas Struņķu dīķi un veidojas pat vesels dīķu komplekss. varbūt varētu par šiem dīķiem kaut ko ievietot ja Jums ir kādi materiāli. paldies

    12.02.2006 - 00:07

  • Vita

    Kaut kādas specifiskas informācijas par šiem dīķiem mums nav, tikai tā informācija, ko var no kartes izsecināt. Pētījumi tur nav bijuši, dīķus vispār ļoti reti pēta - pārsvarā kā ornitoloģisku vai zivsaimniecisku objektu.

    12.02.2006 - 02:22

  • zzyzx

    Jūsu komentārā (Jānis) par kādu ūdenskrātuvi izlasīju sekojošu faktu: "...ja ūdenskrātuve atrodas uz upes (upe tek cauri ūdenskrātuvei), tad tauvas joslu makšķerēšanai bez saskaņošanas ar saimnieku un bez maksas drīkst izmantot ikviena persona." Man jautājums - (piemērs no konkrētas vietas) - Cēsu raj.Taurenes pag.(pie Lodesmuižas) caur Rija ez. tek Gauja- kaut arī tikai caur vienu ezera galu, bet tomēr...Līdz šim nebija ierobežojumu makšķerēšanai - bet 2005.g.rudenī pie ezera parādijās uzraksts->`Visa veida zveja aizliegta,privātīpašums`. Tātad iznāk, ka arī tas Gaujas posms ir privāts?... Pašvaldības parasti tādos skaidrojumos neielaižas, vai arī negrib iekš tādiem jautājumiem iedziļināties... 1. Lūdzu noskaidrojiet konkrēto gadījumu un sniedziet atbildi - KĀ TAD TUR ĪSTI IR? Kam taisnība? 2. Vai drīkst makšķernieki tādā gadījumā lietot t.s. tauvas joslu, ja jā - tad cik tā ir Gaujai?( 8 vai 15m ?)

    26.02.2006 - 22:01

  • Jānis

    Problēma ir dabiska ezera atšķirībā no ūdenskrātuves. Ūdenskrātuve ir cilvēka izveidota. Pietiek neremontēt slūžas, gadīties stihiskai nelaimei, karam vai revolūcijai - un ūdenskrātuves vairs nav. Ūdenskrātuve - cilvēka izveidots upes paplašinājums - ir uzskatāms par upes daļu. Dabisks ezers - nē. Uz dabisku ezeru, kas nav publisko vai valstij zvejas tiesības piederošo sarakstā, attiecas Civillikuma noteikumi par privātiem ezeriem.

    26.02.2006 - 23:23

  • Ojārs

    Kads varetu ludzu paskaidrot, ko nozime, kad zvejas tiesibas privatajaa ezeraa nepieder valstij? Vaihaja gadijuma ezera ipashnieks tiesigs ielaist zivju mazuljus.. un kas shaja gadijuma nepiecieshama?

    01.03.2006 - 10:45

  • Jānis

    Runa tātad ir par dabiskiem ezeriem, kuri skaitās privāti pēc Civillikuma. Un šeit nav runa par akvakultūru (zivju audzēšanu ar piebarošanu). 1.Jāskatās, kādas sugas gatavojas ielaist. Ir trīs varianti- 1)Latvijai neraksturīgas (piem., karpas) konkrētajai ūdenstilpei neraksturīgas (piem., zandartus) 3)ūdenstilpē jau dzīvojošas sugas (piem., līdakas). Trešais gadījums ir iesakāmākais un vienkāršākais, procedūra ir noteikta: "Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.381 Rīgā 2004.gada 22.aprīlī (prot. Nr.24, 15.§) Kārtība, kādā uzskaitāmi un ielaižami dabiskajās ūdenstilpēs zivju resursu atražošanai un pavairošanai paredzētie zivju mazuļi". Pirmajos 2 gadījumos nepieciešamas papildus atļaujas.

    01.03.2006 - 15:54

  • Aldis

    Ar licecētajām makšķerēšanas vietām tā kā būtu skaidrs. Kur var uzziniāt ūdenstilpņu apsaimniekotāju vai īpašnieku sarakstu. Šobrīd ir izveidojusies situācija, kad gandrīz nav vietas, kur nebūtu kāds apsaimniekotājs vai saimnieks. Attiecīgi šī persona, protams, vēlētos, lai tiktu ievēroti viņa noteikumi, piem., iekasēt papildus samaksu ( papildus valsts noteiktajai makšķerēšanas kartes maksai). Lai izvairītos no pārpratumiem vieglāk, laikam, būtu pirms došanās svešā teritorijā, noskaidrot ar ko būs jārēķinās!?

    05.03.2006 - 00:16

  • Jānis

    1)Par publiskajiem ūdeņiem bez jautājumiem - maksu var prasīt tikai tur, kur ieviesta licencētā makšķerēšana. 2)Privātajās upēs un ūdenskrātuvēs uz upēm - atļauta makšķerēšana ar parastajām makšķerēšanas licencēm, tauvas joslas 4m. Maksu tāpat kā publiskajos ūdeņos var prasīt tikai pie licencētās makšķerēšanas. 3)Privātajos ezeros - TĀ KA {MKNot.453]"25.Makšķerēšanai ezeros, kuri ir viena zemes īpašnieka zemesgabala robežās un kuros zvejas tiesības nepieder valstij, ir nepieciešama privāto ūdeņu īpašnieka atļauja", TAD atļauju var dabūt par velti, pret ziedojumiem vai dāvanām vai samaksu. Bieži lieta notiek par polšiem. Vēl juridiski pieļaujama ir zvejas (makšķerēšanas) tiesību iznomāšana ar nomas līgumu. Ja ezera krastam ir vairāki īpašnieki, ir noteikta tauvas josla 4m, bet makšķerēt drīkst tikai atļāvušā īpašnieka daļā, tauvas josla ir tikai laivošanai un staigāšanai/peldēšanai. 4) Dīķos - viss īpašnieka ziņā.

    05.03.2006 - 11:11

  • Aldis

    Paldies Jānim par izsmeļošo atbildi. Un tik un tā jautājums paliek atklāts. Vai ir kaut kur pieejams apkopots Latvijas ezeru īpašnieku - apsaimniekotāju saraksts? Varbūt ir informācija, cik licences būtu jāpērk, lai makšķerējot nolaistos ar laivu lejpus, piemēram, pa Dubnas upi? Cik man ir informācijas šai upei atsevišķos posmos ir vairāki apsaimniekotāji.

    05.03.2006 - 13:22

  • māris

    www.vzp.gov.lv (makšķerēšana)

    05.03.2006 - 17:56

  • Jānis

    Aldi, Jūs bīdāt mūs maksas konsultāciju sniegšanas virzienā. Bet šoreiz, lai nu būtu reklāmai, vēl bez maksas :) . Dubna iztek no Sīvera, ietek Daugavā Līvānos. Tek caur (alfabētiskā kārtībā): Akmenīcas dzirnavezers (uzpludināts uz upes, nevar būt privāts) Aksjonovas ezers (zvejas tiesības pieder valstij) Aulejs (zvejas tiesības pieder valstij) Cārmans (publisks) Ārdavs (zvejas tiesības pieder valstij) Lejas ezers (zvejas tiesības pieder valstij) Lielais Gauslis (zvejas tiesības pieder valstij) Luknas ezers (publisks, licencēta makšķerēšana)) Sakovas dzirnavezers (uzpludināts uz upes, nevar būt privāts) Sakovas ezers (privāts) Upeskūdiņu dzirnavezers (uzpludināts uz upes, nevar būt privāts) Višķu ezers (licencēta makšķerēšana) Zosnas ezers (privāts). Tātad licenci vajag Luknas un Višķu ezeros (un Dubnā starp šiem ezeriem). Zosnas un Sakovas ezeros jāskatās, vai nav uzraksti, kas norādītu, ka ezers ir privāts, un aizliegtu bez īpašnieka ziņas makšķerēšanu. Ne asakas!

    05.03.2006 - 19:47

  • Ilze

    Jāni, ko nozīmē- "uzpludināts uz upes, nevar būt privāts". Kāpēc nevar? Tas kaut kur ir noteikts? Es biju domājusi, ka dzirnavu ezeri jau parasti tā kā ir privāti?

    07.03.2006 - 10:38

  • Jānis

    Ilze, precizēju - konkrētā atbilde bija par makšķerēšanu - vai atļauta makšķerēšana pēc vispārējiem noteikumiem, vai jāievēro īpašnieka tiesības kā privātā ezerā. Lai gan dzirnavu ezers var būt privāto ūdeņu kategorijā, un ir gan ūdenstilpe, gan ūdenskrātuve, bet pilnīgi noteikti nav ezers. Par ezeriem stingri likumīgi sauc DABISKAS ūdenstilpes. Bet īpašnieku speciālās tiesības attiecas tikai uz privātiem EZERIEM. Tā ka precīzā atbilde būtu - no makšķerēšanas tiesību viedokļa nav (nevar būt) privāts ezers.

    07.03.2006 - 16:02

  • Aldis

    Vēlreiz paldies Jānim par konsultāciju!

    09.03.2006 - 20:53

  • Jānis

    Aldi, vēl jaunākā informācija - Cārmana ezeru gatavojas iznomāt - rūpnieciskajai zvejai licencētajai amatierzvejai vēl ja pareizi sapratu, vai nu rekreācijai, vai tūrismam - uz 30 gadiem.

    09.03.2006 - 21:19

  • SI

    Kāda ir ezeri.lv e-pasta adrese?

    10.03.2006 - 23:32

  • Vita

    Ezeri.lv kontaktinformācija: http://www.ezeri.lv/ar/GetArticle?id=1065

    11.03.2006 - 01:03

  • Juris

    sveicināti!!! lai jums veicās jaukajā informācijas darbā! man savukārt ir jautājums par tauvas joslas kopšanu. ir skaidrs ka tauvas josla ir 10m pie publiskā ezera. situācija ir tāda ka zemju īpašnieku ir diezgan kam robežojās zemes robeža ar ezera krastu! sakiet lūdzu kam ir jākopj tauvas josla un kā to var panākt?droši varu teikt ka ezers nav pieejams tādēļ ka vienkārši tauvas josla ir brikšni!kam to var prasīt? vai pašvaldības ir tiesīgas pieprasīt zemju īpašniekiem sakopt tauvas joslu? paldies!!! ar cieņu Juris!

    15.03.2006 - 18:36

  • Jānis

    Juri, es situāciju saprotu tā - Jūs interesē, kā piespiest tauvas joslas īpašniekus pļaut niedres, cirst krūmus, ierīkot laipas, un visādi citādi nodrošināt publiskā ezera lietotājiem ērtu pieeju ūdenim? Vispirms, lai man būtu izprotamāka situācija - par kuru ezeru runa? Bet vispārīgi - pat ja īpašniekam ir iespējas un vēlēšanās sakopt ezera krastu, parasti darbību jāsaskaņo vai pat jāizvērtē noteiktajā kārtībā. Un lielākajā daļā gadījumu krasta īpašnieks nav piespiežams kaut ko pārkārtot vai labiekārtot. Viņš var gluži vienkārši paziņot, ka nevēlas izpostīt dabisko vidi... Ja pašvaldība vēlas nodrošināt savam elektorātam pieeju ezeram, jāizspriež: 1)vai tas nekaitēs ezeram 2)vai darbība ir vēlama no ainavas utml. viedokļiem 3)kurš maksās par pludmales izveidošanu un uzturēšanu.

    15.03.2006 - 20:23

  • Juris

    labs vakariņs! ziniet jautājums neskāra tēmu par pludmales izveidosanu, bet gan par to kura ir jākopj tauvas josla un nejau niedres bet brikšņus un sapuvušos kokus,man interesee vai pašvaldības var lūgt zemju īpašniekiem sakopt tauvas joslu jo aizaugošam ezeram vajag krastus tīrīt! nejau tur šusmīgās cirsmas veidot! pēc jūsu teiktā var saprast ka atstāsim tukšās pudeles un maisus.plastmasas spainīšus un visādu drazu pēc ziemas makšķerēšanas tipa (Dabīgā draza). es saprotu ka jābūt saskaņotam ar Valsts vides dienestu, bet cik tālu var pašvaldība rīkoties! ziniet rodās tāds iespaids ka priekš kā mēs te taisamies kautkādu kārtību ieviest! bet gribās kautko jauku padarīt!

    16.03.2006 - 00:35

  • Jānis

    Juri, ciktāl ir runa par tukšām pudelēm - tur prasība satīrīt sev piederošu publiski pieejamu teritoriju ir līdzīga kā prasība tīrīt ietvi gar savu īpašumu pilsētu namīpašniekiem, to varētu noteikt ar saistošajiem noteikumiem. Bet, tiklīdz runājam par kokiem un brikšņiem, ir jāzina, par kuru ezeru runa. Un Jūsu tēze, ka aizaugošam ezeram nepieciešama krastu tīrīšana - tur jārunā par konkrētu ezeru, lielākajā daļā gadījumu krastu tīrīšanai ar aizaugšanu nav nekāda sakara. Un brikšņu sakārtošanu ar saistošajiem uzlikt nevar, un, iespējams, arī nedrīkst, jo šādas darbības bez konkrēta izvērtējuma drīzāk var būt kaitīgas. Nesaprotu, kādi brikšņi un kāpēc Jums nepatīk. Uzrakstiet, kurš īsti ezers. Negribat rakstīt publiskajā diskusijā - atsūtiet uz e-pastu, mūsu kontaktinformācija ir arī tepat diskusijās.

    16.03.2006 - 10:34

  • pifss

    Jautājums tāds: krāsainība un pēc tam cipari kaut kādi, kā tas ietekmē ūdens dzidrumu?

    21.03.2006 - 10:39

  • Vita

    Jo lielāks krāsainības cipars, jo ūdens ir brūnāks (lielāka humīnvielu koncentrācija). Krāsainība līdz 40 - 50 mg Pt/l gandrīz neietekmē ūdens caurredzamību, sākot no 80 - 100 mg Pt/l, brūnais ezeru ūdens ļoti ietekmē caurredzamību un ir arī vizuāli labi novērojams.

    21.03.2006 - 11:28

  • Juris

    Jani! Sakiet ludzu, cik metru attalumaa no savas zemes piegulosha privata ezera drikst uzcelt zhogu? Uz ezeru attiecas Aizsargjoslu likums? Ir nepieciesama zoga uzstadisanai vietejas pasvaldibas vai Valsts vides dienesta atlauja? Paldies

    29.03.2006 - 11:09

  • Jānis

    Pirmkārt, nesaprotu, kāpēc starp īpašumu un ezeru vajadzētu celt žogu? Prātā nāk anekdote par sievu, kas dzīvokļa logiem pierīko restes. Amatnieki prasa, no kā viān tik ļoti baidās. Viņa saka, nekā mebaidās, vīrs pēc 10 gadiem nākšot laukā, un viņa grib, lai šis jūtas kā mājās. Otrkārt, uz ezeriem attiecas aizsargjoslu likums, un tātad jebkuras būves ne tuvāk par 10m no krasta līnijas, ja karasts stāvs - ne tuvāk par 10m no kraujas malas. Par atļaujām - jāskatās konkrēti. Kurš ezers?

    31.03.2006 - 03:27

  • Jekabs

    7.pants. Ūdenstilpju un ūdensteču aizsargjoslas j) ezeriem, kuru platība ir lielāka par 1000 hektāriem, - ne mazāk kā 500 metrus plata josla, k) 101 - 1000 hektārus lieliem ezeriem - ne mazāk kā 300 metrus plata josla, l) 25 - 100 hektārus lieliem ezeriem - ne mazāk kā 100 metrus plata josla, m) 10 - 25 hektārus lieliem ezeriem - ne mazāk kā 50 metrus plata josla; n) līdz 10 hektāriem lieliem ezeriem - ne mazāk kā 10 metrus plata josla, o) ūdenstilpei vai ūdenstecei ar izteiktu palieni - ne mazāk kā visā palienes platumā neatkarīgi no iepriekšējos apakšpunktos noteiktā minimālā joslas platuma; es laikam kautko nesaprotu tauvas josla 10m, bet aizsargjosla???

    31.03.2006 - 11:20

  • Jānis

    Jāskatās nevis aizsargjoslas lielumu, tas ir tīri simboliski - spēle uz publiku. Jāskatās, kas kādā attālumā ir aizliegts.

    31.03.2006 - 12:50

  • Aldis

    Saistībā ar žogu,pareizi te raksta par tiem attalumiem tikai vej japiebilst ka sajās platibas kuras piegul pie ezeriem un ir aisargjoslas,ierobezojas saimnieciskā darbiba,ka ir saisita ar mezistradi,celtniecibu utt

    20.04.2006 - 11:31

  • Andris

    Esmu daudz un dažādu informāciju lasījis par amūriem, bet nevaru atrast nevienu audzētavu, kur tos var nopirkt. Vai kāds no jums varētu iedot audzētāju adreses? Rakstat uz amsis5@inbox.lv Jau iepriekš - paldies!

    25.04.2006 - 22:28

  • Andris

    Paldies Māri. Šo adresi es zinu, bet tas ir ļoti tālu no D-pils rajona un turklāt viņiem amūri ir beigušies. Varbūt ir vēl kur citur?

    26.04.2006 - 09:20

  • bugors

    kuras pašvaldības izsniedz licenzes makšķerēšanai jūrā ar tīkliem un šņorēm.

    26.04.2006 - 21:58

  • ilzhukus

    Kur var noteikt ūdens kvalitāti, es domāju, pārbaudīt, veicot analīzes?

    08.05.2006 - 10:29

  • Vita

    Ilzhukus, ja interesē noteikt kāda ezera ūdens kvalitāti, atrakstiet mums, nosaucot konkrēto ezeru. Šai jomā pieredze mums ir liela. Mūsu kontaktinformācija: http://www.ezeri.lv/ar/GetArticle?id=1065

    08.05.2006 - 19:10

  • Intario

    Vai vareetu ezeru platiibu uzzinaat pa rajoniem???

    13.06.2006 - 15:51

  • Intario

    P.S.Domaaju par kopplatiibu katraa rajonaa.

    13.06.2006 - 16:49

  • Jānis

    Intario, kopsummas ir pieejamas tikai informācijas sniedzējiem. Uzrakstiet uz e-pastu litrema et latnet lv, izmainīsim pieejas līmeni un aizsūtīsim paskaidrojumus.

    13.06.2006 - 17:36

  • Ronalds

    Kur var uzzināt, kam pieder zvejas tiesības privātajā Brenkūžu ezerā, Katvaru pag. Limbažu rajonā? Vai tādā drīkst peldēties? Paldies!

    27.08.2006 - 23:03

  • Jānis

    Peldēties drīkst visos ezeros, izņemot Ummi un nākotnē Čertoku. Kaut gan arī pašlaik es Čertokā ĻOTI neieteiktu peldēties. Zvejas tiesības privātajos ūdeņos (t.i, tādos, kas NAV publiskie, un kur Zvejas tiesības NEPIEDER valstij) - pieder krastu īpašniekiem. Zvejas tiesības nav nekādā sakarā ar peldēšanos. Piekļūšana ūdenim ir atsevišķa problēma, reizēm jāizmanto tauvas joslu un servitūta ceļus.

    28.08.2006 - 01:26

  • Ronalds

    Paldies par info. Brenkūža gadījumā zeme zem ezera (vai ezers) man nepieder, bet pieder krasts. Zeme zem ezera ir cits privātīpašums. Kas šajā gadījumā notiek ar makšķerēšanu, vai es drīkstu makšķerēt no savas zemes ne savā ezerā?

    28.08.2006 - 10:05

  • Jānis

    Zvejas tiesības tiek sadalītas atbilstoši KRASTU zemes īpašumiem. Zemes zem ezera īpašniekam ir tiesības maksāt nodokļus, un labākajā gadījumā pirmtiesības uz nomu, sapropeļa ieguvi, varbūt arī bīvēm uz pāļiem. Uz virs zemes esošo ūdeni īpašuma tiesības ir apmēram tādas pašas, kā uz virs zemes īpašuma esošo gaisu. Jums problēmas varētu rasties tajā gadījumā, ja ienāktu prātā būvēt laipu / piestātni, kaut gan varat izlīdzēties ar peldošu laipu. Un var rasties problēmas gadījumā, ja ienāk prātā izravēt niedres (papildus jau esošajiem saskaņojumiem vajadzēs saskaņot ar zemes īpašnieku).

    28.08.2006 - 11:05

  • Jānis

    Jā, vēl viena lieta izrādās - peldēties ezerā drīkst, bet bradāt pa seklūdens zonu...

    28.08.2006 - 11:12

  • Dainis

    Jani, sakiet ludzu, ja man pieder ezera zeme un tai piegulosa sauszeme (Gruzenieku ezers) vai tas nozime, ka man nav nepieciesams ieverot tauvas joslas likumu? Plana ta ir 10 m. Kadas darbibas es varu veikt ar udens teritoriju? Leja Vitas komentars, jau pasens. Vita, 3. februāris, 2005 15:50 Definīcija ir Zvejniecības likumā: "Tauvas josla - sauszemes josla gar ūdeņu krastu, kas paredzēta ar zveju vai kuģošanu saistītām darbībām." Likumā noteikts, ka tauvas josla ir paredzēta arī kājāmgājējiem. Tauvas joslas platums gar privāto ūdeņu krastiem - 4 m, gar publisko - 10 m. "Tauvas josla nav jānosaka, ja privātie ūdeņi un tiem piegulošās sauszemes daļa pieder vienam un tam pašam īpašniekam un zvejas tiesības šajos ūdeņos nepieder valstij."

    08.09.2006 - 20:56

  • Jānis

    Ir 4m prasības tauvas joslai - aizliegts ierobežot kājāmgājēju pārvietošanos un laivu piestāšanu, utml. Ir 10m prasības un 25m prasības aizsargjoslai - 10m joslā aizliegts novietot jebkādas būves. Vai nevarētu no otra gala - ko Jūs vēlaties darīt?

    08.09.2006 - 21:30

  • Jāzeps

    Sveiki, izvagoju diskusijas un Aizargjoslu likumu. Mans jautājums būtu par to, ko drīkst "būvēt"zemes strēmelē starp pašvaldības autoceļu un , teiksim, Sivera ezeru, lūdzu? Ievērojot, Aizsargjoslu likumu, būvatļauja iespējama, ja no ceļa ievēroti 30m un no ezera(>1000ha) 500m josla). Manā gadījumā zemes strēmele ir tikai 300m plata. Vai iespējams veidot vasaras guļbaļķubūvi, un, vai ir nepieciešama atļauja lai iztīrītu krastu no krūmiem?

    11.09.2006 - 13:36

  • Jānis

    Jāzep, Sīvers nav ne pats tīrākais, ne pats aizsargājamākais valsts ezers. Striktie aprobežpjumi aizsargjoslās ir spēkā tikai [diemžēl] 10m joslā. Tā kā vasaras guļbūvi varat celt bez problēmām, ja tas nav dabas parkā. Protams, saskaņojumi un tehniskie noteikumi nepieciešami. Būvei aprobežojums varētu būt iespējama appludināšana (nezinu, par kuru vietu runa). Arī attiecībā uz krūmu izciršanu nav milzu problēmu, 50m joslā ir aizliegtas kailcirtes. Tā ka savus 100 - 150 metrus no krasta, ja reljefs atļauj, varat plānot savu guļbūvi. Tuvāk neiesaku - nelādzīgs stils, mitrs gaiss, makšķernieki un ūdensmotocikli...

    11.09.2006 - 20:23

  • Intario

    Kaapeec nekas nav mineets par Biržu uudenskraatuvi?!Man arii intereseetu Radžu uudenskraatuves platiiba.Abi bijušie dolomiita karjeri.(Jeekabpils raj.)

    24.11.2006 - 01:45

  • Vita

    Radžu ūdenskrātuves platība ir jau pievienota, Biržu karjers būs jāpievieno. Pagaidām - pāris linki uz aprakstu un bildēm par Biržu karjeru: http://www.daivings.lv/forum/showthread.php?t=172 http://www.nirejs.lv/index.php?option=com_rsgallery2&Itemid=4&catid=5

    24.11.2006 - 12:44

  • marix68

    vai kaads nevar ieteikt kur mekleet investorus vai pirceejus 7ha bijusajiem karpu diikiem.nepiecieshama atjaunoshana.

    13.01.2007 - 03:04

  • marix68

    mekleeju investoru vai pirceeju 7ha bijushajiem karpu diikiem,vajadziiga atjaunoshana. rakstat marelis2006@inbox.lv ja varat paliidzeet

    13.01.2007 - 03:08

  • copmanis

    Paskaties www.fishing.lv tur ir sarunas par kaut ko līdzīgu, lapas saimnieks arī meklē kādus dīķus.

    01.02.2007 - 17:03

  • brec

    Aprakstos vairs nav informācijas par ezeru platību. Interesanti. Kāpēc? Valsts noslēpums?

    13.03.2007 - 10:02

  • Jānis

    brec, tās ir pārejošas tehniskas problēmas. Pēc servera operētājsistēmas maiņas ne visas problēmas ir atrisinātas, problēmu nekavējošai risināšanai vienkārši trūkst resursu. Ceram savest kārtībā apmēram nedēļas laikā.

    14.03.2007 - 11:42

  • karlis

    Jautājums pa Laucesas(smelines)ezeru.Sarakstā ir teikts ka tas ir publisks ezers,bet uz ceļa ir zīze iebraukt aizliegts,un uzraksts "privātīpašums",pie ezera ir uzbūvēta māja,sakopts,un tāpēc ir saprotama saimnieka neinterese par ciemiņiem,baet vai likuma puses tas ir pareizi un kā rīkoties ja saimnieks liek šķēršlūs pieejai pie ezera?

    16.06.2007 - 14:36

  • Jānis

    Ezera publiskais statuss attiecas tikai uz ezeru un daļēji uz tauvas joslu. Ja uz ceļa ir tikai zīme "iebraukt aizliegts", tas nozīmē, ka zīmei garām nedrīkst braukt ar transporta līdzekļiem. Mašīnu jāatstāj pie zīmes, un var iet tālāk kājām. Principā zemes īpašnieks var arī neatļaut šķērsot viņa zemi ar kājām - tad jābūt attiecīgiem uzrakstiem. Šādā gadījumā pašvaldības pienākums ir noteikt servitūtu pieejai (kam nebūt nav obligāti jābūt braucamajam ceļam).

    16.06.2007 - 14:44

  • karlis

    Cik noprotu tauvas josla nevar buut privaatiipasums?

    20.06.2007 - 11:39

  • Jānis

    Tauvas josla var būt privātīpašums. Tikai privātīpašnieka tiesības tauvas joslā ir noteiktos veidos papildus aprobežotas. Kādreiz bija tā, ka privātīpašniekam tauvas joslā nebija praktiski nekādu tiesību, izņemot pienākumu savākt atkritumus. Izdevās panākt aizliegumu tauvas joslā bez saskaņošanas ar īpašnieku celt teltis un kurt ugunskurus. Pašlaik, manuprāt, situācija likumdošanā ir sabalansēta. Īpašnieki nedrīkst celt žogus, atpūtnieki nedrīkst uzvesties kā uz savas zemes.

    20.06.2007 - 12:06

  • Salvis

    Kas zin kur var apskatīt kādos ezeros vajag papildus licenzi makšķerēšanai?

    21.06.2007 - 11:23

  • Jānis

    Ezeru datubāzē slānī "atpūtas iespējas".

    21.06.2007 - 15:28

  • sašutušais

    Labdien!!! biju ar ģimeni un draugiem līgot pie Staņķa dzirnavezera, nepatīkami bija redzēt, ka gaišā dienas laikā daži vēl tur atpūsties atbraukušie - lika ezerā tīklus!? tā tak ar likumu aizliegta darbība... ko Jūs ietektu darīt tādās reizēs? vai kāds vispār kontrolē kas notiek ezeros?

    26.06.2007 - 14:01

  • Tamāra

    Runa ir par Svātavas ezeru Rēzeknes rajonā. Pagājušajā gadā parādijās ūdens zāle - sārta, smalka, trausla , tās spēj augt lielā dziļumā, garākie eksemplāri ir pie 3 m. Šogad jau aizņem lielas platības pa visu ezeru. Tante, kura dzīvo pie ezera 45 gadus, saka ka tāda agrāk nav bijusi. Mierīgos vakaros ezers izskatās tumši rozā. Ja viņa izplatīsies tādos temos, pēc 2 gadiem tā segs visu ezeru.Vai Jūs nevariet pateikt, kas tā ir par "sērgu", vai kāds no dzivās radības to ēd (ūdens putni vai zivis), kā ar to cīnīties. Ja iepriekš pateicos!

    18.07.2007 - 16:07

  • Jānis

    Tamāra, vai nevarētu atsūtīt sārtās ūdenszāles fotogrāfiju?

    18.07.2007 - 19:10

  • janis

    sveicinati;vai kads varetu pateikt kadas vel zivis varetu,butu ieteicams ielaist sava diķi ja tur jau ir //karpas,liņi,karusas un tiko ielaisti veži//diķim bus jau 3gadi,1hektara lielumā....gribetos salaist tur pec iespejas vairak zivju sugu kas dzivo diķos,ezeros...bušu pateicigs par jebkadu informaciju,ko sniegsiet,paldies.rakstiet uz;email--janis.upans@inbox.lv

    19.07.2007 - 19:57

  • Kuksis

    Juri, loti patik jusu majas lapa - esmu pavadijis jau 2 stundas un nevar atrauties. Varu izteloties, ka varetu uzsakt kadu ar ezeriem saistitu hobiju :-) Vai jusu biedribai iespejams ka palidzet (materiali, organizatoriski, utt)? Labprat sadarbotos. Tuvakaja nakotne planojot iegadaties nelielu ipasumu gimenei laukos, iedomajos ari par neliela ezerina iegadi. Sai sakara jautajums - cik liels ezers drikst but privatipasuma (vai ir kadi ierobezojumi)? Ja ir ierobezojumi, vai nepateiksiet, kura Latvijas puse ir vairak sadu "mazo" ezerinu (ap 5-10 ha spogula platiba) un varbut zinat kadu konkretu ezerinu, kas ir pardosana? Paldies jau ieprieks par informaciju!

    10.11.2007 - 23:20

  • Jānis

    Kuksi, par tik konkrētām lietām labāk uzrakstiet mums uz e-pastu, adrese ir lapas apakšā - "Sazināties ar mums".

    11.11.2007 - 09:42

  • Liga

    Labdien. Vai ir kādi kongresi, lekcijas kur varētu paklausīties par ezeru kopšanu vai apsaimniekošanu.

    16.12.2007 - 13:31

  • ilze

    Lūdzu, lūdzu pasakiet kāds - CIK LATVIJĀ IR EZERU (kopā)?
    Jau iepriekš pateicos


    18.12.2007 - 20:38

  • Vita

    Liga, semināros par ezeru apsaimniekošanu parasti stāsta teorētiskas lietas, kas noder vispārīgā zināšanu līmeņa celšanai. Praktiski - apsaimniekošanas virzieni var būt dažādi - tas atkarīgs no ezera stāvokļa, vietas, reģiona u.c. Var gadīties, ka apsaimniekotāja izvēlētais virziens konkrētajam ezeram nav piemērots. Semināros piedalīties ir lietderīgi, bet bez ezeru speciālista izvērtējuma par konkrēto objektu un ieteikumiem iztikt grūti. P.S. Latvijā semināri par ezeru apsaimniekošanas un aizsardzības problēmām notiek reti. Parasti tie netiek plaši izziņoti, tāpēc pašai aktīvi jāinteresējas.

    18.12.2007 - 23:08

  • Vita

    Ilze, jāspiež "Datubāze" un jāpaskatās kreisās puses apakšā.:)

    18.12.2007 - 23:13

  • JānisK

    Sveicināti. Man jautājums par peldošu mājiņu izvietošanu uz ūdens. Kādi saskaņojumi jāveic lai likumīgā kārtā, piemēram Usmas ezerā, izvietotu mājiņu
    paldies par jebkuru jūsu iformāciju.

    13.01.2008 - 22:58

  • Jānis

    Paldies par jautājumu. Pašlaik nav laika sagatavot atbildi, nav pārāk vienkārši, bet es pateicos par jautājumu, kad būs laiks - paskatīšu.

    14.01.2008 - 00:05

  • Evija

    Bet kaapeec neviens nevar nofotagrafeet zemuudens iedziivotaajus (vai eezeru)???

    Evija 10 gadi .

    24.01.2008 - 16:32

  • Evija

    Bet kaapeec nevar nofotografeet zemuudenu alas ???

    Juusu tikko registreeta Evija

    24.01.2008 - 16:36

  • Marija

    Labdien! Vai kadam ir zinams vard sapropelis? Mani interese vairak ne tikai tie, kas zin so vardu, bet tie kas ir pazistami ar sapropela biznesu....

    03.02.2008 - 19:12

  • Jānis

    Ir pašaubīgi, vai eksistē sapropeļa bizness. Degviela kļūst arvien dārgāka.

    03.02.2008 - 19:20

  • Dagnija

    Ko īst nozīmē vārds rekreācija? piem. Tūrisma un rekreācijas centrs "Ezernieki"

    10.02.2008 - 13:08

  • Jānis

    Par rekreāciju sauc pasīvo tūrismu - atpūtu dabā.

    10.02.2008 - 13:25

  • Atkal juusu Evita vai Evija:)

    vai ir viss skaistaakie eezeri ?

    11.02.2008 - 14:27

  • Jānis

    Ir tādi. Saraksti gan atšķiras - kas nu kuram labāk patīk.

    11.02.2008 - 15:47

  • Zane

    kāpēc teiksim viedoklis atšķiras?grāmatā : Andris Rudovics. Latvijas mazā enciklopēdoija Zvaigzne ABC - 2007.RAKSTĪTS ka dziļākais ezers
    otrais ir Garais ez.
    trešais Cieceres
    ceturtais Geraņimovas ez.
    bet Jūsu mājas lapā pavisam savādāk??
    otrais Geraņimovas
    trešais Garais ez.
    cetutais Pļaviņu ūdenskrātuve

    17.02.2008 - 17:56

  • Jānis

    Zane, maksimālajam dziļumam ezera ekoloģijā nav noteicoša nozīme, bez tam tas ir visai nenoteikts rādītājs. Visdziļākā vieta parasti ir neliela "bedre", kuru pagrūti atrast, tāpēc grūti atkārtot mērījumus. Pēc vidējā dziļuma ezeru saraksts noteikti ir stabilāks. Dažādas informācijas gadījumos vēlams izvērtēt norādīto informācijas avotu drošumu un datu vecumu. Piemēram, norāde uz pastarpināto informācijas avotu (enciklopēdiju) ir vērtējama kā nedrošāka, salīdzinot ar norādi uz konkrētu datu ieguvēju. Norāde bez datuma ir mazāk droša par datētu norādi. Jaunāka norāde ir drošāka par vecāku norādi. Ja ir norādīti vairāki konkrēti datu avoti, jāvērtē to ticamības līmeņi. Ticamāka avota pat vecāki dati ir drošāki par jaunākiem nedrošāka datu avota datiem. Pēc visa ši arī jāvērtē datus. Ja viennozīmīgs lēmums nav iespējams, - jāpārmēra pašai.

    17.02.2008 - 20:13

  • Zane

    man jau liekas ka grāmatām vairāk jātic neviss internetam!!!

    24.02.2008 - 16:43

  • Jānis

    KĀPĒC liekas?

    24.02.2008 - 16:50

  • janis64

    Nodaļā "Zemūdens kartes" būtu jāiztīra pēdejo komentāru ,kautkāds spams laikam.

    25.03.2008 - 15:17

  • Jānis

    Spami tiek dzēsti apmēram 3x dienā.

    25.03.2008 - 15:41

  • Roberts

    Par braukšanu ar laivu pa Alūksnes ezeru apsaimniekotāji pieprasa samaksu.Vai tas ir likumīgi!Tas taču ir publisks ezers.Es saprotu-licencēta makšķerēšana, bet gribētos zināt kuros ezeros tad nedrīkst brīvi lietot CSDD reģistrētu laivu.

    30.04.2008 - 13:03

  • Jānis

    Airu laivu reģistrēšana CSDD ir brīvprātīga.
    Maksas prasīšana par braukšanu pa ezeru ir pretlikumīga. Nemaksājiet, un sūdzieties pašvaldībai, kuras pienākums ir noteikt publisko ūdeņu [likumīgas] izmantošanas kārtību. Ja arī ir licencēta makškerēšana, par BRAUKŠANU ar laivu naudu prasīt nedrīkst.

    30.04.2008 - 14:18

  • aiviks

    Vai nevarētu sniegt kādu informāciju par smagajiem metāliem Latvijas ezeru ūdeņos??? Vai varbūt kāds zina, kur to atrast...

    06.05.2008 - 14:01

  • Roberts

    Nav jau kam sūdzēties.Alūksnes ezeru apsaimnieko pašvaldības dibināta iestāde ALJA.Izskatās ka Ūdens apsaimniekošanas likuma 17 pants ir švakāks par Alūksnes domes noteikumiem.

    08.05.2008 - 09:20

  • Jānis

    Kādas problēmas, Robert. Ja uzliek sodu par braukšanu ar laivu, dodiet ziņu, attiesāsim sodu un pietiesāsim pārstāvniecības izdevumus.

    08.05.2008 - 11:18

  • Nike

    Kām ir tiesības mainīt ezera nosaukumu , kurš atrodas uz privātās zemes kādā no pašvaldības teritorijam.Uz doto brīdi ezeram ir piešķirts nosaukums( skatoties kartē)?

    09.05.2008 - 14:09

  • Jānis

    Privāto ezeru nosaukumi nav juridiski fiksēti, līdz ar to katrs drīkst lietot tādu nosaukumu, kāds viņam labāk patīk. Cits jautājums, ka ezera nosaukums tiek lietots ezera identificēšanai, līdz ar to lietot tādu nosaukumu, kuru neviens cits nezina, nav jēgas. Praksē gandrīz visiem ezeriem ir vairāki nosaukumi.

    09.05.2008 - 20:10

  • sookrat

    Kā pievienot ezeram fotogrāfiju

    05.06.2008 - 15:24

  • Jānis

    Informācijas papildināšanas apraksts ir

    05.06.2008 - 16:40

  • Anna

    Mani interesē sekojoši jautājumi par publiskajiem ezeriem (piem., tādam kā Mazias Baltezers):
    1) vai pie ezera dzīvojošie māju īpašnieki drīkst kurināt ugunskurus taujas joslā?
    2) vai pie ezera dzīvojošie māju īpašnieki drīkst izveidot laivu piestātnes (ezerā iekšā) ezerā kas nav viņu īpašums?
    3) vai pašvaldībai ir jāparedz piekļūšana ezeram arī citiem iedzīvotājiem, kuru īpašumi nerobežojas ar ezeru, piem., ierīkojot peldvietas???

    26.06.2008 - 00:11

  • Jānis

    1.Ezera krasta īpašnieki kurināt ugunskurus tiem piederošajā ezera 10m aizsargjoslā drīkst, pārējie - tikai ar īpašnieka vai valdītāja atļauju.
    2.Laivu piestātņu ierīkošanai publiskajā ezerā jāatbilst pašvaldības saistošajiem noteikumiem par publisko ūdeņu izmantošanu. Ja noteikumos aizliegts - tad nedrīkst. Ja noteikumos atļauts, bet Jums tas nepatīk - kopā ar domubiedriem izveidojiet savu vēlēšanu sarakstu un panāciet izmaiņas.
    3. Pašvaldībai ir jārūpējas par visiem iedzīvotājiem, ne tikai tiem, kuru īpašumi robežojas ar ezeru. Ja nerūpējas - skat. 2.punktu. No Rīgas vai Briseles Jums neviens kārtību neatvedīs, un uz efektu ar vienreizēju sūdzības uzrakstīšanu neceriet. Lai savu panāktu, ir jāstrādā vai jāmaksā.

    26.06.2008 - 19:29

  • Vita

    Kurš ir Ķedres ezers Stendes apkārtnē? Tāds ezera nosaukums bija 30.gados. Pēc toreizējā admin.iedalījuma atradās Talsu apriņķa Stendes pagastā, pie Pļavnieku mājām. Vai šis ezers vēl eksistē un kā to sauc?

    12.07.2008 - 22:13

  • Kaspars

    Kads nezin kur varetu dabut Sasmakas esera dziluma karti?

    12.08.2008 - 15:40

  • Justs

    man ir atjaunotas īpašuma tiesības uz zemi, tajā skaitā arī uz ezeru (nav iekļauts publiskajos ūdeņos) taču skatotes kartē tam ir nosaukums, mana vēlme ir šo nosaukumu mainīt (oficiāli), kur man jāgriežās un varbūt Jums ir zināma šo jautājumu regulējošā normatīvā bāze.

    jau iepriekš pateicos par atsaucību.

    11.09.2008 - 11:34

  • Jānis

    Nosaukumus bez ļoti nopietna pamata nevajadzētu mainīt. Nosaukumam pats galvenais pielietojums ir ezera viennozīmīga identifikācija. Ja nosaukumus sāk mainīt, visa identifikācija aiziet pa pieskari - vecākos dokumentos viens nosaukums, jaunākos - cits. Nepieciešamīabs gadījumos varētu būt runa par nosaukuma modificēšanu - piem., Melnezeriem vai Baltezeriem priekšā pievienojot administratīvās teritorijas nosaukumu (Variešu Baltezers, Ķemeru Melnezers). Ja sāksim ezeru nosaukumu izmaiņas - atradīsies daudzi, kuri gribēs savu purva peļķi saukt par Lašu vai Foreļu ezeru, vai Peldezeru.

    11.09.2008 - 12:01

  • Justs

    un tomēr, ir taču reģistri utt, kur attiecīgais ezers ir piesaistīts pie konkrētās vietas/teritorijas...

    un ja arī gribētu modificēt šo pašu nosaukumu, kā man to izdarīt, kur man jāgriežās? pašvaldībā? vajadzētu taču būt arī kādam likumam vai MK noteikumie, kas šo jomu regulē..

    11.09.2008 - 12:08

  • Jānis

    Jāsāk nevis ar normatīvajiem aktiem (juridiskajiem pamatojumiem), bet ar faktisko pamatojumu - ar ko pašreizējais nosaukums ir nepareizs, kāpēc jaunais būs tik ļoti labāks, ka attaisnosies mainīšanas izraisītās problēmas. Par kuru ezeru runa?

    11.09.2008 - 17:07



    26.09.2008 - 18:22

  • Maiga

    Dzīvoju Jaunlaicenes pag. "Vēciņu" mājās, bet nezinu, kur ir Vēciņu ezers. Vai tas gadījumā nav tas, kuru mēs saucam par Briežu ezeru jebšu tas jaunais ezers, kurš izveidojās būvējot jauno šoseju, iebrūkot šosejas posmam pretī Mellīšu mājām?

    06.10.2008 - 12:48

  • Vita

    Maiga, paldies par jautājumu un palīdzību mazo ezeriņu lokalizēšanā. Laikam jau Vēciņu ezers ir tas, ko Jūs saucat par Briežu ezeru (tagad arī mēs zināsim, kurš tas ir).

    06.10.2008 - 21:08

  • Maiga

    Briežu ezers atrodas Jaunlaicenes pagastā pie Lielbriežu mājām.
    Rīgas-Veclaicenes šosejas 185.kilometrā, braucot no Rīgas ceļa kreisajā pusē, ir izveidojies jauns ezeriņš, kuram īsti nosaukuma nav. Kad rekonstruēja Rīgas-Veclaicenes šoseju ap 1990.gadiem nebija veikta pietiekoša grunts izpēte un pretī Mellīšu mājām iegruva ceļa posms, tas nosprostoja ūdens noteces un pļava pārvērtās par ezeru. Dzīvo zivis, šogad rudenī pa to dzīvojās gulbju pāris. Privātīpašums. Nezinu vai to var saukt par ezeru, varbūt tas ir dīķis. Mēs to saucam ezera īpašnieka vārdā. Ezera rašanās labi der kā ilustrācija teikām - ko pa dienu uzcēla, velns pa nakti aizbēra.
    Jaunizveidotā ezera kaimiņos (nedaudz uz Rīgas pusi) atrodas Mellīšu ezers.

    07.10.2008 - 12:44

  • gunars

    gribeju uzinat ezeram ir ipasnieks, mana zeme robezojas ar so ezeru, vai man ir zvejas tiesibas saja ezera

    03.01.2009 - 15:09

  • Vita

    Gunar, kā izpaužas situācija: "ezeram ir īpašnieks"? Par kuru ezeru ir runa?

    05.01.2009 - 00:01

  • leonards

    gribeju uzinat man zeme robezojas ar ezeru kuram ir saimnieks,vai es ari varu zvejot saja ezera, iznemot licenzi, ezers ir aptuvreni 10ha liels

    08.01.2009 - 10:30

  • Vita

    Ja ezera statuss - privātais, tad zvejas tiesības ir krasta īpašniekiem. Krasta īpašniekam ir tiesības pretendēt uz zvejas licenci, ir arī priekšroka licences saņemšanai. Par ezera saimnieku sevi var saukt tikai tad, ja šim vienam īpašniekam pieder krasts visapkārt ezeram. Pārējos gadījumos tas būs vai nu krasta īpašnieku pilnvarota persona, licencētās makšķerēšanas organizētājs, ezera nomnieks utt.

    08.01.2009 - 12:34

  • verners

    mana zeme(purvs neizbrienams) robezojas ar privato ezeru, man lidz ezeram pa purvu jabrien kadi 150 m, vai es varu uzbuvet celinu lidz ezeram,uzbert kokskaidu, grants celinu(lai varetu kajamgajejs stabili parvietoties)

    08.01.2009 - 15:32

  • atis

    es gribu pardot ezeru latgale, ezers aizaucs ar zali dunains dzilums videjais1,5m cik es varu videji prasit par 1ha

    08.01.2009 - 16:50

  • autoram

    vai tiešām jābūt tik aprobežotam un zemiskam cilvēkam ka jāliedz makšķerniekiem apskatīt datubāzi?Šie ierobežojumi ir absurdi ,jo ko man darīt ja piem 20 apskatītajos ezeros es neatrodu sev piemērotu un vajadzīgu informāciju? Gaidīt 24 stundas?!!! Tas nu patiešām izklausās ne vien smieklīgi bet arī debīli no portāla uzturētāju puses.Tāpēc es pieprasu šos ierobežojumus novākt tuvāko divu nedēļu laikā vai vislabāk nekavējoties. Ja nē pieprasīšu pilnībā slēgt portālu ezeri.lv un atdot to citu cilvēku rokās.

    21.01.2009 - 13:34

  • Līga

    Ja nepatīk pats taisi jaunu datubāzi par ezeriem. Atradies draudētājs- idiņš kautkāds. Jāpriecājas ,ka tādi atrodas kas te ņemas un meklē un ļauj jautāt.Man patīk šī lapa ar vai bez ierobežojumiem, jo esmu daudz ko ieguvusi priekš sevis.

    30.01.2009 - 16:25

  • ainārs

    gribētos uzzināt kad un kāpēc izraka meliorācijas grāvjus meža masīvā starp baltezeru un jaunciemu.Vai varētu būt ,ka grāvji rakti divreiz t.i.dažādos laikos

    06.02.2009 - 22:09

  • Vita

    Aināram. Ir informācija par meliorāciju 20.gs. 60.gados (sk. datos pie Lielā Jūgezera). Varbūt kaut kas meliorēts arī agrāk, bet šī izskatās nopietnākā. Kāpēc mežā raka grāvjus? Lai panāktu meža produktivitātes pieaugumu. Melioratori raksta, ka pēc pārmitra meža nosusināšanas papildus koksnes pieaugums ir vidēji 5 m3/ha gadā.

    07.02.2009 - 00:11

  • Joņs nu LATGAĻISJ

    Pilsēta Viļāni, upe Malta, Viļānu HES notiek nepareiza ūdens līmeņa regulēšana upē, kā rezultātā pavasarī iet bojā ļoti daudz zivju ikru un mazuļu. Kur vajag griezties, lai turpmāk tas tā nenotiktu???

    22.02.2009 - 11:49

  • Vita

    Joņam (par HESu kontroli). Valsts vides dienestā ir Dabas resursu uzraudzības un HES kontroles daļa. Darbinieku kontakti VVD mājas lapā: www.vvd.gov.lv/darbinieki.php

    22.02.2009 - 12:17

  • Jānis

    Jūsu mājaslapā nav Ploskines ezera foto (Balvu raj.). Uz kādu e-pastu sūtīt? Varu nosūtīt.

    18.03.2009 - 22:06

  • Vita

    Jānim. Bildes var sūtīt uz manu e-pastu: vita et ezeri.lv

    18.03.2009 - 22:44

  • Voblers

    Varētu nosūtīt dažas ļoti kvalitatīvas bildes ~0.5M katra par konkrētu ezeru, vai šādas iniciatīvas tiek atbalstītas?

    27.03.2009 - 15:37

  • Vita

    Vobleram. Protams, tiek atbalstītas. Mans e-pasts iepriekšējā komentārā.

    27.03.2009 - 16:37

  • žanis

    ar kadam tiesibam Gulbenes raj. Mustera ezers nav pieejams vienkaršai Latvijas tautai?...(vai tapec ka biezie uzceluši ezera vidū pirti)

    29.03.2009 - 14:02

  • Vita

    Žani, kā izpaužas Mustera ezera nepieejamība?

    29.03.2009 - 18:39

  • kristiāna

    vaai kads nezinaa Latvijā taadu ezeru kuram ir visvairāk salu?? gaidishu atbildi.(sodien butu iespejams?)

    16.04.2009 - 13:23

  • Vita

    Kristiāna, ezerus ar vislielāko salu skaitu var atlasīt ļoti vienkārši: Datubāze => Izvērstā meklēšana => Pievienot nosacījumu (slānis: salas, parametrs: salu skaits) => jāieraksta parametra vērtība: piemēram, >30 => Nosūtīt => Rezultātā atlasām 2 ezerus un 1 ūdenskrātuvi, kam salu skaits lielāks par 30. Salu skaits var variēt atkarībā no ūdens līmeņa.

    16.04.2009 - 13:53

  • Izolde

    vai Jūs gadījumā nezināt, kura likuma norma paredz, ka iedzīvotājiem ir tiesības piekļūt pašvaldības īpašumā esošajiem ezeriem? (iespējams, tā varētu būt vispārīgā norma, par tiesībām piekļūt visa veida ūdenstilpnēm). vai vismaz - kuros likumos es to varētu meklēt? paldies.

    23.04.2009 - 16:42

  • Jānis

    Norma par to, kā piekļūt ūdenim, ir Zvejniecības likuma 8.pantā - tauvas josla. Norma par to, ka pašvaldībām jānodrošina piekļuvi tauvas joslai - Likuma Par pašvaldībām 15.panta 3.punktā. Ar kuru ezeru ir problēma?

    23.04.2009 - 17:02

  • Izolde

    Papildinot iepriekšējo jautājumu - runa drīzāk iet nevis par piekļuvi pasam ezeram, bet gan par brīvo piekļuvi tauvas joslai. situācija tāda, ka zeme ap ezeru pieder pašvaldībai, bet tālāko zemi iegādājusies privātpersona. šī privātpersona atsakās nodibināt servitūtu savā īpašumā, lai cilvēki varētu tikt uz ezeru un tam piederošo pašvaldības zemi. tādēļ meklēju kādu vispaŗīgo normu, kas paredz tiesības piekļūt ezeriem.

    23.04.2009 - 17:04

  • Jānis

    Manuprāt, pašvaldībai jānosaka servitūtu. Varbūt pašvaldība servitūtu šai gadījumā var noteikt pat ar saistošajiem noteikumiem, ja vien tas nav tiešā pretrunā ar servitūtu noteikšanas kārtību. Protams, ka tos pašvaldībniekus, kuri atļāva privatizēt vai denacionalizēt zemi bez servitūta noteikšanas, jāpadzen.

    23.04.2009 - 17:20

  • Juris

    Jāni, saki, lūdzu,ja ir informācija,kas ir ar Baļotes ezeru,Jēkabpils raj. Lasiju, ka kads slimais pat šaudoties,dzen prom. Vai ir privāts,publisks? Paldies!

    24.04.2009 - 22:36

  • Jānis

    Ezers ir publisks, par nekādu dzīšanu prom nevar būt runas. Esmu bijis 2x, braucis arī ar laivu, neviens prom nav dzinis. Šaudīšanās ir nopietna lieta, par to vajag jautāt kādam, kas specs krimināltiesībās, gan jau kādus gadus pietiesās.

    24.04.2009 - 23:28

  • Juris

    Jāni, kas ir ar dabas liegumiem,vai tur var braukt ar laivu, ar motoru vai bez, jo informāciju nevar atrast, atradu tikai:
    Dabas aizsardzības plāns: nav
    Individuālie aizsardzības un izmantošanas noteikumi: nav.
    Tas ir šajā lapā http://www.dap.gov.lv/?objid=405
    interesē tas ,kas iekrāsots ar tumši zaļo?

    26.04.2009 - 22:13

  • Jānis

    Ja nav individuālo noteikumu, kuri jaunāki par tad ir spēkā vispārējie - 415, kuri dabas liegumos aizliedz braukt ar ūdensmotocikliem, bet neaizliedz ar motorlaivām.

    28.04.2009 - 00:20

  • Donna

    Ir tāda lieta, vai kāds var pateikt, cik metri no udenskrastu vēl ir ezera īpašniekam (4-5 m?) Jo ir tāda problema, ka ir mums kaimiņi, ka doma, ka viņiem īpašum der līdz ezerkrastam. Vai tas tā var buut?

    28.04.2009 - 10:11

  • Jānis

    Īpašums var būt līdz ūdens līnijai vai pat tālāk, kas neizslēdz tauvas joslas esamību. Tauvas joslā drīkst bez saskaņošanas ar īpašnieku un bez maksas pārvietoties kājāmgājēji, peldētāji, makšķerētāji, laivotāji. Publiskajos 10m, pārējos ūdeņos 4m.

    28.04.2009 - 16:54

  • Donna

    Bet es nedoma, ka tas tā ir, jo es nopirka ezera ar visu joslu un ir zemesgramata, ka nav kaimiņiem līdz ezer malu īpašums paraedzēts.
    Tad vēl ir viens kaimīns, kas tieši plaks muusu ezeru izcēla pats savu dīķi - nu netālu no musu josla no ezeru. Vai tas ari vispār bez atļauja no kaimiņien iespejams?

    17.05.2009 - 19:30

  • Jānis

    1. Tauvas josla var nebūt tikai tad, ja VISA zeme visapkārt ezeram ir vienam īpašniekam.
    2. Kaimiņš uz SAVAS zemes var rakt dīķi, kur grib, kamēr ar to nerada kaitējumu citiem. JUMS piederošā zemes gabala tauvas joslas daļā kaimiņš bez atļaujas rakt nedrīkst.

    Lūdzu precizēt jautājumu.

    17.05.2009 - 19:48

  • Vilnis

    kartē ieraugu ezeru un dodos viņu meklēt. kad esu atradis viņu ne vienmēr ir zīme privāt īpašums. cik ir zināms tas ka zeme pieder saimniekam bet kā ar ūdeni??? ir bijuši gadijumi ka dzen prom. tas tā pat kā ir ka suns sēž uz siena kaudzes un neēd pats un citam ar neļauj to darīt. cik es varu noķert ar maksķeri vai spiningu. bet tas ka citi iet un pa kluso liek tīklus ar tiem nespāj tikt galā.protams draugus un kaimiņus laiž ķert zivis un tik saka ka nēsot zivis citi izķēruši. bet citi saka ka esot zivis un lielas. zivis ūdris patīra un viņš vēl ir sarkanā grāmatā.mazie purvainie ezeri ir lielāko ties privātie pieder vienam vai vairākiem saimniekiem. bet ne visi dzen prom. bet tur kur labi ķerās netiek klāt dēļ privātipašums.

    29.05.2009 - 16:58

  • Jānis

    Ja privāta ezera krasta daļa ir privātīpašumā, tad attiecīgajās daļās (krasts un tuvākā ūdens daļa) drīkst makšķerēt tikai ar īpašnieka atļauju. Ja privāta ezera krasts ir valsts vai pašvaldības īpašumā, tad īpašnieka atļaujas prasīšana faktiski atkrīt.

    29.05.2009 - 20:01

  • Vilnis

    zeme un ezers ir vienam saimniekam. saimnieks nepiekrīt ne maksai ne kam kam citam. draugi un kaimiņi varot iet ķert. un pats sūkstās ka citi pa nakti tīklus liekot kamēr viņš guļot.laikam jau nevarēs normāli pamaksķerētka ezeri ir ar ligumīgiem un nelikumīgiem tīkliem pilni. vairāk jau ar nelikumīgajiem. zeme jau pieder bet kā var ūdens piederēt???ja pa manu zemi tek upe un pat taj ir tauvas josla. jocīgi. žēl ka tā! vienīgi pa kluso un pa krūmiem jāpielavās pie ezera bet tā var dabūt sāli pēcpusē.

    29.05.2009 - 21:22

  • Vilnis

    labi zeme un ezers ir privāts bet ieteka un izteka ezeram ar ir privāta???saucamā upe

    01.06.2009 - 14:12

  • Jānis

    Privātums attiecas uz ezeriem, un ezeros reāli uz zivīm. Uz upēm ir nevis ezeri, bet ūdenskrātuves, un zivis var pārvietoties no upes uz ūdenskrātuvi un otrādi. Tāpēc uz ūdenskrātuvēm spēkā ir tādas prasības, kā uz attiecīgajām upēm. T.i., makšķerēšanas atļauju krastu īpašniekam nav jāprasa. Protams, likumiem ir robi, un ir daži apšaubāmi gadījumi - ezeri uz Dubnas un Gaujas.

    01.06.2009 - 18:43

  • Vilnis

    Skaidris. Ezerā ķert nedrīkst bez saimnieka ziņas, bet ezera iztekas upē drīkst. Avošiņam nav zināms saimnieks un iespējams, ka ar ir privāts, bet ir dzirdēts, ka viens idiņš dzenot prom, kaut zeme viņam nemaz nav līdz ezeram. Itkā ka nepatīkot, ka zivis ķerot.

    02.06.2009 - 07:29

  • NIke

    Vai Tauvas josla un Aizsargjosla, ir viens un tas pats? Gadījumā ja no pašvaldības tiek nomāta zeme, uz kuras ir ezers ,un pēc tam ar laiku zeme tiek pieņemta mantojumā,bet jau pašvaldība ir noteikusi aizsargjoslu, vai tā ir ŗikojusies pareizi?Vai ezeram kurš atrodas uz privātas zemes aizsargjoslai jābūt 10m?

    02.06.2009 - 22:02

  • Jānis

    Aizsargjosla paredzēta ūdeņu aizsardzībai no piesārņošanas, un to nosaka nevis pašvaldība, bet gan Saeima - ar Aizsargjoslu likumu. Tauvas josla paredzēta trešo personu piekļuvei ūdenim, un to arī nosaka nevis pašvaldība, bet gan Saeima - ar Zvejniecības likumu. Nomāts objekts nevar tikt pieņemts mantojumā, kaut gan es pieļauju, ka varbūt var tikt mantotas nomas tiesības.

    02.06.2009 - 22:54

  • Vilnis

    kādreiz bijis uz upes senos laikos uztaisīts dzirnav dambis bet esot uzpridzināts lai tiktu pie zivīm ļaunprātīgi.bet vai tagad drīkstētu to atjaunot???

    03.06.2009 - 08:47

  • aleksandrs

    vaj ir kads no Jekabpils rajona?Interese kur uz kadu ezeru var nopirkt licenzi uz tiklu!?Tejca it ka vietejos pagastos?

    03.06.2009 - 11:15

  • NIke

    Jāni, nomāts objekts bija laikā kad tika vākti dokumenti,lai pieradītu ka esmu mantinieks,un
    iesniegtu dokumentus Centrāla Zemes komisijā.Kurā dokumentā ierāda tauvas joslas.

    03.06.2009 - 20:06

  • Maksims

    gribēju uzināt ezers kas pieder dieviem īpšniekiem, vienam 8ha otram nepilni 2 ha ezera, vini aizlieguši uz ezera zvejot, novietot laivas,mana zeme robežojas ar šo ezeru kā arī vel sešu īpašnieku zeme robežojas ar šo ezeru, vai arī mēs varam pretendēt uz zvejas tiesībām, iznemt licenzi un likt ezerā tīklus?

    16.06.2009 - 21:51

  • Jānis

    Maksim, nedomāju, ka 10 ha ezerā būtu jēga izvērsties ar tīkliem, ja nu vienīgi, ja ezers savienots ar citiem ūdeņiem.
    Ar ezera īpašniekiem nekādas problēmas, varu Jums un Jūsu kaimiņiem uzrakstīt juridiski nopamatotu slēdzienu par Jūsu likumīgajām tiesībām zvejot un braukt ar laivu. Slēdzienu Jūs varēsiet izmantot gan strīdos ar īpašniekiem, gan zvejas licences pieteikšanā. Ja Jums šāds slēdziens ir vajadzīgs - rakstiet man uz e-pastu janis.spruds(at)ezeri.lv

    16.06.2009 - 23:55

  • gunārs

    mana zeme robežojas ar strautu aptuveni 500 m strauta platums 4-6 metri, tur dzīvo vēži, ko man jādara lai es varētu vēžus kert likumīgi ar krītiniem?

    19.06.2009 - 20:15

  • Aleksandrs

    Kopš nesena laika uz Dzirnezera (Carnikavas administratīvajā teritorijā) vienas puses ir parādījusies zīme ķieģelis, tādējādi norādot, ka noteiktā ezera ielokā(daļā) nedrīkst vairs iebraukt. Pieķerts makšķerējot šajā daļā tiek izteikts brīdinājums par to, ka nākamreiz vajadzēs maksāt sodu līdz 200Ls. Vai var uzzināt vai tiešām šī daļa ezeram tagad ir privātīpašums? Ja tā ir, un otra daļa ezeram pieder valstij, tad vai var makšķerēt privātīpašuma daļā?

    23.07.2009 - 12:43

  • Jānis

    Dzirnezeram publiskā ezera statuss ir noteikts ar likumu. Par nekādām Dizrnezera daļām likumā nekas nav teikts. Publiskajos ezeros jebkurā vietā var makšķerēt, ja ir makšķerēšanas karte. Interesanti, kurš bija brīdinātājs?

    23.07.2009 - 23:35

  • Aleksandrs

    Liels paldies par šo informāciju. Brīdināja sieviete (ar blakus sēdošu apsargu), kurai, cik zināms, pieder daļa no ezera krasta(vismaz tā ir saliktas zīmes). Šajā zemes gabalā vēl pagājušo vasaru atradās vasarnīcas, kuras ziemā tika nojauktas (par šo incidentu tika runāts ziņās, jo mājiņu nojaukšana tika veikta bez tiesas lēmuma). Tagad, šī pati sieviete-īpašniece (secināju no tā, kā un ko viņa runāja), izsaka brīdinājumus par to, ka nākamreiz tiks izrakstīts sods (pie reizes tiek nofotografēts laivas īpašnieks). Apkārtējo mājiņu īpašnieki ir neziņā. Kā rīkoties, vai kam ziņot šajā situācijā? Vēlreiz liels paldies par sniegto informāciju!

    28.07.2009 - 01:15

  • Jānis

    Attiecībā uz braukšanu ar laivu ierobežojumus var noteikt pašvaldība. Arī sodu var izrakstīt (t.i., sastādīt pārkāpuma protokolu) tikai valsts vai pašvaldības pilnvarota persona. Rīcība - iesniegums pašvaldībai ar lūgumu sniegt informēt - vai pašvaldība ir noteikusi aprobežojumus braukšanai ar laivu minētajā teritorijā, un vai attiecīgās zīmes (pievienot zīmes fotogrāfiju) uzstādīšana ir saskaņota ar pašvaldību.

    28.07.2009 - 08:27

  • Aleksandrs


    28.07.2009 - 10:22

  • Jurģis

    Vai var privatizēt ezeru un dzīt prom visus makšķerniekus?
    Kā to dara Allažu pagastā Linezera īpašnieks.
    Vismaz viņš tā apgalvo, ka ezers pieder vinjam.

    04.08.2009 - 18:36

  • Jurģis

    Un ko nozīmē juridiskais statuss "dabas piemineklis"?
    Tas var būt gan privāts, gan publisks?

    05.08.2009 - 07:09

  • Jānis

    "Dabas piemineklis" ir viena no īpaši aizsargājamo dabas teritorijju kategorijām, statuss norāda uz speciālu aizsardzības prasību esamību, un nav tiešā veidā saistīts ar īpašumtiesībām. Zeme dabas pieminekļos var būt gan valsts, gan pašvaldības, gan privātā īpašumā.

    05.08.2009 - 08:15

  • uldis.

    Man pieder zeme zem ūdenskrātuves. Vai varu paņemt to apsaimniekošanā,ielaist zivis,kopt un neļaut svešiem makšķerēt? Kā notiek un ar ko jāsāk apsaimniekošanas dokumentu kārtošana?

    30.09.2009 - 10:39

  • Jānis

    Par maz informācijas, jāzina - kura ūdenskrātuve, vai ir īpašumā arī krasts.

    30.09.2009 - 11:54

  • Juris

    Par baļotes ezeru?
    nomnieks: S/o "Baļote"; nomas līguma darbības termiņš: 31.12.2031. Avots: Vita

    Lasiju arī jaunākajās copeslietās, ka var makšķerēt tikai no krasta, jo Kūku pagasts laižot iekšā zivju mazuļus.
    jautājums: kas tā par iznomāšanu un kādiem mērķiem? Laiž iekšā ezerā zivis, lai daži izredzētie (vietējie) varētu ar tīkliem vilkt ārā??? un kāpēc tad ezera krastā ir vietējo laivas piesietas, ja jau nedrīkst makšķerēt no laikas??? Laikam tur dzīvo daudz dabas vērotāju. ;) kas to visu bezatbildību kontrolē? Ja tie paši,kas pagasta padomē lemj par zivju mazuļu ielaizšanu un tīklu nelikumīgu likšanu.Tad jautājumu nav!!!
    Mana pieredze ir tāda- jo mazāk makšķernieku(īpaši laivotāju),jo vairāk tīklu.

    13.10.2009 - 21:58

  • Juris

    Jāni! Tas nav uzbrauciens Jums! ;)
    Bet lūdzu izskaidro no juridiskā aspekta un ja zini par šo gadijumu ko sīkāk, tad arī to!

    17.10.2009 - 20:57

  • Juris

    Priekš kam tad izveidota sadaļa jautājums!

    31.10.2009 - 11:11

  • Jānis

    Sadaļu "jautājumi" pirms 5 gadiem izveidoja lietotājs ar niku "Aplis". Jautājumu gan vienmēr ir vairāk nekā atbilžu. Par iznomāšanas mērķiem var jautāt Zemkopības ministrijā www.zm.gov.lv/structure/view.php?darb=525 , vai arī pašvaldībā.

    31.10.2009 - 11:33

  • Juris


    31.10.2009 - 21:59

  • Alex

    Nopirkšu sapropel
    migot et inbox.ru

    18.11.2009 - 12:14

  • katija

    kurs ezers ir vis lielakais

    24.11.2009 - 18:56

  • Dream

    Sveiki!!! likumi mainās katru dienu. un kur tu mīļais cilvēk vari tik visam līdz. citu jau neko vairs nedzird kā tik privāt īpašums!!! ciest nevaru!!! kapā jau tāpat nepaņems līdz. sēž kā suns uz siena kaudzes un ne pats ēd ne cita dot!!! kas ir likumi!? pašu cilvēku izdomas un iedomas tās tik vien ir!!!tas tā pat kā nav labuma bez sliktuma.kā arī nekas nav mūžigs. protams viss labāk ķeras tur kur ir zīme privatīpašums. labi zeme var piederēt bet kā var ūdens piederēt??? un kapēc nav visa informācija nepieciešamā!?

    12.01.2010 - 16:23


    kapēc ezeri.lv mājaslapā nav sludinājumu sadaļas? tur varētu ievietot sludinājumus par zveju , zivju mazuļiem dīķa rakšanu utt

    23.03.2010 - 15:25

  • Helmuts

    Jautājums Jānim, jeb nu kurš šeit ir tas informētākais. Gribētos uzzināt vairāk informācijas par Vilgāles ezeru. Tas info kas ir atrodams šeit, ir diezgan nepilnīgs. Par dūņainību utt. Katrā ziņā gribētos zināt vai ir pieejama plašāka info, kā arī par šī ezera statusu attiecībā uz aizsargājamajām teritorijām augiem utt.
    Jau iepriekš paldies par atbildi.

    02.04.2010 - 14:27

  • Jānis

    Vilgāles ezers ir piesārņots, tajā nevar būt aizsargājamo augu. Aizsargājamās teritorijas nav, jo nav aizsargājamo dabas vērtību. Notekūdeņu dēļ ir zema ūdens caurredzamība, seklākās vietas aizaugušas ar niedrēm. Par Vilgāles ezeru ir pietiekoši informācijas (ieskaitot komentārus), lai spriestu par tā stāvokli un problēmām. Ir 2008.g. monitoringa dati, kuri vēl nav DB. Šie dati apstiprina jau iepriekš zināmo, ka ezeru būtiski negatīvi ietekmē notekūdeņi.

    06.04.2010 - 00:35

  • Helmuts

    Par piesārņojumu ir diezgan zināms fakts, kā arī tas, ka pašvaldības vadītājs (nu jau bijušais) īpaši aktīvi nevēlējās iesaistīties jebkādās aktivitātēs par attīrīšanas stacijas restaurāciju. Nu paldies par info vismaz par augiem un ierobežojumiem šinī jomā.

    15.04.2010 - 22:04

  • Jānis

    Attīrīšanas iekārtai vajag nevis restaurāciju, bet principiālu rekonstrukciju. Vienstadijas bioloģiskās attīrīšanas princips nenodrošina fosfora atdalīšanu no notekūdeņiem.

    16.04.2010 - 00:33

  • gints

    kapēc joprojām nav sludinājumu sadaļas kur ievietot info par naktsmītnēm utt

    23.04.2010 - 11:07

  • Jānis

    Gint, reklāmu par naktsmītnēm var ievietot pie attiecīgiem ezeriem, skat. lapas apakšā "Reklāmas iespējas". Ja ir garāks apraksts, to var ievietot pie rakstiem.
    Portāls sastāv no trīs daļām - ezeru DB, rakstu krājuma un aktuālām diskusijām. Pievienot ceturto sadaļu - "sludinājumi" - neliekas lietderīgi.

    23.04.2010 - 21:48

  • Ivars

    Gribētos noskaidrot arkādām tiesībām tiek prasīta spiningošanas atļauja 10Ls maija mēnesim Usmas ezerā.

    29.04.2010 - 09:59


    ja es makškerēju savā privātā ezerā no laivas ar makškeri, vai es tajā laikā kamēr atrodos uz ezera varu izlikt peldošās ūdas un cik daudz?

    01.05.2010 - 19:47

  • RmK

    Добрый день!
    В Лиепайском районе не подскажете частные пруды, где можно порыбачить или где можно почитать инфу?
    Заранее благодарен.

    08.05.2010 - 19:36

  • Luna

    Kādus dokumentus vai saskaņas nepieciešams no abām pusēm? Ja, ezers ir privāts, un kāds vēlas izzīrēt no manis ezeru karpu audzēšanai. Kur var uzzināt cik maksā izzīrēšana?

    06.06.2010 - 15:46

  • mustiks

    braucot garām Stūnīšu ezeram,ne reizi neēsmu manījis nevienu makšķernieku!Skatījos,ka publiskajos ezeros viņš neatrodas.Kā tur ir ar šo ezeru?Vai tur makšķerējot kāds neielaidīs man sāli melnajā caurumā,sakot ka tas ir viņa ezers?

    12.06.2010 - 21:02

  • es

    varbuut kaads zin!?
    es braucu ar laivu pameetaat shpinu
    ezeraa, kuram cauri tek upe. tikai lieta taada, ka zem ezera esoshaa zeme ir triis iipashniekiem vismaz saka ka esot zemesgraamata un zeme vinju. shameejie dusmiigi, ka es tur braucu, joredz tiiklus noshnjoreejushi p....i! bet jautaajums taads vai tad vinjiem pieder arii tas uudens, kas ietek un peec laika aiztek ar visaam ziviim? ja man ir makshkjereeshanas karte estak driikstu tur makshkjereet????

    27.07.2010 - 19:03

  • Vita

    Krasta īpašnieks drīkst neļaut makšķerēt, ja ezers nav publisks vai zvejas tiesības nepieder valstij.

    30.07.2010 - 17:03

  • Suns Dingo

    Zvārdes pagasts, Svētaiņu ezers. Esmu vairākas reizes brīdināts, ka ezers ir privāts un es reāli nedrīkstu uzturēties pie šī ezera. Esmu no cita novada un dažas reizes vasarā braucu baudīt zvārdes dabu un tieši pie šī ezera peldos un atpūšos. Daudzi citi atpūtnieki bez ierobežojumiem izmanto laivas, peldas, makšķerē tieši pie šī ezera. Kad jautāju par šī ezera ierobežojumiem, viņi tikai pasmējās. Cik saprotu, ka jebkuram ezeram ir jābūt vismaz vienai publiski pieejamai vietai!
    Ļoti gaidu atbildi.

    24.09.2010 - 23:30

  • Jānis

    Ar uzturēšanos 4m tauvas joslā un ezerā nav problēmu. Kaut ko aizliegt var tikai attiecībā uz piekļuvi - zemes īpašnieks drīkst uzlikt uzrakstus, ka zemes īpašumā atrasties aizliegts.

    25.09.2010 - 00:39

  • akcents4

    Lūduz izpalīdzat man ir vajadzīga ezera karte . Blakus Bižas ezeram ir Dudinas ezers jeb Glošanskojo ezers. man ļoti vajag Dudinkas ezra karti lūdzu varat man atsūtīt uz manu ēpastu Karti: akcents4@inbox.lv

    28.02.2011 - 16:00

  • Aleksandrs

    Labdien.Man būtu 2 jautājumi.Vai ir atļauts privatizēt atsevišķus upes posmus?Rsp.stādinājumus uz upēm?Un otrs;Vai elektrostacijas,dzirnavu..u.tt. īpšnieki šajā ūdens krātuvē-stādinājumā,drīkst ķert zivis kā un ar ko vēlas,nelaižot klāt makšķerniekus...

    14.04.2011 - 11:36

  • Jānis

    Privāts upes posms nenozīmē, ka arī zivis automātiski kļūst privātas.

    17.04.2011 - 23:55

  • Labdien

    Labdien, man tād nedzudz muļkķīgs jautājums, bet kas slēpjas zem abriviatūras VMPI

    28.04.2011 - 14:14

  • Vita

    Agrāk - Latvijas Valsts meliorācijas projektēšanas institūts, vēlāk - "Meliorprojekts".

    28.04.2011 - 19:24

  • fischman

    Kāds ,lūdzu,varbūt var pateikt cik lielas niedru platības ir Papes ezerā un cik var novākt niedres no ha??

    04.05.2011 - 12:48

  • Dace

    Kas ir sala???
    kā to pareizi izskaidrot?

    07.05.2011 - 17:16

  • A*****2

    Kkur redzēju ierakstu ka, tā teikt, paši lietotāji var dalīties ar info un bildēm par ezeru...tad nu es vēlētos uzzināt kā un kur būtu jāsūta tas info ja nu uznāk iedvesma:), jo pats nereti apmeklēju mazākpulārus ezerus...

    24.06.2011 - 17:28

  • Vita

    Šeit ir rakstiņš par iespējām padalīties ar info:

    27.06.2011 - 00:21

  • SVAA

    “Sēlijas (Augšzemes) vides aizsardzības asociācija”,
    Man ir sekojoši jautājumi;
    1.Ņemot vērē Jūsu pieredzi kur varam atrast informāciju par sabiedriski pieejamo ezeru (ūdeņu) apsaimniekošanas noteikumiem.
    2.Vai ir iespējams sadarbojoties ar Jums sagatavot apsaimniekošanas dokumentus valstij un pašvaldībām piederošajos ūdeņos.(līgumi,noteikumi un tt)
    3.Mūsuprāt ļoti svarīgs jautājums-
    portāla un biedrība “Latvijas ezeri” un “Sēlijas (Augšzemes) vides aizsardzības asociācija” vienošanos par sadarbību .

    Iepriekš pateicos ar cieņu JV.


    02.08.2011 - 13:57


    Zemesgabalā izraku dīķi tā izmēri aptuveni 180 garums un 12 m platums dziļums aptuveni 4-4,5 mgatavojos šopavasar laist iekšā zivju mazuļuscik lielu zivju daudzumu aptuveni ieteicams laist šāda izmēra dīķī.Laidīšu līni, karūsu, karpu.

    27.02.2012 - 16:18

  • vikentijs

    labdien man ir neliels dikis dziluma 1.80-2m un 20x40m zveinieki man ir parvedusi ap 100 karusu kadas zivis es vel tur varetu ielaist???

    01.06.2012 - 12:03

  • Artūrs Kārkliņš

    jautājums ir par vēziem, latvijā vienīgajai dabīgajai suga pamazam izzūd, bet pamatsaraksta jau ir 3 jaunas kuras aizņem attiecīgo nišu, un ir vel kadas tŗīs kuras ieņemuss eiropu bet latviju vel nav skarusas. Interesejoša ir astatus astatus jeb upes platspīļu vēzis. sobrīd mekleju info par sastopamību, jeb kur tos meklet, jo būtu nepieciešamība tos izpētīt. informacijai - vēzus ir vajadzība tikai noķert, pec tam tie tiek atlaisti atpakaļ, bet no tiem iegūtas daļas kas viņiem neskādē, tiek pētīta indivīda ģenētika un salīdzinata lv teritorijā.

    12.08.2012 - 00:22

  • Jānis Sprūds

    Mums DB nav detalizētu ziņu par vēžiem. Iespējams, ka visvairāk par vēžiem zina Vēžu audzētāju asociācija.

    12.08.2012 - 11:41

  • mazahisto

    dajte pozalusto kartu glubin ozera lades podrobnuju! po vozmoznosti o4 nado ili gde ee mozno najti? zaranija sposibo

    13.08.2012 - 22:57

  • Vita

    Lādes ezera dziļumu karte ir vietā, pie ezera. www.ezeri.lv/database/2027 Detalizētāka nezin', vai eksistē.

    14.08.2012 - 00:54

  • guntis matjušonoks

    Esmu Dagdas novada pašvaldības zivsaimniecības vadītājs. Vai man ir iespēja iegūt pieeju plašākai informācijaipar ezeriem?
    Pretī varu sniegt informāciju par novada ezeriem. Piemēram Jums ir neprecīzi dati par zivju sugām.

    15.03.2013 - 08:53

  • kalpiņezers

    kas tas tāds kalpiņezers (ance)?
    vai tas pats kalpezers?
    ja, nē kur yad viņš īsti atrodas?

    14.08.2013 - 15:35

  • Vita

    Inf. par Kalpiņezeru ir no Latvijas PSR ūdenstilpju nosaukumiem. Ar Kalpezeru nesakrīt platība. Nav zināms, vai grāmatā nezināmu iemeslu dēļ nodublēts Kalpezers, vai arī Kalpiņezers ir cits ezers.

    14.08.2013 - 21:38

  • Edgars

    Labdien! Vai ir iespēja uzzināt, kas apsaimnieko Vidzemes ezerus?

    05.04.2014 - 23:55

  • Jānis

    Edgar, ezeru apsaimniekošana ir visai sadalīta un individuāla. Lielāko daļu visdrīzāk neapsaimnieko neviens, tik vien kā apzvejo. Ir tādi ezeri, kurus apsaimnieko pašvaldību aģentūras, gadās, ka privāto ezeru apsaimnnieko krastu īpašnieks. Ja vajadzīgs, varu apkopot vai sadabūt informāciju par kādiem ezeriem 30-40.

    07.04.2014 - 22:23

  • Edgars

    Liels paldies, ar šo informāciju man pietiks.

    28.04.2014 - 13:26

  • es

    Vai VISI ezeri kas atrodas Gaujas nacionālajā parkā ir publiski pieejami makšķerniekiem?Vai kāds var mani patriekt no tiem?Interesē MESTRAUDZES DZELVE

    30.06.2014 - 19:28

  • Vita

    Mestraudzes dzelve atbilstoši Civillikumam ir privāts ezers. Makšķerēšanai privātā ezerā ir nepieciešama krasta īpašnieka atļauja.

    01.07.2014 - 19:08

  • kaspars

    pieregistrējos, bet pie dzilumkartēm vienalga nevar piekļūt! Kā to varētu izdarīt?

    09.01.2015 - 20:40

  • Vita

    Dziļumu kartes redzamas arī bez reģistrēšanās. Ja nav redzama, tad nav DB.

    09.01.2015 - 23:52

  • Roliss

    Kā var nomainīt paroli?

    26.04.2015 - 11:00

  • Jānis

    Rolis, ir funkcija "aizmirsu paroli" - vajadzētu strādāt, bet tikai jārēķinās, ka attiecīgais e-pasts netiks izsūtīts uzreiz, tur ir kaut kāda nogaidīšana uzlikta.

    26.04.2015 - 22:41

  • Ajl

    Kur var saskaņot ezera krasta sakārtošanu, renovāciju ?

    03.08.2015 - 06:41

  • Miks Zieds

    Kas vasaras vidu veido it ka ellainu kartinu uz maza, nepiesarnota,ar kudrainu grunti, dika virsmas? Udens zalganbruns.

    16.08.2015 - 11:27

  • Vita

    Lai atbildētu, nepieciešams apskatīt, vismaz fotogrāfijās.

    17.08.2015 - 00:53

  • Anna

    Vēlējos pajautāt- kuri ezeri LV ir ar dubultajiem grunts dibeniem un kuri nav droši peldēšanai?

    18.03.2016 - 19:02

  • Jānis

    Veeleejos uzinaat vai ir iespeja gut eiropas finansejumu atbalstu krasta sakopshanaa ( kruumu izpljaushana, niedres ). ja ipashums robezzojas ar ezeru... Burtnieks. Vnk neticu nevienai pagasta personai.. tamdelj intereseejos citur. Varbuut ir cilveeki kas konkreeti ar to nodarbojaas .? Paldies.

    06.04.2016 - 19:07

  • arī Jānis

    Krūmus vajag nevis izpļaut, bet izretināt, lai tie pamazām pārvēršas par kokiem. Un pa starpām stādīt ilglaicīgus kokus, atkarībā no augsnes - kļavas, melnalkšņus, liepas, priedes, ozolus. Niedres pļaut masveidā nevajadzētu, bet fragmentēšana parasti var noderēt. Es ceru, ka ES finansējumu šādām darbībām nedod, jo tas kā parasti novestu pie masveidīgas pļaušanas, kur nevajag vai pat ir kaitīgi.

    10.04.2016 - 23:42

  • Tereze

    Velējos pajautāt - kā var būt, ka daži Latvijas ezeri atrodas privātīpašumā, jo tad, kad bija privatizācijas laiks, tad ezeri jau it kā nebija privatizējami? Vai sanāk, ka ezeru, ja vēlas, var arī nopirkt?

    04.05.2016 - 20:40

  • Jānis

    Privatizējami nebija publiskie ezeri, kuru skaits vēlāk tika palielināts. Pārējie ezeri (kuri nav publisko sarakstā) skaitās privāti, lielākie gandrīz visi ir kopīpašums. Ezeru var nopirkt, bet tam ir jēga tikai tad, ja nopērk arī zemi visapkārt ezeram.

    04.05.2016 - 21:39

  • Asais

    Ja šobrīd vēlētos ielaist līņus piemājas dīķī, tad līņi izdzīvotu?

    24.11.2016 - 11:24

  • Madara

    priecājos atrast Nepadeves ezera nosaukumu.līdz šim domājām ,ka zinam vienīgie šo nosaukumu,jo vienmēr visi brīnās par šo nosaukumu

    26.02.2017 - 10:10

  • Aigars

    Man ir dīķis, kurā dzīvo zivis. savulaik dīķi rokot tam neiztaisnoja malas .... vārdu sakot nepabeidza rakt. Gribu tagad sakārtot krastus un pabeigt rakšanas darbus. Gribētu zināt kurš laiks būtu piemērotāks rakšanas darbiem, lai pēci iespējas mazāk traumētu zivis.

    11.03.2017 - 08:22

  • Ruslans

    Jautājums: Vai ir atļauts ielaist ūdenī savu gumijas laivu un makšķerēt no tās ezerā, kuram zvejas tiesības pieder valstīj, krastam vairāki zemes īpašnieki, tai skaitā arī valsts zeme?

    10.04.2017 - 13:58

  • Jānis

    Ruslan, ezeros, kuros zvejas tiesības pieder valstij, var makšķerēt atbilstoši vispārējiem nosacījumiem, vienīgi tauvas josla ir nevis 10m kā publiskajiem ūdeņiem, bet mazāka - 4m. Tātad laikos, kad atļauts makšķerēt no laivas - to drīkst darīt.

    01.07.2017 - 23:06

  • x

    Iesakiet, lūdzu, kādu GPS, kurā varētu ielādēt ezeru dziļumu kartes

    01.12.2017 - 12:10

  • Juris

    Sveiki! Vai zvejas tiesību nomnieks drīkst pļaut ezerā niedres un baltās ūdensrozes pret manu īpašumu, kur tas robežojas ar ezeru?

    05.08.2018 - 20:32

  • Jānis

    Pļaušanu publiskā ezerā vai ezerā, kurā zvejas tiesības pieder valstij, jāsaskaņo ar pašvaldību. Ja pašvaldība piekritusi, un eksperta atzinums atļauj, tad drīkst.

    07.08.2018 - 01:46

  • Juris

    Bet ja tas ir privāts ezers un valsts drīkst iznomāt tikai zvejas tiesības, tad es pļaušana nav jāsaskaņo ar piekrastes zemju īpašniekiem?

    07.08.2018 - 12:41

  • Jānis

    Valsts drīkst iznomāt tikai to, kas viņai pieder. Privātos ezeros zvejas tiesības pieder krastu īpašniekiem.
    Ja ir vēlēšanās saņemt konkrētu atbildi, vajag uzdot konkrētu jautājumu.

    07.08.2018 - 18:42

  • Juris

    Tas ir privāts ezers, kur zvejas tiesības pieder valstij. Tās arī ir iznomātas. Piekrastes zemes pieder vairākiem īpašniekiem ieskaitot mani un nomniekau. Tāpēc vēlos saprast, ko drīkstu ezerā darīt, jo nomnieks neko neļauj darīt - ne laipu būvēt, ne savu laivu turēt un vēl pļauj niedres bez manas atļaujas pret manu īpašumu ezerā.

    07.08.2018 - 19:37

  • Jānis

    Ezera krasta zemes īpašums, ja tas nav privāts ezers, nedod nekādas speciālas tiesības uz ezeru, tikai vispārējās - makšķerēt atbilstoši makšķerēšanas noteikumiem, braukt ar laivu atbilstoši Ūdens apsaimniekošanas likumam, utml. Par laipām iespējami varianti, atkarībā no zemes zem ezera īpašuma. Vēl arī pastāv iespējas piekasīties tehniskajiem noteikumiem (ja tādi ir), nomas līguma nosacījumiem trešajām personām, utt.

    11.08.2018 - 16:27

  • Zizele

    Labdien! Pēc Jusu datubāzes ezera statuss ir : Biosfēras rezervāts. Ko tas nozīmē? Kādi ir ierobežojumi? Vai drīkst pļaut niedres un tīrīt raglapes no ezera? Paldies!

    19.09.2018 - 09:46

  • Jānis

    Statuss "biosfēras rezervāts" pie pašreizējā normējuma nekādas speciālas prasības ezeriem nenosaka. Tīrīt raglapes nav laba doma. Ja zvejas tiesības pieder valstij vai publisks ezers, niedru pļaušanu jāskaņo ar pašvaldību, publiskā ezerā vajag arī VVD TN, privātā - jāskaņo ar pārējiem krastu īpašniekiem (skaitās, ka jāskaņo ar īpašnieku, bet parasti ezeri ir kopīpašums). Visticamāk, ka ezeram DB ir arī nosaukums?

    21.09.2018 - 23:09

  • Ingus

    Ūdenskrātuve - cilvēka izveidots upes paplašinājums, kas uzskatāms par upes daļu. Tek Nigras upe, abās pusēs upei savs īpašnieks, tad tiek uztaisīts meniķis un izveidojas Muinieku ezers, apdzīvotā vietā "Blome", upe turpina tecēt tālāk. Nav saprotams vai tomēr "Ūdenskrātuve" vai "Ezers". Tagad Muinieku ezerā atļauts makšķerēt, samaksājot 20 euro/h. Kam pieder zivis? Vai Muinieku ezerā ir licenzēta makšķerēšana?

    11.01.2019 - 15:25

  • Jānis

    Ne Muinieku dzirnavezers, ne Nigras upe nav ZM saskaņoto licencētās makšķerēšanas nolikumu sarakstā. Abi ūdensobjekti nav publisko sarakstā, tātad privāti. Zivis pieder valstij, bet zvejas tiesības - krastu īpašniekiem, kuri drīkst par mazu, bet taisnīgu samaksu atļaut zvejas tiesības izmantot citiem (vajag arī makšķerēšanas kartes). Manā uzskatā, 20 EUR/h daudz par dārgu. Kāpēc gan nemakšķerēt Blomes dzirnavezerā, tur daļa krasta un salu pašvaldības īpašumā?

    12.01.2019 - 01:39

  • Selīna

    Sveiki, vai no ūpja dūkšanas pavararī varētu ledus ezerā plaisāt? Varbūt viņš ligzdošanas laikā kādas spēcīgas vibrācijas rada,kas liktu ledum plaisāt? Un skaņas dūcošās pāri ezeram pārvietojās arī kā viļņi, varbūt tam nav vispār sakarā ar ūpju ligzdošanu?

    02.03.2019 - 20:22

  • meitene

    labi, ka neviens nevar privatizēt, nopirkt jūru un debesis. Viss,ko ir radījusi Dieva (nevis cilvēka ) roka - ir piederošs visiem, un nav nopērkams vai pārdodams. Tas ir PRET Dieva un kosmiskajiem likumiem. cilvēka mantkārei nav robežu, un tas mūs vienreiz pazudinās...

    17.03.2019 - 17:19

  • Aivars


    Manuprāt šodienas apstākļiem datubāzei trūkst dažas būtiskas ziņas:
    1. Ziņaspar ezera statusu (privāts, valsts, pašvaldības u.t.t.). Tikai dažiem šādas ziņas ir.Pie kā jāgriežas, ja grib ezeru apmeklēt.
    2.Ziņas par makšķerēšanas espējām ezerā - vai saimnieki atļauj, vai ir ieviesta lic. makšķerēšana;
    3.Ļoti daudziem ezeriem nav dziļumu kartes, kas makšķerniekiem ir ļoti būtiskas.

    17.12.2019 - 08:53

  • Jānis

    1.Publiskajiem un ar valsts zvejas tiesībām statuss ir norādīts visiem, pārējie - privātie. Kādi privātie - pašvaldību, valsts, juridisku vai fizisku personu - jāskatās kadastrā.
    2.Licencēto nosaka pašvaldības, DB aktuālā informācija netiek uzturēta, jāskatās pašvaldību info.
    3.Dziļumu kartes ir tik, cik ir vecās, ja ir kādas vēl - atsūtiet, ieliksim.

    19.12.2019 - 23:36

  • Miha

    Labdien. Ja ezers ie privāts net status ir status "de jure"
    national park. Kadi ipasniekam ir tiesibas? Vins var liegt zvejot vai tas ir publisks ezers?

    16.12.2020 - 11:03

  • Jānis

    Tie ir trīs nesaistīti statusi. Privāts - tātad zvejas tiesības pieder krastu īpašniekiem. Ezera īpašnieks - parasti tiek saprasts zemes zem ezera īpašnieks, viņam zvejas tiesību nav. Nacparka statuss - iespējami papildu aprobežojumi dabas aizsardzībai.

    16.12.2020 - 21:19

  • garikkasparou

    ja ieeju latv.val, -tad arii gribu redzet latv. vai !?

    11.03.2021 - 18:30

  • agris

    kam pieder Aulukalna ezers Drustos

    23.10.2022 - 13:38

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    Also, rapid url indexing services empower material creators and Web page proprietors by guaranteeing that their most recent offerings are promptly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This may Have a very profound impact on visibility, site visitors, and engagement, finally driving progress and good results within an ever more aggressive electronic landscape. https://pr1bookmarks.com/story17286624/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    One of many essential functions of speedy hyperlink indexing expert services is their capacity to prioritize and index articles dependant on relevance and significance. By examining several signals, which include social websites action, user engagement metrics, and content freshness, these services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content material that is definitely almost certainly to resonate with users. This dynamic method of indexing makes sure that consumers are offered with content that's not only timely but additionally extremely relevant for their passions and Choices. https://bookmarkpressure.com/story17221677/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    Also, quick hyperlink indexing services are intended to scale simply Along with the at any time-growing dimension and complexity of the internet. Irrespective of whether indexing individual web pages, multimedia content, or overall Web-sites, these providers are equipped to deal with the huge quantity of data created on-line every day. By a combination of distributed computing, device Studying, and also other slicing-edge systems, quickly hyperlink indexing services can manage best efficiency and reliability even in the facial area of unprecedented progress and need. https://dominickzqfth.wikififfi.com/718655/check_website_indexing_online_for_free

    In combination with their complex prowess, fast backlink indexing companies also prioritize privacy and security. With growing concerns about facts privacy and on line safety, users can believe in that their lookup queries and browsing exercise are managed Together with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By employing sturdy encryption protocols, info anonymization techniques, and stringent obtain controls, speedy website link indexing solutions make certain that person information and facts continues to be shielded all the time. https://alphabookmarking.com/story17130798/indexing-acceleration

    Seeking forward, the way forward for research lies from the fingers of fast backlink indexing solutions. As the online market place continues to evolve and broaden, the necessity for quick, exact, and detailed look for abilities will only turn out to be extra pronounced. By harnessing the power of advanced technologies and progressive algorithms, quick backlink indexing companies are reshap

    28.09.2024 - 23:20

  • ThomassloCA

    Revolutionizing Lookup: The Rise of Fast Url Indexing Expert services https://buildinglinkspostsonsocia00875.bimmwiki.com/10131581/check_site_indexing_in_bulk

    In the vast landscape of the net, the place details reigns supreme, a chance to obtain applicable material quickly is paramount. Search engines like yahoo have extended been the gateway to this broad repository of information, but their effectiveness hinges on one significant aspect: indexing. As the internet carries on to increase exponentially, standard indexing approaches typically struggle to keep rate. Even so, a different breed of solutions is emerging to handle this obstacle head-on: rapidly connection indexing expert services. https://monobookmarks.com/story17177147/speed-up-link-indexing

    Speedy hyperlink indexing products and services signify a paradigm shift in how we navigate the net. Contrary to typical online search engine indexing, which relies on Internet crawlers to find out and index content over time, rapid url indexing providers make use of revolutionary techniques to expedite the procedure. These solutions leverage State-of-the-art algorithms and systems to index new content almost instantaneously, making certain that buyers have use of the most up-to-date facts at their fingertips. https://vicky-stati-backlinks76431.wikinstructions.com/721071/check_page_indexing_online

    The advantages of fast website link indexing expert services are manifold. For buyers, it means faster entry to fresh new content material, doing away with the irritating lag time concerning publication and discovery. Regardless of whether hunting for breaking information, trending matters, or niche passions, end users can be confident that they are accessing essentially the most up-to-date details accessible. https://followbookmarks.com/story17355142/speed-up-indexing

    Additionally, rapid url indexing expert services empower content creators and Web site house owners by guaranteeing that their newest offerings are instantly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This may Have a very profound influence on visibility, traffic, and engagement, finally driving growth and results within an increasingly competitive electronic landscape. https://bookmarklinking.com/story2627136/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    Among the list of crucial functions of fast link indexing products and services is their power to prioritize and index articles depending on relevance and importance. By examining numerous signals, including social websites action, person engagement metrics, and material freshness, these providers can intelligently prioritize the indexing of articles that may be more than likely to resonate with people. This dynamic method of indexing ensures that people are introduced with material that isn't only timely but additionally remarkably suitable to their pursuits and preferences. https://bookmarkshome.com/story2727792/online-site-indexing

    On top of that, fast website link indexing solutions are made to scale easily with the ever-expanding dimension and complexity of the net. No matter whether indexing particular person Web content, multimedia content material, or whole Web-sites, these providers are Outfitted to deal with the enormous quantity of knowledge generated online every day. Via a mix of dispersed computing, machine Mastering, together with other reducing-edge technologies, rapidly link indexing services will be able to sustain optimum performance and reliability even during the confront of unprecedented growth and demand from customers. https://socialmediastore.net/story17576325/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    In combination with their complex prowess, rapidly connection indexing providers also prioritize privateness and safety. With escalating concerns about facts privacy and on the internet security, people can belief that their lookup queries and browsing exercise are dealt with Using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing sturdy encryption protocols, information anonymization methods, and stringent obtain controls, speedy url indexing companies be certain that consumer info stays secured always. https://holdentybdf.ktwiki.com/714620/online_site_indexing

    Wanting forward, the future of research lies in the hands of rapid website link indexing solutions. As the world wide web carries on to evolve and extend, the need for quickly, accurate, and in depth research capabilities will only develop into more pronounced. By harnessing the power of advanced technologies and modern algorithms, quick website link indexing services are reshaping just how we discover and eat data on the internet, ushering in a brand new period of lookup that is quicker, smarter, and much more attentive to the requires of customers and information creators alike.

    We are pleased to harbinger a important advance to our indexing service, in real time SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and more with efficiency than of all time in front. Today the % of indexed golf links inside 72 hours bequeath be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sept 1st.

    Crucial! Earlier replenishing your balance, be sure enough to psychometric test indexing on a lowly issue of links to insure that our indexing method is perfective for your of necessity.


    01.10.2024 - 01:58

  • DylanpheNd

    Revolutionizing Search: The Rise of Rapidly Url Indexing Solutions https://maroonbookmarks.com/story17175488/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    From the wide landscape of the online world, where info reigns supreme, the opportunity to access related articles swiftly is paramount. Search engines have extended been the gateway to this vast repository of knowledge, but their efficiency hinges on just one crucial factor: indexing. As the online market place continues to develop exponentially, standard indexing approaches typically battle to maintain tempo. Nonetheless, a completely new breed of solutions is rising to address this obstacle head-on: rapidly url indexing products and services. https://socialexpresions.com/story2653625/indexing-acceleration

    Quick website link indexing solutions represent a paradigm shift in how we navigate the web. Compared with typical online search engine indexing, which depends on World wide web crawlers to find and index information eventually, quickly hyperlink indexing companies use ground breaking strategies to expedite the method. These products and services leverage Superior algorithms and systems to index new content material Pretty much instantaneously, making certain that users have use of the most up-to-date details at their fingertips. https://franciscovxzbc.salesmanwiki.com/8847516/speed_up_link_indexing

    The many benefits of rapidly website link indexing companies are manifold. For end users, it means quicker access to fresh new written content, eradicating the discouraging lag time involving publication and discovery. Whether hunting for breaking news, trending subject areas, or specialized niche passions, customers can rest assured that they're accessing quite possibly the most up-to-day facts obtainable. https://dev.roadsports.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=200777

    Furthermore, rapid url indexing companies empower content material creators and Web site owners by ensuring that their latest choices are immediately indexed and surfaced in search results. This can Have a very profound influence on visibility, traffic, and engagement, in the end driving advancement and achievement in an more and more aggressive electronic landscape. https://bookmarkextent.com/story18685005/speed-up-link-indexing

    On the list of crucial options of rapid hyperlink indexing expert services is their power to prioritize and index articles determined by relevance and importance. By examining numerous alerts, like social media marketing exercise, consumer engagement metrics, and articles freshness, these solutions can intelligently prioritize the indexing of written content that may be most certainly to resonate with users. This dynamic approach to indexing makes certain that consumers are introduced with content that is not only timely and also very applicable to their interests and Tastes. https://bookmarkswing.com/story18527291/speed-up-link-indexing

    On top of that, quickly link indexing providers are built to scale simply With all the at any time-expanding sizing and complexity of the net. Whether indexing particular person Websites, multimedia content, or full Web-sites, these services are Geared up to handle the enormous volume of knowledge created on line each day. By a mix of distributed computing, device Discovering, and various chopping-edge technologies, speedy link indexing expert services are able to keep exceptional efficiency and trustworthiness even inside the face of unprecedented advancement and demand from customers. https://seonoindex32197.humor-blog.com/26882659/check-page-indexing-in-google

    In addition to their technical prowess, fast connection indexing solutions also prioritize privateness and protection. With increasing considerations above knowledge privateness and on line safety, end users can belief that their lookup queries and searching activity are dealt with While using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By applying robust encryption protocols, information anonymization techniques, and stringent accessibility controls, quickly backlink indexing solutions make certain that user facts stays protected all the time. https://bookmarkeasier.com/story17121981/speed-up-link-indexing

    Searching ahead, the future of lookup lies within the fingers of quickly backlink indexing providers. As the world wide web continues to evolve and broaden, the necessity for fast, correct, and complete research capabilities will only come to be more pronounced. By harnessing the power of Highly developed systems and innovative algorithms, speedy backlink indexing solutions are reshaping how we find out and eat facts on the net, ushering in a brand new period of lookup that is quicker, smarter, and more attentive to the needs of consumers and material creators alike.

    We are proud of to annunciate a substantial advance to our indexing service, straight off SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links faster and more expeditiously than e'er earlier. Straight off the % of indexed links within 72 hours will be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Of import! Ahead replenishing your balance, be trusted to quiz indexing on a lowly figure of golf links to see that our indexing method is pure for your needs.


    01.10.2024 - 03:00

  • JacobpheNd

    Revolutionizing Research: The Increase of Fast Hyperlink Indexing Companies https://socialbraintech.com/story2527898/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    Inside the vast landscape of the internet, where by information and facts reigns supreme, a chance to obtain applicable content quickly is paramount. Search engines like yahoo have prolonged been the gateway to this extensive repository of knowledge, but their effectiveness hinges on just one important factor: indexing. As the online market place continues to develop exponentially, conventional indexing techniques usually struggle to keep pace. Having said that, a fresh breed of services is rising to deal with this obstacle head-on: rapidly url indexing products and services. https://mysocialport.com/story2590637/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    Rapid website link indexing providers symbolize a paradigm shift in how we navigate the net. Compared with typical internet search engine indexing, which relies on World wide web crawlers to discover and index articles over time, quick website link indexing products and services employ revolutionary strategies to expedite the method. These expert services leverage Innovative algorithms and technologies to index new content material Pretty much instantaneously, making certain that people have access to the most up-to-date details at their fingertips. https://moodjhomedia.com/story1591088/online-indexing-check

    The main advantages of rapidly hyperlink indexing companies are manifold. For consumers, this means a lot quicker usage of refreshing content material, eradicating the aggravating lag time amongst publication and discovery. Whether or not seeking breaking information, trending subject areas, or area of interest pursuits, people can be confident that they're accessing probably the most up-to-date details offered. https://bookmarkvids.com/story18266784/online-indexing-check

    What's more, rapidly link indexing services empower articles creators and website proprietors by making sure that their hottest choices are promptly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This may Possess a profound impact on visibility, visitors, and engagement, in the end driving growth and achievement in an progressively competitive digital landscape. https://mediawiki21986.blogproducer.com/33452472/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    Among the list of key features of speedy website link indexing expert services is their ability to prioritize and index content based upon relevance and importance. By analyzing a variety of indicators, including social websites activity, consumer engagement metrics, and articles freshness, these products and services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content that may be almost certainly to resonate with customers. This dynamic approach to indexing ensures that consumers are offered with articles that isn't only well timed but will also remarkably pertinent to their pursuits and Tastes. https://mediawiki21975.blogchaat.com/27359421/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    On top of that, rapid url indexing solutions are made to scale very easily Along with the at any time-increasing sizing and complexity of the online world. No matter if indexing particular person web pages, multimedia content, or total websites, these products and services are Geared up to handle the immense quantity of information created on-line daily. Via a combination of dispersed computing, equipment learning, and also other reducing-edge systems, quick hyperlink indexing products and services will be able to keep optimal performance and trustworthiness even inside the deal with of unprecedented development and demand. https://listingbookmarks.com/story17320169/check-page-indexing-online

    As well as their complex prowess, quickly link indexing products and services also prioritize privateness and stability. With increasing worries more than details privateness and online security, consumers can trust that their lookup queries and searching activity are dealt with Together with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing robust encryption protocols, details anonymization procedures, and stringent obtain controls, rapid connection indexing companies ensure that user facts continues to be safeguarded continually. https://dftsocial.com/story17884147/speed-up-site-indexing

    Hunting in advance, the future of search lies within the hands of rapidly website link indexing products and services. As the online market place proceeds to evolve and increase, the need for quickly, correct, and complete research capabilities will only grow to be extra pronounced. By harnessing the strength of advanced systems and progressive algorithms, quickly connection indexing services are reshaping the best way we uncover and consume facts on-line, ushering in a different era of look for that is faster, smarter, and a lot more aware of the needs of users and written content creators alike.

    We are proud of to annunciate a substantial advance to our indexing service, like a shot SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and Sir Thomas More with efficiency than ever earlier. Now the % of indexed links inside 72 hours leave be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Of import! Ahead replenishing your balance, be certain to screen indexing on a small-scale figure of links to secure that our indexing method acting is staring for your necessarily.


    02.10.2024 - 18:44

  • DylanpheNd

    Revolutionizing Lookup: The Rise of Rapidly Backlink Indexing Solutions https://zanesvxac.wikikali.com/613385/speed_up_indexing

    From the vast landscape of the net, where by data reigns supreme, the ability to accessibility appropriate material quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have long been the gateway to this extensive repository of information, but their effectiveness hinges on just one critical variable: indexing. As the world wide web carries on to expand exponentially, standard indexing procedures frequently wrestle to help keep tempo. On the other hand, a fresh breed of expert services is rising to handle this obstacle head-on: quick link indexing products and services. https://sociallytraffic.com/story2070100/check-page-indexing-in-google

    Speedy link indexing expert services stand for a paradigm change in how we navigate the internet. In contrast to common search engine indexing, which depends on Internet crawlers to discover and index material as time passes, rapid website link indexing services employ modern tactics to expedite the procedure. These companies leverage State-of-the-art algorithms and systems to index new content material Virtually instantaneously, making certain that people have access to the newest info at their fingertips. http://wch-korea.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=81283

    The benefits of quickly url indexing companies are manifold. For buyers, it means faster use of new information, reducing the discouraging lag time concerning publication and discovery. No matter if seeking breaking information, trending topics, or niche passions, end users can be assured that they are accessing the most up-to-day information and facts accessible. https://kbookmarking.com/story17246838/speed-up-link-indexing

    In addition, quickly backlink indexing products and services empower articles creators and website proprietors by ensuring that their newest offerings are instantly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This could certainly Have got a profound influence on visibility, targeted visitors, and engagement, finally driving advancement and results in an progressively aggressive digital landscape. https://allkindsofsocial.com/story2545307/indexing-acceleration

    Among the vital features of rapidly website link indexing services is their capability to prioritize and index content based on relevance and significance. By analyzing a variety of alerts, which include social media exercise, consumer engagement metrics, and content material freshness, these providers can intelligently prioritize the indexing of material that's probably to resonate with buyers. This dynamic method of indexing makes sure that customers are presented with articles that's not only timely but additionally very applicable to their passions and Tastes. https://saas10875.blogprodesign.com/49225974/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    On top of that, quickly connection indexing companies are meant to scale simply While using the ever-expanding dimensions and complexity of the net. Regardless of whether indexing particular person Websites, multimedia content material, or entire Web sites, these products and services are equipped to handle the immense volume of knowledge generated on the web every single day. By a mix of dispersed computing, device Understanding, and other cutting-edge systems, rapidly hyperlink indexing solutions can easily preserve optimal efficiency and dependability even during the encounter of unprecedented expansion and demand. https://bookmarkfox.com/story2667051/indexing-acceleration

    As well as their technological prowess, quick connection indexing products and services also prioritize privateness and security. With developing problems more than information privacy and online protection, users can believe in that their look for queries and browsing action are handled Along with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By employing strong encryption protocols, details anonymization methods, and stringent access controls, quick connection indexing companies ensure that consumer facts stays protected constantly. https://livebackpage.com/story2555354/online-site-indexing

    Wanting forward, the future of research lies inside the fingers of speedy link indexing services. As the online world carries on to evolve and grow, the need for speedy, precise, and detailed research capabilities will only become additional pronounced. By harnessing the strength of Innovative technologies and revolutionary algorithms, rapidly website link indexing services are reshaping the best way we learn and take in data on-line, ushering in a new period of look for that is faster, smarter, and a lot more attentive to the requires of buyers and content material creators alike.

    We are pleased to harbinger a substantial betterment to our indexing service, straight off SpeedyIndex indexes your links faster and more efficiently than of all time before. Today the % of indexed golf links inside 72 hours wish be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Important! Earlier replenishing your balance, be sure enough to quiz indexing on a minor list of golf links to ensure that our indexing method is unadulterated for your of necessity.


    03.10.2024 - 06:00

  • AlissapheNd

    Revolutionizing Lookup: The Increase of Fast Backlink Indexing Providers https://express-page.com/story2523410/indexing-acceleration

    In the extensive landscape of the online world, where data reigns supreme, the ability to access relevant content material quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have long been the gateway to this broad repository of data, but their efficiency hinges on a person important element: indexing. As the online world proceeds to extend exponentially, regular indexing techniques usually struggle to help keep pace. However, a whole new breed of companies is emerging to handle this challenge head-on: quickly link indexing solutions. https://seo10864.ouyawiki.com/719559/check_page_indexing_in_google

    Quickly website link indexing expert services signify a paradigm shift in how we navigate the internet. Unlike conventional internet search engine indexing, which relies on Internet crawlers to find and index written content with time, fast hyperlink indexing solutions employ modern procedures to expedite the method. These expert services leverage Superior algorithms and technologies to index new content Pretty much instantaneously, making certain that customers have entry to the most recent facts at their fingertips. https://thomash296vzc8.popup-blog.com/26995718/check-page-indexing-in-google

    The key benefits of fast url indexing solutions are manifold. For people, this means faster entry to refreshing information, removing the frustrating lag time involving publication and discovery. Irrespective of whether attempting to find breaking information, trending topics, or specialized niche interests, people can be assured that they're accessing probably the most up-to-date details out there. https://throbsocial.com/story18883223/indexing-acceleration

    Additionally, rapid backlink indexing companies empower information creators and website entrepreneurs by making sure that their most up-to-date choices are promptly indexed and surfaced in search results. This will have a profound impact on visibility, traffic, and engagement, ultimately driving expansion and good results in an more and more competitive electronic landscape. https://7bookmarks.com/story17160951/check-site-indexing-in-bulk

    On the list of important characteristics of speedy link indexing services is their power to prioritize and index information based upon relevance and importance. By analyzing numerous indicators, including social media marketing action, person engagement metrics, and content material freshness, these products and services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content material that's most probably to resonate with consumers. This dynamic approach to indexing ensures that consumers are introduced with content that isn't only well timed but will also extremely relevant for their passions and Tastes. https://bookmarkfavors.com/story2677756/online-indexing-check

    On top of that, rapid backlink indexing services are built to scale easily While using the ever-expanding dimension and complexity of the internet. Whether indexing personal web pages, multimedia content material, or overall Sites, these companies are Outfitted to manage the immense volume of information created on the internet each day. By a combination of dispersed computing, device Studying, as well as other slicing-edge systems, rapid backlink indexing products and services can keep best general performance and trustworthiness even from the face of unparalleled advancement and desire. https://vicky-stati-backlinks75420.blogminds.com/indexing-acceleration-25128520

    In combination with their complex prowess, rapid website link indexing services also prioritize privateness and security. With rising issues over information privateness and online security, people can rely on that their research queries and searching exercise are dealt with With all the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By employing robust encryption protocols, details anonymization strategies, and stringent access controls, speedy url indexing products and services make sure consumer information and facts continues to be secured at all times. https://jaidennqtwx.mybjjblog.com/check-page-indexing-online-40919518

    Searching forward, the way forward for search lies inside the hands of fast link indexing providers. As the online world continues to evolve and expand, the necessity for speedy, precise, and thorough search capabilities will only develop into far more pronounced. By harnessing the strength of Sophisticated systems and impressive algorithms, fast connection indexing expert services are reshaping the way in which we find out and eat facts on line, ushering in a new era of look for that is quicker, smarter, and much more aware of the requirements of people and material creators alike.

    We are proud of to foretell a significant improvement to our indexing service, immediately SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and more than efficiently than of all time ahead. Today the % of indexed links within 72 hours will be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Authoritative! In front replenishing your balance, be indisputable to trial indexing on a lowly count of golf links to guarantee that our indexing method is pure for your necessarily.


    03.10.2024 - 06:03

  • Williammnq

    Revolutionizing Search: The Increase of Fast Link Indexing Products and services https://vicky-stati-backlinks54209.blog5star.com/27677018/speed-up-link-indexing

    Within the extensive landscape of the web, where by facts reigns supreme, the chance to obtain relevant information quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have prolonged been the gateway to this huge repository of data, but their efficiency hinges on a single significant variable: indexing. As the online world carries on to expand exponentially, conventional indexing strategies normally battle to maintain pace. Even so, a fresh breed of solutions is rising to handle this challenge head-on: fast link indexing products and services. http://www.bmetv.net/blog/2465017/the-one-best-strategy-to-use-for-fast-indexing-aamir-iqbal-revealed

    Speedy backlink indexing services signify a paradigm shift in how we navigate the net. Not like traditional search engine indexing, which depends on Website crawlers to find out and index articles eventually, rapid link indexing solutions utilize impressive techniques to expedite the process. These expert services leverage Innovative algorithms and technologies to index new information almost instantaneously, ensuring that buyers have use of the latest information and facts at their fingertips. http://camillacastro.us/forums/viewtopic.php?id=471340

    The many benefits of quickly hyperlink indexing companies are manifold. For customers, it means more quickly entry to fresh new content material, doing away with the frustrating lag time in between publication and discovery. No matter whether trying to find breaking information, trending topics, or area of interest passions, consumers can be confident that they are accessing the most up-to-date info obtainable. https://bookmarkingdepot.com/story17200133/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    Additionally, rapidly backlink indexing companies empower content creators and Site proprietors by guaranteeing that their newest offerings are immediately indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This could certainly have a profound effect on visibility, traffic, and engagement, eventually driving growth and achievements within an increasingly competitive electronic landscape. https://buildinglinkspostsonsocia98754.blogkoo.com/indexing-acceleration-46841489

    One of several crucial options of quick website link indexing services is their capability to prioritize and index material dependant on relevance and importance. By examining many signals, for instance social media marketing exercise, user engagement metrics, and content freshness, these products and services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content material that may be most probably to resonate with consumers. This dynamic approach to indexing makes certain that people are introduced with articles that's not only timely but additionally extremely appropriate for their passions and Tastes. https://tinybookmarks.com/story17284151/check-page-indexing-online

    Additionally, rapid url indexing companies are meant to scale easily Together with the at any time-increasing dimensions and complexity of the world wide web. Regardless of whether indexing specific web pages, multimedia material, or entire Web sites, these companies are equipped to take care of the immense volume of information produced online every single day. By means of a combination of distributed computing, device learning, together with other cutting-edge technologies, rapid link indexing expert services can sustain optimum performance and dependability even while in the face of unprecedented growth and need. https://edwinrvybe.blogs100.com/27759984/speed-up-link-indexing

    Besides their specialized prowess, quick connection indexing products and services also prioritize privacy and security. With developing problems in excess of facts privateness and on the internet safety, buyers can trust that their look for queries and searching exercise are handled While using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing robust encryption protocols, details anonymization approaches, and stringent entry controls, quick website link indexing products and services ensure that consumer details remains shielded constantly. https://vicky-stati-backlinks65320.blogsmine.com/27779731/check-page-indexing-in-google

    Seeking in advance, the way forward for search lies while in the palms of rapid hyperlink indexing products and services. As the online market place proceeds to evolve and extend, the need for quick, correct, and comprehensive lookup capabilities will on

    03.10.2024 - 16:02

  • JacobpheNd

    Revolutionizing Research: The Increase of Rapid Link Indexing Providers https://dofollow09753.bmswiki.com/4469010/speed_up_site_indexing

    Inside the vast landscape of the net, where by details reigns supreme, the chance to accessibility related content material quickly is paramount. Search engines have extensive been the gateway to this vast repository of data, but their performance hinges on 1 crucial issue: indexing. As the net proceeds to extend exponentially, traditional indexing techniques generally struggle to help keep tempo. Nevertheless, a different breed of services is rising to address this obstacle head-on: speedy backlink indexing products and services. https://single-bookmark.com/story17286991/speed-up-link-indexing

    Quick backlink indexing solutions signify a paradigm shift in how we navigate the internet. Contrary to typical internet search engine indexing, which relies on Internet crawlers to discover and index written content eventually, speedy backlink indexing solutions utilize progressive strategies to expedite the method. These solutions leverage State-of-the-art algorithms and systems to index new material Virtually instantaneously, making certain that people have usage of the latest facts at their fingertips. https://bookmarkstime.com/story17471749/online-site-indexing

    The key benefits of quick hyperlink indexing products and services are manifold. For buyers, it means a lot quicker usage of new written content, doing away with the irritating lag time between publication and discovery. No matter whether trying to find breaking news, trending topics, or market interests, buyers can rest assured that they are accessing essentially the most up-to-date data out there. https://travisfjnpr.luwebs.com/27884774/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    Additionally, quickly connection indexing expert services empower written content creators and website homeowners by making sure that their newest choices are immediately indexed and surfaced in search results. This could Use a profound effect on visibility, targeted visitors, and engagement, in the long run driving progress and results within an ever more competitive electronic landscape. https://saas10865.wikibestproducts.com/728030/speed_up_link_indexing

    One of many crucial characteristics of rapidly url indexing services is their ability to prioritize and index content dependant on relevance and importance. By examining a variety of signals, including social networking exercise, consumer engagement metrics, and articles freshness, these expert services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of articles that is certainly most certainly to resonate with buyers. This dynamic method of indexing makes certain that consumers are introduced with content that is not only timely but in addition really suitable for their pursuits and preferences. https://saas21976.full-design.com/online-site-indexing-70159519

    Also, quickly url indexing companies are created to scale easily With all the at any time-expanding dimension and complexity of the net. Regardless of whether indexing personal web pages, multimedia material, or entire websites, these providers are Geared up to take care of the huge quantity of data generated on the internet day after day. By means of a mix of distributed computing, device Mastering, and various slicing-edge technologies, speedy backlink indexing companies can sustain optimal general performance and trustworthiness even inside the face of unparalleled expansion and demand. https://fatallisto.com/story6848565/check-site-indexing-in-bulk

    In combination with their specialized prowess, fast hyperlink indexing companies also prioritize privacy and safety. With rising fears around knowledge privateness and on the net safety, buyers can rely on that their research queries and searching action are managed Together with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing strong encryption protocols, information anonymization strategies, and stringent accessibility controls, quick connection indexing companies make certain that user information stays safeguarded always. https://companyspage.com/story2566545/check-page-indexing-online

    Looking forward, the future of lookup lies from the arms of rapid connection indexing expert services. As the web proceeds to evolve and grow, the necessity for rapid, precise, and in depth research abilities will only turn out to be additional pronounced. By harnessing the power of Innovative technologies and innovative algorithms, rapidly connection indexing providers are reshaping the way we learn and consume details on the net, ushering in a completely new period of research that is faster, smarter, plus more attentive to the demands of people and written content creators alike.

    We are pleased to denote a important melioration to our indexing service, at once SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links faster and to a greater extent efficiently than ever before. Forthwith the % of indexed links within 72 hours wish be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Important! Ahead replenishing your balance, be certain to psychometric test indexing on a diminished come of golf links to assure that our indexing method is hone for your inevitably.


    03.10.2024 - 22:17

  • DanielpheNd

    Revolutionizing Look for: The Increase of Quick Connection Indexing Companies https://tysontwzya.blogthisbiz.com/33194108/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    From the broad landscape of the world wide web, in which information reigns supreme, the ability to access suitable information swiftly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have extended been the gateway to this wide repository of data, but their effectiveness hinges on a person critical variable: indexing. As the net proceeds to broaden exponentially, conventional indexing strategies normally struggle to help keep tempo. Having said that, a different breed of companies is emerging to address this problem head-on: fast link indexing companies. https://vicky-stati-backlinks77532.blue-blogs.com/33617500/online-indexing-check

    Quickly connection indexing companies symbolize a paradigm shift in how we navigate the internet. Unlike standard search engine indexing, which relies on Net crawlers to find and index information with time, quickly backlink indexing products and services employ impressive methods to expedite the procedure. These products and services leverage Innovative algorithms and systems to index new written content Virtually instantaneously, ensuring that customers have entry to the latest data at their fingertips. https://buildingtheweb20blogslink21986.wikiconverse.com/4773554/index_your_site_in_google_quickly

    The key benefits of speedy website link indexing services are manifold. For consumers, it means faster usage of clean content, reducing the aggravating lag time in between publication and discovery. Whether or not attempting to find breaking news, trending matters, or area of interest passions, people can be assured that they're accessing the most up-to-day information and facts available. https://natural-bookmark.com/story17256397/indexing-acceleration

    Additionally, rapid url indexing products and services empower content material creators and Internet site house owners by guaranteeing that their most recent offerings are instantly indexed and surfaced in search results. This will Use a profound effect on visibility, site visitors, and engagement, in the end driving expansion and achievements in an significantly competitive electronic landscape. https://bookmark-vip.com/story17278696/speed-up-site-indexing

    On the list of important functions of fast website link indexing companies is their capability to prioritize and index information according to relevance and significance. By analyzing numerous signals, such as social networking activity, consumer engagement metrics, and material freshness, these companies can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content material that is most likely to resonate with end users. This dynamic method of indexing makes certain that end users are introduced with information that isn't only well timed and also really appropriate for their interests and preferences. https://hyperbookmarks.com/story17261789/online-indexing-check

    On top of that, fast backlink indexing providers are meant to scale easily Using the ever-growing dimensions and complexity of the online market place. Regardless of whether indexing unique Websites, multimedia material, or complete Web-sites, these services are Geared up to take care of the huge volume of information created on line every day. By way of a mix of distributed computing, equipment learning, along with other cutting-edge systems, quickly website link indexing services can easily preserve optimum overall performance and dependability even in the deal with of unparalleled development and demand from customers. https://raymonduyadf.vidublog.com/26881939/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    In addition to their technical prowess, quick connection indexing solutions also prioritize privateness and safety. With expanding concerns above knowledge privacy and on the web stability, customers can have faith in that their search queries and browsing activity are dealt with While using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing sturdy encryption protocols, knowledge anonymization approaches, and stringent entry controls, rapidly url indexing products and services be sure that consumer information and facts stays protected at all times. https://socialwebconsult.com/story2575580/indexing-acceleration

    On the lookout forward, the future of lookup lies within the hands of rapidly backlink indexing products and services. As the web carries on to evolve and expand, the necessity for quick, precise, and complete research capabilities will only come to be more pronounced. By harnessing the strength of Highly developed systems and progressive algorithms, rapid hyperlink indexing providers are reshaping just how we explore and consume information and facts on the web, ushering in a fresh period of lookup that is quicker, smarter, and much more attentive to the wants of users and material creators alike.

    We are proud of to harbinger a pregnant melioration to our indexing service, straight off SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links faster and to a greater extent with efficiency than of all time ahead. At present the % of indexed golf links inside 72 hours testament be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Of import! Ahead replenishing your balance, be certain to exam indexing on a minuscule bit of golf links to check that our indexing method acting is hone for your needs.


    04.10.2024 - 19:48

  • Plaksabbs

    Revolutionizing Lookup: The Increase of Rapid Backlink Indexing Providers https://bookmarkingbay.com/story17218157/online-site-indexing

    From the huge landscape of the web, exactly where info reigns supreme, the opportunity to entry pertinent content material swiftly is paramount. Search engines have extended been the gateway to this vast repository of information, but their effectiveness hinges on a person essential factor: indexing. As the world wide web continues to grow exponentially, conventional indexing procedures frequently struggle to keep speed. However, a fresh breed of services is rising to handle this obstacle head-on: rapidly link indexing products and services. https://judahtwyya.sharebyblog.com/27214620/check-page-indexing-online

    Speedy hyperlink indexing providers symbolize a paradigm change in how we navigate the web. Unlike standard internet search engine indexing, which depends on World-wide-web crawlers to discover and index information after some time, rapidly link indexing solutions hire ground breaking tactics to expedite the process. These services leverage State-of-the-art algorithms and systems to index new articles almost instantaneously, making sure that users have access to the latest details at their fingertips. https://thebookpage.com/story2540313/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    The main advantages of fast connection indexing expert services are manifold. For end users, it means quicker use of refreshing material, doing away with the annoying lag time among publication and discovery. Irrespective of whether seeking breaking news, trending subject areas, or market passions, people can be assured that they're accessing the most up-to-date details obtainable. https://sociallytraffic.com/story2070461/speed-up-link-indexing

    Additionally, quickly backlink indexing companies empower information creators and Web site entrepreneurs by ensuring that their hottest choices are immediately indexed and surfaced in search results. This tends to Possess a profound impact on visibility, website traffic, and engagement, finally driving progress and accomplishment within an increasingly competitive electronic landscape. https://vicky-stati-backlinks24446.ampedpages.com/check-website-indexing-online-for-free-54796302

    On the list of crucial options of quickly link indexing solutions is their power to prioritize and index content material based upon relevance and importance. By analyzing different signals, such as social websites activity, consumer engagement metrics, and articles freshness, these solutions can intelligently prioritize the indexing of articles which is more than likely to resonate with consumers. This dynamic approach to indexing ensures that customers are presented with content that is not only well timed but in addition highly relevant for their passions and Tastes. https://yoursocialpeople.com/story2536833/speed-up-indexing

    Also, rapidly website link indexing companies are designed to scale very easily While using the ever-growing dimensions and complexity of the online world. No matter if indexing particular person Web content, multimedia material, or complete Internet websites, these services are Outfitted to deal with the immense quantity of data created on line daily. Via a mix of dispersed computing, machine Discovering, and various slicing-edge systems, rapid backlink indexing expert services will be able to keep optimum efficiency and trustworthiness even in the facial area of unparalleled advancement and desire. https://mediajx.com/story18917074/speed-up-link-indexing

    In addition to their technical prowess, fast link indexing companies also prioritize privateness and safety. With developing issues more than information privacy and on-line security, people can believe in that their search queries and searching activity are managed Along with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By implementing sturdy encryption protocols, knowledge anonymization approaches, and stringent accessibility controls, quickly url indexing providers make certain that person information stays guarded at all times. https://building-links-posts-on-s32087.blogs-service.com/58322694/indexing-acceleration

    Hunting forward, the future of search lies during the arms of fast link indexing solutions. As the online market place continues to evolve and expand, the necessity for quickly, correct, and thorough lookup abilities will only grow to be extra pronounced. By harnessing the strength of Innovative technologies and revolutionary algorithms, speedy hyperlink indexing expert services are reshaping the best way we find out and consume details on line, ushering in a brand new era of search that is faster, smarter, plus much more conscious of the demands of buyers and material creators alike.

    We are proud of to annunciate a important improvement to our indexing service, forthwith SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and Sir Thomas More expeditiously than of all time before. Immediately the % of indexed golf links within 72 hours wish be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sept 1st.

    Of import! In front replenishing your balance, be for sure to mental test indexing on a pocket-size phone number of links to assure that our indexing method is perfect tense for your of necessity.


    05.10.2024 - 02:43

  • Laurenndo

    Revolutionizing Research: The Rise of Quickly Connection Indexing Companies https://edwinrvybe.blogs100.com/27759984/speed-up-link-indexing

    In the large landscape of the net, exactly where data reigns supreme, a chance to access pertinent information quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have extensive been the gateway to this huge repository of knowledge, but their usefulness hinges on one particular critical aspect: indexing. As the online world proceeds to develop exponentially, traditional indexing strategies typically wrestle to help keep rate. Even so, a fresh breed of providers is emerging to deal with this obstacle head-on: quick connection indexing providers. https://seonoindex31087.blogdal.com/27696784/check-page-indexing-in-google

    Fast url indexing expert services characterize a paradigm shift in how we navigate the web. As opposed to regular online search engine indexing, which depends on World-wide-web crawlers to find and index content material as time passes, speedy website link indexing expert services make use of ground breaking strategies to expedite the method. These companies leverage Superior algorithms and systems to index new information Virtually instantaneously, guaranteeing that end users have usage of the latest info at their fingertips. https://andersonmqtvw.wikiap.com/717716/check_website_indexing_online_for_free

    Some great benefits of quickly backlink indexing companies are manifold. For users, this means more rapidly access to refreshing content, getting rid of the discouraging lag time amongst publication and discovery. Irrespective of whether searching for breaking information, trending subjects, or niche passions, end users can be confident that they are accessing essentially the most up-to-date information and facts accessible. https://milocgksb.dsiblogger.com/60067584/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    Moreover, rapid url indexing products and services empower content material creators and website owners by guaranteeing that their most current choices are immediately indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This could Have got a profound effect on visibility, website traffic, and engagement, finally driving advancement and achievement in an progressively competitive digital landscape. https://thesocialroi.com/story6915446/check-page-indexing-online

    One of the important capabilities of rapid hyperlink indexing expert services is their ability to prioritize and index content based on relevance and significance. By analyzing various signals, including social media activity, user engagement metrics, and content material freshness, these services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content material that is certainly probably to resonate with consumers. This dynamic method of indexing ensures that customers are presented with written content that's not only timely but additionally very suitable to their pursuits and Tastes. https://claytonuyzbd.wizzardsblog.com/27377988/speed-up-indexing

    In addition, rapid backlink indexing companies are made to scale effortlessly Together with the ever-increasing dimensions and complexity of the online world. Irrespective of whether indexing particular person web pages, multimedia material, or whole Internet sites, these companies are equipped to deal with the immense quantity of information created online day after day. As a result of a mix of dispersed computing, machine Studying, together with other reducing-edge technologies, rapid connection indexing expert services have the ability to sustain ideal overall performance and dependability even within the experience of unparalleled progress and demand from customers. https://1001bookmarks.com/story17177203/check-site-indexing-in-bulk

    In addition to their complex prowess, speedy hyperlink indexing providers also prioritize privacy and security. With expanding concerns in excess of details privacy and on line security, buyers can trust that their look for queries and searching activity are dealt with While using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By implementing robust encryption protocols, knowledge anonymization procedures, and stringent obtain controls, quickly website link indexing expert services make certain that person data remains safeguarded all the time. https://web20blogs09764.bloggosite.com/33611128/online-indexing-check

    Hunting ahead, the future of look for lies during the fingers of fast connection indexing solutions. As the online world continues to evolve and develop, the need for rapid, correct, and in depth search capabilities will only turn into a lot more pronounced. By harnessing the strength of Sophisticated systems and innovative algorithms, fast connection indexing providers are reshaping the way we find and consume info online, ushering in a whole new period of look for that is faster, smarter, plus more aware of the needs of users and content creators alike.

    We are pleased to foretell a significant improvement to our indexing service, at once SpeedyIndex indexes your links faster and More expeditiously than e'er ahead. At present the % of indexed golf links inside 72 hours testament be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Important! In front replenishing your balance, be certain to tryout indexing on a diminished enumerate of links to assure that our indexing method is consummate for your of necessity.


    05.10.2024 - 03:57

  • Rubenadmip

    :::::::::::::::: ONLY THE BEST ::::::::::::::::

    Content from TOR websites Magic Kingdom, TLZ,
    Childs Play, Baby Heart, Giftbox, Hoarders Hell,
    OPVA, Pedo Playground, GirlsHUB, Lolita City
    More 3000 videos and 20000 photos girls and boys


    Complete series LS, BD, YWM, Liluplanet
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    Cat Goddess, Deadpixel, PZ-magazine
    Tropical Cuties, Home Made Model (HMM)
    Fantasia Models, Valya and Irisa, Syrup
    Buratino, Red Lagoon Studio, Studio13

    05.10.2024 - 04:05

  • ThomassloCA

    Revolutionizing Lookup: The Rise of Speedy Hyperlink Indexing Services https://milocgksb.dsiblogger.com/60067584/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    During the large landscape of the web, exactly where information and facts reigns supreme, a chance to obtain appropriate written content quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have lengthy been the gateway to this extensive repository of knowledge, but their success hinges on 1 critical variable: indexing. As the online market place continues to extend exponentially, traditional indexing solutions often battle to help keep pace. On the other hand, a whole new breed of solutions is emerging to address this problem head-on: rapid website link indexing providers. https://bookmark-dofollow.com/story19143875/online-site-indexing

    Rapid backlink indexing expert services stand for a paradigm change in how we navigate the world wide web. As opposed to standard online search engine indexing, which relies on Website crawlers to find out and index content material eventually, quick link indexing providers use impressive procedures to expedite the method. These solutions leverage Highly developed algorithms and technologies to index new material Virtually instantaneously, making certain that customers have entry to the newest information and facts at their fingertips. https://placementofarticlesonsite09764.buscawiki.com/720653/check_website_indexing_online_for_free

    The main advantages of fast backlink indexing solutions are manifold. For consumers, it means quicker entry to fresh new content, doing away with the aggravating lag time concerning publication and discovery. No matter if seeking breaking news, trending subject areas, or market pursuits, customers can rest assured that they're accessing quite possibly the most up-to-day facts offered. https://10875.blogvivi.com/27861229/online-indexing-check

    Additionally, rapid backlink indexing products and services empower information creators and Internet site homeowners by guaranteeing that their most recent offerings are instantly indexed and surfaced in search results. This can Have got a profound effect on visibility, targeted traffic, and engagement, finally driving advancement and good results within an significantly aggressive electronic landscape. https://push2bookmark.com/story17353435/speed-up-link-indexing

    On the list of essential capabilities of speedy link indexing services is their capacity to prioritize and index content according to relevance and significance. By examining numerous signals, including social websites exercise, user engagement metrics, and information freshness, these solutions can intelligently prioritize the indexing of written content that may be most likely to resonate with customers. This dynamic method of indexing ensures that people are introduced with written content that isn't only timely but additionally very relevant to their interests and preferences. https://nimmansocial.com/story6877790/speed-up-link-indexing

    Also, speedy url indexing companies are built to scale effortlessly with the ever-increasing measurement and complexity of the net. Regardless of whether indexing particular person Web content, multimedia content, or overall Web-sites, these services are Outfitted to handle the enormous quantity of data created on the internet day after day. Via a mix of distributed computing, device Finding out, together with other chopping-edge technologies, quickly hyperlink indexing providers have the ability to maintain optimum overall performance and reliability even from the deal with of unparalleled development and desire. https://landenvzbef.sharebyblog.com/27221831/checking-site-indexing-online-for-free

    Along with their specialized prowess, fast url indexing providers also prioritize privacy and safety. With expanding worries around data privacy and on line protection, consumers can belief that their search queries and searching action are handled Together with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing sturdy encryption protocols, facts anonymization strategies, and stringent obtain controls, rapid hyperlink indexing companies make sure consumer info stays secured constantly. https://bookmark-rss.com/story17151808/check-page-indexing-online

    On the lookout forward, the way forward for look for lies while in the palms of quick url indexing products and services. As the world wide web continues to evolve and broaden, the need for quick, exact, and detailed look for abilities will only become extra pronounced. By harnessing the power of Highly developed technologies and modern algorithms, quick connection indexing services are reshaping how we discover and eat details on the web, ushering in a new era of research that is faster, smarter, and more aware of the desires of customers and content material creators alike.

    We are proud of to declare a pregnant melioration to our indexing service, straightaway SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links faster and Thomas More with efficiency than always ahead. Like a shot the % of indexed links within 72 hours will be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sep 1st.

    Significant! Ahead replenishing your balance, be certain to try indexing on a little numerate of links to see to it that our indexing method acting is arrant for your of necessity.


    07.10.2024 - 02:07

  • Brayanduv

    Revolutionizing Search: The Increase of Quickly Website link Indexing Services https://socialwebnotes.com/story2648881/check-page-indexing-online

    While in the extensive landscape of the web, where by information reigns supreme, the chance to obtain suitable material quickly is paramount. Search engines like google have very long been the gateway to this vast repository of knowledge, but their success hinges on a person important factor: indexing. As the internet proceeds to expand exponentially, conventional indexing approaches often struggle to keep pace. Nevertheless, a fresh breed of services is emerging to handle this challenge head-on: quick link indexing companies. https://fatallisto.com/story6848211/speed-up-link-indexing

    Rapidly backlink indexing expert services signify a paradigm shift in how we navigate the net. Compared with typical internet search engine indexing, which relies on web crawlers to discover and index material as time passes, speedy url indexing expert services utilize innovative strategies to expedite the method. These expert services leverage Superior algorithms and technologies to index new articles Just about instantaneously, making certain that consumers have entry to the most recent information at their fingertips. https://josueqfvjx.governor-wiki.com/718758/online_site_indexing

    The main advantages of quick url indexing products and services are manifold. For users, it means a lot quicker usage of fresh new information, reducing the aggravating lag time among publication and discovery. Irrespective of whether attempting to find breaking news, trending topics, or area of interest passions, consumers can rest assured that they're accessing probably the most up-to-day info offered. https://wildbookmarks.com/story17399850/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    In addition, rapidly link indexing expert services empower material creators and Web page homeowners by ensuring that their most up-to-date offerings are immediately indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This could Possess a profound influence on visibility, visitors, and engagement, eventually driving progress and achievements within an ever more competitive digital landscape. https://dofollow09764.bloggerswise.com/33645224/speed-up-link-indexing

    Among the vital attributes of fast hyperlink indexing services is their power to prioritize and index content material based upon relevance and significance. By analyzing many indicators, such as social networking activity, user engagement metrics, and information freshness, these products and services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of written content that's more than likely to resonate with people. This dynamic approach to indexing ensures that buyers are presented with articles that isn't only timely but will also extremely related for their interests and Tastes. https://seo-noindex31986.slypage.com/27796781/online-indexing-check

    On top of that, rapidly url indexing companies are built to scale simply While using the ever-growing measurement and complexity of the net. Whether or not indexing particular person web pages, multimedia articles, or whole Sites, these products and services are Outfitted to deal with the immense quantity of knowledge generated on the web on a daily basis. By a mix of distributed computing, device Discovering, together with other slicing-edge systems, rapid backlink indexing solutions are able to preserve best functionality and dependability even inside the deal with of unprecedented expansion and demand. https://growthbookmarks.com/story17208004/speed-up-indexing

    In addition to their specialized prowess, fast link indexing providers also prioritize privacy and stability. With expanding issues above knowledge privateness and on-line stability, people can rely on that their search queries and browsing exercise are taken care of Along with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By implementing robust encryption protocols, data anonymization tactics, and stringent access controls, quick backlink indexing expert services make sure that user information stays safeguarded all the time. https://kameronybefh.blue-blogs.com/33619344/speed-up-site-indexing

    Wanting in advance, the future of research lies inside the hands of speedy link indexing providers. As the online world proceeds to evolve and develop, the necessity for speedy, accurate, and detailed search capabilities will only grow to be extra pronounced. By harnessing the power of State-of-the-art systems and ground breaking algorithms, fast link indexing companies are reshaping the way in which we find and take in information on the net, ushering in a brand new period of research that is faster, smarter, and a lot more responsive to the desires of consumers and information creators alike.

    We are proud of to denote a pregnant melioration to our indexing service, forthwith SpeedyIndex indexes your links quicker and Thomas More efficiently than ever in front. Now the % of indexed golf links inside 72 hours bequeath be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Crucial! Ahead replenishing your balance, be sure to trial indexing on a pocket-sized keep down of links to insure that our indexing method acting is stark for your of necessity.


    07.10.2024 - 03:38

  • DanielpheNd

    Revolutionizing Look for: The Increase of Quickly Backlink Indexing Solutions https://travialist.com/story7220517/check-page-indexing-online

    While in the large landscape of the world wide web, the place facts reigns supreme, the chance to obtain suitable information swiftly is paramount. Serps have extensive been the gateway to this vast repository of information, but their efficiency hinges on 1 crucial issue: indexing. As the web proceeds to extend exponentially, standard indexing approaches frequently wrestle to keep speed. Having said that, a new breed of companies is emerging to handle this problem head-on: rapid link indexing services. https://web20blogs65320.robhasawiki.com/10588172/speed_up_link_indexing

    Rapid link indexing expert services symbolize a paradigm shift in how we navigate the online. Not like common online search engine indexing, which depends on web crawlers to discover and index articles as time passes, rapidly link indexing services utilize modern methods to expedite the method. These products and services leverage Highly developed algorithms and systems to index new written content Just about instantaneously, making sure that buyers have usage of the most recent facts at their fingertips. https://donovannrsvw.blogdosaga.com/27227449/speed-up-indexing

    The advantages of quick link indexing products and services are manifold. For consumers, it means more rapidly access to clean content material, eradicating the frustrating lag time in between publication and discovery. Whether looking for breaking news, trending subject areas, or area of interest pursuits, end users can be assured that they are accessing the most up-to-date data readily available. https://bookmarkmiracle.com/story18614887/speed-up-link-indexing

    Additionally, quick hyperlink indexing products and services empower written content creators and Web-site homeowners by making sure that their newest choices are promptly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This will have a profound impact on visibility, website traffic, and engagement, in the end driving expansion and achievements within an ever more competitive digital landscape. https://onelifesocial.com/story2500801/speed-up-site-indexing

    Among the list of key features of fast link indexing providers is their ability to prioritize and index content material according to relevance and importance. By examining a variety of indicators, which include social websites action, person engagement metrics, and content freshness, these providers can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content that is definitely most probably to resonate with people. This dynamic approach to indexing makes sure that buyers are presented with content that isn't only well timed but additionally extremely applicable for their passions and Tastes. https://seo-noindex32197.azzablog.com/27435555/check-page-indexing-online

    On top of that, quick url indexing providers are built to scale effortlessly Along with the ever-increasing size and complexity of the online world. No matter whether indexing particular person web pages, multimedia articles, or whole websites, these services are equipped to take care of the immense quantity of knowledge produced on-line every day. As a result of a mix of dispersed computing, device learning, and other chopping-edge systems, quick website link indexing expert services have the ability to manage best performance and dependability even inside the deal with of unprecedented advancement and need. https://toolbarseo87642.law-wiki.com/717943/check_site_indexing_in_bulk

    Along with their technological prowess, quickly backlink indexing providers also prioritize privateness and security. With developing fears about details privateness and online security, buyers can have confidence in that their search queries and browsing activity are handled Together with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By employing robust encryption protocols, data anonymization methods, and stringent access controls, quickly connection indexing providers be sure that person information and facts continues to be safeguarded at all times. https://dofollow10875.atualblog.com/33297032/online-indexing-check

    Looking in advance, the way forward for lookup lies in the arms of speedy hyperlink indexing solutions. As the online world continues to evolve and grow, the necessity for rapid, exact, and thorough look for capabilities will only become much more pronounced. By harnessing the strength of State-of-the-art systems and impressive algorithms, speedy connection indexing solutions are reshaping the way we find out and eat data online, ushering in a different era of research that is quicker, smarter, and more responsive to the needs of customers and information creators alike.

    We are pleased to herald a significant advance to our indexing service, like a shot SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and Sir Thomas More efficiently than e'er ahead. Now the % of indexed links within 72 hours leave be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Of import! Before replenishing your balance, be trusted to test indexing on a modest amount of golf links to see that our indexing method is unadulterated for your needs.


    07.10.2024 - 20:44

  • ThomassloCA

    Revolutionizing Research: The Rise of Speedy Link Indexing Expert services https://web-2-0-blogs08753.wikijm.com/712818/check_site_indexing_in_bulk

    During the huge landscape of the online world, where by details reigns supreme, a chance to accessibility applicable material quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have prolonged been the gateway to this wide repository of information, but their performance hinges on one particular important aspect: indexing. As the net proceeds to extend exponentially, regular indexing procedures frequently struggle to maintain tempo. On the other hand, a fresh breed of companies is rising to address this problem head-on: speedy url indexing expert services. https://bookmarkforest.com/story17211749/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    Rapidly hyperlink indexing providers symbolize a paradigm change in how we navigate the net. Unlike conventional internet search engine indexing, which depends on web crawlers to find and index articles after a while, rapid link indexing solutions use ground breaking techniques to expedite the method. These companies leverage Superior algorithms and systems to index new articles Virtually instantaneously, ensuring that people have use of the latest information at their fingertips. https://cruzuxadf.dailyblogzz.com/27829852/speed-up-link-indexing

    The key benefits of rapid link indexing products and services are manifold. For people, it means faster usage of new material, eradicating the aggravating lag time concerning publication and discovery. Irrespective of whether searching for breaking news, trending matters, or area of interest interests, users can be confident that they are accessing quite possibly the most up-to-date info out there. https://express-page.com/story2532274/speed-up-site-indexing

    Additionally, quick hyperlink indexing providers empower information creators and Site proprietors by ensuring that their newest choices are immediately indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This tends to Use a profound influence on visibility, traffic, and engagement, in the end driving expansion and accomplishment in an more and more competitive electronic landscape. https://bookmarks-hit.com/story17338842/check-site-indexing-in-bulk

    One of several important options of rapidly backlink indexing companies is their capacity to prioritize and index material determined by relevance and significance. By examining a variety of indicators, like social media marketing action, person engagement metrics, and written content freshness, these products and services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of information which is almost certainly to resonate with people. This dynamic approach to indexing ensures that users are presented with content material that is not only well timed but also remarkably applicable to their pursuits and Choices. https://edwinrvybe.blogs100.com/27759984/speed-up-link-indexing

    Additionally, quickly backlink indexing solutions are made to scale very easily While using the at any time-growing dimension and complexity of the world wide web. No matter if indexing personal Web content, multimedia material, or overall Internet sites, these providers are equipped to take care of the enormous quantity of information produced on line every single day. By means of a combination of distributed computing, machine Finding out, and various cutting-edge systems, rapidly website link indexing products and services have the ability to keep optimum general performance and trustworthiness even in the experience of unparalleled growth and demand from customers. https://ilovebookmark.com/story17172223/speed-up-link-indexing

    Together with their complex prowess, fast hyperlink indexing expert services also prioritize privateness and stability. With growing fears about knowledge privateness and on the net protection, end users can belief that their look for queries and searching activity are managed While using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing strong encryption protocols, data anonymization methods, and stringent obtain controls, rapidly link indexing providers be certain that consumer data remains safeguarded all of the time. https://extrabookmarking.com/story17260095/online-indexing-check

    Searching in advance, the future of search lies inside the fingers of quick backlink indexing providers. As the web proceeds to evolve and broaden, the need for rapid, precise, and detailed look for abilities will only become far more pronounced. By harnessing the strength of State-of-the-art technologies and innovative algorithms, quickly website link indexing companies are reshaping the way we learn and eat facts on the web, ushering in a new era of lookup that is quicker, smarter, and even more aware of the needs of end users and material creators alike.

    We are pleased to foretell a substantial betterment to our indexing service, today SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and to a greater extent efficiently than ever in front. At once the % of indexed links inside 72 hours testament be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sept 1st.

    Important! In front replenishing your balance, be surely to exam indexing on a minuscule telephone number of links to see to it that our indexing method acting is gross for your necessarily.


    08.10.2024 - 04:50

  • DylanpheNd

    Revolutionizing Search: The Rise of Quick Url Indexing Expert services https://my-social-box.com/story2553213/speed-up-link-indexing

    From the wide landscape of the net, wherever information reigns supreme, a chance to entry appropriate material quickly is paramount. Search engines like google have prolonged been the gateway to this extensive repository of information, but their success hinges on just one crucial component: indexing. As the net carries on to grow exponentially, regular indexing procedures normally wrestle to maintain tempo. Even so, a completely new breed of services is emerging to handle this obstacle head-on: rapidly url indexing expert services. https://thefairlist.com/story7120163/online-indexing-check

    Fast url indexing expert services stand for a paradigm change in how we navigate the online. Unlike traditional online search engine indexing, which depends on web crawlers to discover and index articles eventually, rapidly link indexing solutions make use of progressive techniques to expedite the procedure. These companies leverage Innovative algorithms and technologies to index new content Practically instantaneously, making certain that people have access to the latest info at their fingertips. https://linkedbookmarker.com/story2598434/check-site-indexing-in-bulk

    The advantages of quickly website link indexing companies are manifold. For buyers, this means faster access to fresh written content, eradicating the frustrating lag time between publication and discovery. No matter if attempting to find breaking information, trending subjects, or market interests, end users can rest assured that they are accessing one of the most up-to-date facts obtainable. https://thebookmarklist.com/story17213104/online-site-indexing

    In addition, fast backlink indexing services empower content material creators and Site homeowners by ensuring that their most up-to-date offerings are instantly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This can Have got a profound influence on visibility, visitors, and engagement, eventually driving development and achievements in an progressively aggressive electronic landscape. https://moodjhomedia.com/story1594933/check-page-indexing-in-google

    On the list of vital features of speedy link indexing solutions is their capability to prioritize and index content according to relevance and significance. By examining different alerts, for instance social media action, user engagement metrics, and content material freshness, these providers can intelligently prioritize the indexing of written content that's probably to resonate with customers. This dynamic method of indexing ensures that end users are presented with content material that isn't only well timed but in addition hugely appropriate for their pursuits and Tastes. https://followbookmarks.com/story17353743/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    Furthermore, fast url indexing solutions are made to scale effortlessly With all the at any time-expanding measurement and complexity of the online world. Whether indexing individual Websites, multimedia written content, or overall Internet sites, these companies are Geared up to take care of the huge volume of knowledge created on line daily. Through a mix of distributed computing, equipment learning, and also other cutting-edge technologies, rapidly backlink indexing services are able to maintain optimum general performance and dependability even within the face of unprecedented growth and demand. https://webcastlist.com/story18162672/indexing-acceleration

    Besides their technological prowess, speedy website link indexing services also prioritize privacy and security. With expanding fears over details privateness and on the net stability, users can believe in that their search queries and browsing activity are handled Together with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By applying strong encryption protocols, details anonymization strategies, and stringent entry controls, quick backlink indexing providers make sure person details continues to be safeguarded all of the time. https://bookmarkstumble.com/story18702345/checking-site-indexing-online-for-free

    On the lookout ahead, the future of look for lies within the hands of quick connection indexing expert services. As the world wide web carries on to evolve and broaden, the need for rapid, precise, and complete research abilities will only grow to be extra pronounced. By harnessing the power of Superior systems and modern algorithms, quickly backlink indexing companies are reshaping the way in which we find out and consume facts online, ushering in a new era of lookup that is quicker, smarter, plus more attentive to the desires of people and material creators alike.

    We are proud of to declare a pregnant advance to our indexing service, like a shot SpeedyIndex indexes your links faster and more than with efficiency than of all time ahead. At once the % of indexed links inside 72 hours testament be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Of import! Ahead replenishing your balance, be for certain to try out indexing on a little enumerate of links to see that our indexing method is thoroughgoing for your necessarily.


    08.10.2024 - 06:03

  • Nicholasgvg

    Revolutionizing Research: The Rise of Speedy Backlink Indexing Products and services https://socialmphl.com/story18922713/indexing-acceleration

    Within the wide landscape of the online world, where by information and facts reigns supreme, the opportunity to obtain relevant material quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have extended been the gateway to this broad repository of knowledge, but their usefulness hinges on one significant issue: indexing. As the online market place continues to develop exponentially, classic indexing solutions typically wrestle to keep tempo. On the other hand, a new breed of services is rising to deal with this challenge head-on: quickly link indexing expert services. https://garrettybdgi.blogvivi.com/27842771/online-indexing-check

    Rapidly connection indexing expert services depict a paradigm shift in how we navigate the web. Contrary to regular search engine indexing, which relies on World wide web crawlers to find out and index information as time passes, speedy url indexing companies hire progressive methods to expedite the procedure. These services leverage Sophisticated algorithms and systems to index new written content Nearly instantaneously, ensuring that buyers have usage of the most up-to-date information at their fingertips. https://alfredh543teo4.rimmablog.com/27016403/online-indexing-check

    The benefits of quick backlink indexing products and services are manifold. For buyers, this means faster entry to refreshing content material, doing away with the aggravating lag time involving publication and discovery. No matter whether searching for breaking news, trending subjects, or specialized niche passions, buyers can be confident that they're accessing one of the most up-to-day info available. https://checkbookmarks.com/story2667704/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    Also, quickly connection indexing solutions empower articles creators and Web-site owners by guaranteeing that their latest choices are promptly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This could have a profound influence on visibility, targeted visitors, and engagement, in the long run driving progress and accomplishment in an significantly aggressive digital landscape. https://natural-bookmark.com/story17261802/checking-site-indexing-online-for-free

    One of many critical features of rapidly url indexing expert services is their capability to prioritize and index content based on relevance and significance. By examining different indicators, including social networking exercise, user engagement metrics, and information freshness, these companies can intelligently prioritize the indexing of written content that is definitely almost certainly to resonate with customers. This dynamic method of indexing makes certain that buyers are presented with material that isn't only timely but will also hugely appropriate for their pursuits and Choices. https://kbookmarking.com/story17245484/speed-up-link-indexing

    Furthermore, quick link indexing expert services are made to scale very easily Together with the at any time-increasing sizing and complexity of the net. Whether indexing specific web pages, multimedia content, or whole websites, these companies are equipped to take care of the immense quantity of knowledge generated on the web on a daily basis. By means of a mix of dispersed computing, equipment Mastering, along with other chopping-edge systems, rapidly website link indexing providers can sustain exceptional effectiveness and reliability even during the deal with of unprecedented development and need. https://felixtwzbc.shoutmyblog.com/27033750/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    In addition to their technological prowess, quickly website link indexing services also prioritize privacy and stability. With growing issues above info privacy and on the web safety, consumers can have faith in that their research queries and searching activity are managed Using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing strong encryption protocols, details anonymization methods, and stringent obtain controls, fast hyperlink indexing services be sure that person details remains safeguarded all the time. https://mysitesname.com/story6910739/indexing-acceleration

    Wanting in advance, the future of look for lies inside the palms of rapidly hyperlink indexing products and services. As the online market place carries on to evolve and increase, the need for speedy, correct, and extensive search abilities will only become far more pronounced. By harnessing the power of Superior technologies and ground breaking algorithms, quickly backlink indexing solutions are reshaping the best way we learn and take in information on the net, ushering in a brand new period of lookup that is quicker, smarter, and more responsive to the requirements of users and written content creators alike.

    We are proud of to herald a substantial melioration to our indexing service, immediately SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and More expeditiously than always ahead. Now the % of indexed golf links within 72 hours will be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sept 1st.

    Crucial! Before replenishing your balance, be certain to examination indexing on a modest figure of links to assure that our indexing method is perfect tense for your needs.


    08.10.2024 - 09:27

  • Williammnq

    Revolutionizing Research: The Increase of Rapidly Connection Indexing Services https://bookmarkbirth.com/story16995784/indexing-acceleration

    While in the huge landscape of the internet, where details reigns supreme, the opportunity to obtain suitable content quickly is paramount. Search engines like google and yahoo have prolonged been the gateway to this vast repository of knowledge, but their efficiency hinges on a single vital aspect: indexing. As the online market place continues to broaden exponentially, traditional indexing techniques usually battle to keep speed. On the other hand, a brand new breed of products and services is emerging to deal with this challenge head-on: rapid link indexing companies. https://bookmark-rss.com/story17151256/speed-up-link-indexing

    Rapidly backlink indexing providers depict a paradigm shift in how we navigate the world wide web. Compared with common internet search engine indexing, which depends on Internet crawlers to find and index material with time, rapid url indexing providers employ revolutionary tactics to expedite the process. These expert services leverage advanced algorithms and systems to index new written content almost instantaneously, ensuring that people have usage of the most up-to-date information and facts at their fingertips. https://binksites.com/story6879973/online-indexing-check

    Some great benefits of rapid connection indexing expert services are manifold. For consumers, it means speedier use of fresh new written content, removing the frustrating lag time in between publication and discovery. Irrespective of whether looking for breaking information, trending subject areas, or specialized niche pursuits, buyers can be assured that they are accessing essentially the most up-to-day details offered. https://seo13208.oneworldwiki.com/5995232/index_your_site_in_google_quickly

    In addition, rapidly connection indexing companies empower content creators and Site owners by guaranteeing that their hottest choices are instantly indexed and surfaced in search results. This can Possess a profound influence on visibility, site visitors, and engagement, in the end driving advancement and results within an significantly competitive digital landscape. https://ricardojnzbd.atualblog.com/33309129/checking-site-indexing-online-for-free

    One of many crucial characteristics of speedy backlink indexing companies is their power to prioritize and index information dependant on relevance and importance. By examining numerous alerts, for example social media exercise, person engagement metrics, and written content freshness, these solutions can intelligently prioritize the indexing of material that's almost certainly to resonate with users. This dynamic approach to indexing makes certain that consumers are introduced with material that's not only timely and also extremely appropriate to their passions and Choices. https://sociallytraffic.com/story2071918/speed-up-link-indexing

    Additionally, quickly website link indexing products and services are intended to scale very easily Using the at any time-increasing dimension and complexity of the online market place. Regardless of whether indexing specific Websites, multimedia information, or complete Internet websites, these solutions are Geared up to manage the immense volume of information created on the net daily. Through a mix of dispersed computing, device Studying, and various slicing-edge systems, rapidly url indexing solutions will be able to maintain best functionality and reliability even within the face of unprecedented growth and desire. https://orangebookmarks.com/story17322383/checking-the-site-for-indexing-online

    Together with their complex prowess, rapidly connection indexing expert services also prioritize privateness and safety. With growing fears in excess of information privacy and online protection, buyers can believe in that their research queries and searching activity are dealt with Using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing strong encryption protocols, information anonymization procedures, and stringent access controls, quick backlink indexing companies be certain that consumer facts stays guarded continually. https://mediawiki32087.link4blogs.com/49488056/check-site-indexing-in-bulk

    Hunting ahead, the future of search lies within the hands of quickly hyperlink indexing providers. As the web proceeds to evolve and grow, the necessity for fast, exact, and comprehensive search abilities will only become more pronounced. By harnessing the strength of Superior systems and progressive algorithms, rapidly connection indexing providers are reshaping the way we learn and consume information and facts on-line, ushering in a completely new period of lookup that is faster, smarter, and a lot more conscious of the demands of consumers and content material creators alike.

    We are proud of to herald a meaning advance to our indexing service, at once SpeedyIndex indexes your links faster and to a greater extent expeditiously than always ahead. Directly the % of indexed golf links inside 72 hours wish be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sep 1st.

    Significant! Ahead replenishing your balance, be trusted to screen indexing on a minuscule enumerate of golf links to control that our indexing method acting is utter for your necessarily.


    09.10.2024 - 10:30

  • AlexanderpheNd

    Revolutionizing Lookup: The Rise of Fast Link Indexing Services https://bouchesocial.com/story18914787/speed-up-link-indexing

    From the vast landscape of the web, in which information and facts reigns supreme, the chance to access appropriate content quickly is paramount. Search engines like yahoo have lengthy been the gateway to this large repository of data, but their efficiency hinges on one critical aspect: indexing. As the internet proceeds to grow exponentially, standard indexing techniques frequently battle to keep pace. Nonetheless, a brand new breed of products and services is rising to deal with this challenge head-on: rapidly connection indexing solutions. https://thebookmarkid.com/story17338992/speed-up-link-indexing

    Rapidly backlink indexing providers symbolize a paradigm shift in how we navigate the net. Contrary to regular search engine indexing, which depends on Website crawlers to find and index content over time, fast backlink indexing services employ modern methods to expedite the process. These solutions leverage Highly developed algorithms and technologies to index new written content Nearly instantaneously, making sure that users have use of the most recent info at their fingertips. https://telegra.ph/Ten-Easy-Steps-To-More-Speedyindex-Google-Sales-01-17

    Some great benefits of rapidly website link indexing companies are manifold. For consumers, it means quicker entry to clean written content, reducing the annoying lag time amongst publication and discovery. Irrespective of whether looking for breaking news, trending topics, or specialized niche passions, buyers can rest assured that they're accessing quite possibly the most up-to-date information and facts accessible. https://tinybookmarks.com/story17282238/indexing-acceleration

    In addition, rapidly backlink indexing expert services empower information creators and website homeowners by making sure that their latest choices are immediately indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This could certainly Have a very profound influence on visibility, targeted traffic, and engagement, ultimately driving development and results within an progressively aggressive electronic landscape. https://exactlybookmarks.com/story17217755/check-page-indexing-in-google

    On the list of vital functions of speedy backlink indexing products and services is their power to prioritize and index material based on relevance and importance. By analyzing a variety of signals, for instance social websites exercise, user engagement metrics, and articles freshness, these expert services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of material that is certainly almost certainly to resonate with consumers. This dynamic method of indexing makes sure that users are offered with material that's not only well timed but will also hugely relevant for their interests and preferences. https://tituschknp.blogocial.com/index-your-site-in-google-quickly-63428856

    Additionally, rapid connection indexing products and services are meant to scale simply Using the at any time-growing sizing and complexity of the net. Whether or not indexing person web pages, multimedia information, or full Internet websites, these services are Outfitted to manage the huge volume of data produced on-line daily. Through a combination of dispersed computing, equipment learning, as well as other slicing-edge systems, rapid website link indexing providers will be able to preserve optimum effectiveness and reliability even while in the encounter of unprecedented advancement and demand from customers. https://www.yjcon.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=406968

    Together with their technical prowess, rapid url indexing products and services also prioritize privacy and stability. With rising concerns above details privacy and on the web safety, users can have faith in that their search queries and browsing exercise are taken care of Along with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing sturdy encryption protocols, facts anonymization procedures, and stringent obtain controls, rapidly link indexing companies be certain that consumer data stays guarded at all times. https://farmarm.net:443/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=1192122

    Looking forward, the future of lookup lies during the palms of quick url indexing solutions. As the internet continues to evolve and develop, the need for fast, exact, and complete look for abilities will only become extra pronounced. By harnessing the power of Sophisticated technologies and impressive algorithms, rapid backlink indexing providers are reshaping the way in which we explore and eat facts on-line, ushering in a different era of look for that is quicker, smarter, and more attentive to the requires of consumers and articles creators alike.

    We are pleased to declare a important advance to our indexing service, at once SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links faster and Thomas More efficiently than e'er ahead. In real time the % of indexed links inside 72 hours wish be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sept 1st.

    Crucial! In front replenishing your balance, be for certain to examination indexing on a modest telephone number of golf links to ensure that our indexing method acting is perfect tense for your of necessity.


    09.10.2024 - 13:57

  • Prodvsaitov

    Здравствуйте. Увеличу посещаемость и доходность вашего сайта, решу все имеющиеся на сайте проблемы. При этом рост посещаемости будет идти за счет притока целевых посетителей из поисковых систем, что для вас максимально выгодно и перспективно. Умеренные цены. Гарантия. При необходимости готов работать по договору.

    Краткая информация обо мне. Специалист в области создания, доработки и продвижения сайтов. Имею знания и опыт в некоторых смежных областях. Начинал работу в 2004 году. Максимально хорошо разбираюсь в продвижении сайтов в поисковых системах.

    Некоторые иные направления моей деятельности: настройка рекламных кампаний, работа с отзывами (удаляю плохие, создаю и продвигаю хорошие), работа с группами в соц. сетях и ютубом.

    Пишите на мою основную почту: sozdaniesaytow@gmail.com

    09.10.2024 - 22:43

  • AlissapheNd

    Revolutionizing Look for: The Rise of Quick Backlink Indexing Services https://douglasx852knq3.theblogfairy.com/27028116/check-page-indexing-in-google

    While in the broad landscape of the online world, exactly where information reigns supreme, a chance to obtain related material swiftly is paramount. Search engines have prolonged been the gateway to this extensive repository of data, but their performance hinges on a person critical aspect: indexing. As the internet proceeds to expand exponentially, traditional indexing procedures frequently wrestle to maintain speed. Nonetheless, a whole new breed of providers is rising to address this problem head-on: rapidly url indexing expert services. https://bookmarkboom.com/story17252375/online-site-indexing

    Rapid link indexing solutions depict a paradigm shift in how we navigate the online. Not like standard internet search engine indexing, which relies on Net crawlers to find and index written content over time, rapid connection indexing companies hire revolutionary tactics to expedite the process. These solutions leverage advanced algorithms and systems to index new material Just about instantaneously, making certain that consumers have entry to the most up-to-date facts at their fingertips. https://link-building-article-dir20976.theideasblog.com/27753854/indexing-acceleration

    The key benefits of quick url indexing solutions are manifold. For buyers, it means a lot quicker entry to fresh new written content, eliminating the irritating lag time among publication and discovery. Whether attempting to find breaking information, trending matters, or market passions, people can be confident that they're accessing probably the most up-to-date information and facts available. https://myfirstbookmark.com/story17242666/speed-up-link-indexing

    In addition, quickly link indexing expert services empower content material creators and Web-site entrepreneurs by guaranteeing that their latest offerings are instantly indexed and surfaced in search engine results. This may have a profound effect on visibility, visitors, and engagement, in the end driving expansion and accomplishment in an more and more aggressive digital landscape. https://rowanimnya.bloggosite.com/33618580/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    Among the essential options of rapid hyperlink indexing companies is their capability to prioritize and index material based upon relevance and importance. By examining a variety of signals, including social networking exercise, consumer engagement metrics, and written content freshness, these products and services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of information that may be most probably to resonate with customers. This dynamic method of indexing ensures that users are introduced with content material that is not only well timed but additionally remarkably related for their passions and Tastes. https://greatbookmarking.com/story17305526/speed-up-link-indexing

    Moreover, quick hyperlink indexing companies are created to scale easily Along with the at any time-expanding sizing and complexity of the world wide web. No matter whether indexing individual Web content, multimedia information, or complete Internet sites, these companies are equipped to manage the enormous volume of knowledge generated on the internet every single day. By a mix of dispersed computing, machine Finding out, and various cutting-edge technologies, quickly website link indexing companies are able to maintain optimal efficiency and dependability even inside the deal with of unprecedented development and demand. https://bookmarkinglive.com/story17933241/speed-up-site-indexing

    As well as their specialized prowess, fast hyperlink indexing products and services also prioritize privacy and safety. With escalating considerations about facts privacy and on the net safety, buyers can have faith in that their lookup queries and searching action are handled While using the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By employing strong encryption protocols, info anonymization methods, and stringent entry controls, rapid website link indexing providers ensure that user data continues to be shielded continually. https://ariabookmarks.com/story2766543/check-page-indexing-online

    Looking in advance, the way forward for research lies from the fingers of quick link indexing providers. As the web continues to evolve and broaden, the need for speedy, correct, and comprehensive lookup capabilities will only grow to be additional pronounced. By harnessing the power of State-of-the-art technologies and revolutionary algorithms, quick backlink indexing providers are reshaping the way we explore and consume information and facts on the net, ushering in a completely new period of look for that is quicker, smarter, and a lot more attentive to the demands of users and content creators alike.

    We are pleased to harbinger a significant melioration to our indexing service, nowadays SpeedyIndex indexes your golf links quicker and Sir Thomas More expeditiously than ever so earlier. Immediately the % of indexed links within 72 hours bequeath be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from September 1st.

    Significant! In front replenishing your balance, be indisputable to exam indexing on a low add up of golf links to ensure that our indexing method acting is consummate for your needs.


    11.10.2024 - 19:42

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    12.10.2024 - 18:09

  • Laurenndo

    Revolutionizing Research: The Rise of Fast Connection Indexing Providers https://reidsvxza.wikilima.com/600340/speed_up_indexing

    Within the huge landscape of the online world, wherever info reigns supreme, a chance to obtain pertinent written content swiftly is paramount. Engines like google have extensive been the gateway to this extensive repository of knowledge, but their success hinges on just one significant aspect: indexing. As the internet carries on to develop exponentially, traditional indexing strategies frequently wrestle to help keep pace. Having said that, a fresh breed of services is emerging to address this obstacle head-on: speedy link indexing providers. https://gatherbookmarks.com/story17770323/index-your-site-in-google-quickly

    Rapidly url indexing products and services depict a paradigm shift in how we navigate the online. Unlike traditional internet search engine indexing, which relies on Internet crawlers to find and index content as time passes, rapid website link indexing services employ modern approaches to expedite the procedure. These services leverage Highly developed algorithms and systems to index new information Practically instantaneously, ensuring that consumers have usage of the newest facts at their fingertips. https://thesocialdelight.com/story2663078/speed-up-link-indexing

    The main advantages of rapidly website link indexing providers are manifold. For buyers, it means more quickly usage of fresh material, eliminating the irritating lag time in between publication and discovery. No matter if hunting for breaking information, trending topics, or area of interest pursuits, end users can be confident that they are accessing the most up-to-day facts readily available. https://push2bookmark.com/story17354920/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    What's more, rapidly url indexing solutions empower articles creators and website homeowners by ensuring that their most up-to-date offerings are immediately indexed and surfaced in search results. This could Have a very profound effect on visibility, targeted traffic, and engagement, finally driving expansion and achievement in an more and more competitive digital landscape. https://troyxbcdf.mybloglicious.com/48489804/speed-up-site-indexing

    On the list of essential characteristics of rapid website link indexing companies is their capability to prioritize and index material based on relevance and importance. By examining several alerts, for instance social media action, consumer engagement metrics, and material freshness, these services can intelligently prioritize the indexing of content which is most likely to resonate with end users. This dynamic method of indexing ensures that consumers are presented with information that's not only timely but will also very appropriate for their passions and Tastes. https://seo-noindex31986.blogdosaga.com/27215070/check-website-indexing-online-for-free

    Also, quick url indexing expert services are made to scale effortlessly Together with the ever-expanding sizing and complexity of the internet. Regardless of whether indexing particular person Web content, multimedia articles, or total Internet websites, these providers are equipped to take care of the enormous volume of data created online each day. By means of a combination of distributed computing, device Finding out, as well as other reducing-edge systems, quickly backlink indexing services can easily preserve ideal effectiveness and trustworthiness even in the facial area of unprecedented advancement and desire. https://alexisbefhi.bloggin-ads.com/50662404/check-site-indexing-in-bulk

    In combination with their technological prowess, fast link indexing solutions also prioritize privacy and stability. With increasing fears more than info privateness and on the net stability, people can have faith in that their look for queries and browsing action are managed with the utmost confidentiality and integrity. By applying robust encryption protocols, details anonymization methods, and stringent entry controls, quickly backlink indexing services ensure that person data continues to be guarded all the time. https://socialmediaentry.com/story2577037/check-page-indexing-online

    Searching forward, the way forward for lookup lies during the fingers of quickly url indexing providers. As the online world continues to evolve and develop, the need for speedy, accurate, and complete search capabilities will only become extra pronounced. By harnessing the strength of Superior systems and innovative algorithms, rapidly link indexing companies are reshaping the best way we discover and take in information and facts on the net, ushering in a whole new era of search that is quicker, smarter, and a lot more responsive to the demands of users and articles creators alike.

    We are proud of to harbinger a substantial advance to our indexing service, at once SpeedyIndex indexes your links faster and more expeditiously than always before. Directly the % of indexed golf links within 72 hours leave be higher. The changes are valid for tasks added from Sept 1st.

    Authoritative! Ahead replenishing your balance, be sure as shooting to psychometric test indexing on a little figure of golf links to ascertain that our indexing method acting is perfective tense for your of necessity.


    13.10.2024 - 12:08

  • Justingd

    Revolutionizing Research: The Increase of Fast Url Indexing Products and services https://stephenqtxbd.kylieblog.com/27791426/check-page-indexing-in-google

    During the huge landscape of the internet, where by facts reigns supreme, the ability to entry pertinent information quickly is paramount. Search engines like yahoo have extended been the gateway to this vast repository of information, but their usefulness hinges on one essential variable: indexing. As the world wide web continues to develop exponentially, conventional indexing approaches generally struggle to help keep rate. Nevertheless, a completely new breed of providers is rising to deal with this challenge head-on: fast hyperlink indexing services. https://semantic-wiki31086.wonderkingwiki.com/713593/check_site_indexing_in_bulk

    Rapid url indexing services stand for a paradigm change in how we navigate the internet. Compared with traditional online search engine indexing, which depends on Net crawlers to find and index written content over time, fast link indexing providers use modern tactics to expedite the procedure. These companies leverage Innovative algorithms and systems to index new material Practically instantaneously, ensuring that consumers have usage of the most recent information and facts at their fingertips. http://mariskamast.net:/smf/index.php?topic=31578.0

    The main advantages of rapid website link indexing products and services are manifold. For buyers, it means more quickly usage of new written content, eliminating the aggravating lag time among publication and discovery. No matter whether seeking breaking news, trending subjects, or niche passions, people can rest assured that they're accessing probably the most up-to-day details accessible. https://iowa-bookmarks.com/story12836914/indexing-acceleration

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    16.10.2024 - 06:33

  • Nicholasgvg

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    18.10.2024 - 00:26

  • Svetldqi

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    19.10.2024 - 08:53

  • Qnibot

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    19.10.2024 - 17:25

  • Serggws

    Hello gentlemen [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several state holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just don't notice ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our site.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Chocolate Covered Raisins Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ancestor Appreciation Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national brownie day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Walk On Your Wild Side Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national catfish day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Marmot Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Fish and Chip Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Eat A Red Apple Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Valentine’s Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bat Night[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Area Code Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Vitamin C Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Hemophilia Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Rabies Day 2024[/url]
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    20.10.2024 - 01:46

  • Viktorivxo

    Good afternoon gentlemen [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several state holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just don't notice ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our portal.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Hogmanay 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]canada day stat holiday 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Yellow Pig Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Fun At Work Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pickle Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Day for Tolerance 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international literacy day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Donut day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ballet Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national pink day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Wear Brown Shoes Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national go skate day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Compliment Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]is it national sex day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]kale day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]International Podcast Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Education Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]29th of may is fridge day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Election Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Smart and Sexy Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]farmers day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]ag day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Eggnog Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]day of silence[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Read To Me Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mothering Sunday 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Family Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Islamic New Year 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international grandmothers day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Simchat Torah 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]booty of the day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Shakespeare Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Train Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Button Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Big Mac Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Jellyfish Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Caramel Apple Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Porn Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]canadian holidays in 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother Language Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]what is national sex day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]subway appreciation day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Irish Coffee Day[/url]

    20.10.2024 - 01:58

  • Svetlavo

    Доброго времени суток дамы и господа[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]![/url]
    Наше СМИ представлена на рынке Украниы более 5 лет. За это время нам удалось вырости из небольшой региональной газеты в полноценное интернет издание.
    На сегодняшний день нас изучают более миллиона читателей каждый месяц. Вот несколько особо актуальных статей на сегодня:
    1)[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]Посадові оклади на 2024 рік в Україні [/url]
    2)[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]Зарплата педагогам у 2024 році в Україні [/url]
    3)[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]Яка будет мінімальна пенсія на 2024 рік в Україні[/url]
    4)[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]Допомога малозабезпеченим у 2024 році в Україні [/url]
    5)[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]Декретні виплати 2024 в Україні [/url]
    6)[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]Налаштування каналів супутникового телебачення на 2024 рік в Україні [/url]
    7)[url=https://sylnaukraina.com.ua/]Військові пенсії в 2024 році в Україні [/url]
    Заходите к нам и получайте информацию из первых рук. Только самая свежая информация из первоисточника, свежие данные и актуальные новости.
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    20.10.2024 - 04:37

  • Sergyrx

    Good day ladies and gentlemen[url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several state holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just don't notice ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our site.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Cheesecake Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Cherry Pie Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Gluten Free Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Octopus Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Deep Dish Pizza Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Yom HaShoah[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Say Something Nice Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Weigh-In Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is national ex boyfriend day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]No Pants Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother-In-Law Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Underdog Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Doughnut Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national kiss your crush day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Calendar Adjustment Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Digital Learning Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]secretary's day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Wear Red Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Town Meeting Day Vermont 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Repentance Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]no pany day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Summer Bank Holiday 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Fruitcake Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Chocolate Caramel Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Meatball Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]nephew day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pancake Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Translation Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Cancer Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Orphan Sunday 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national pocky day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Women’s Equality Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Old Stuff Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Chocolate-Covered Cherry Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Prematurity Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Postal Worker Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pet Obesity Awareness Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Three Kings Day 2024[/url]
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    20.10.2024 - 21:41

  • Sergjdo

    Greetings comrades [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several official holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just don't see ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our portal.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Whit Monday[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mothering Sunday[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Susan B Anthony's Birthday[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]National POW/MIA Recognition Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Humanitarian Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national pinot noir day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]sissy in law[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Knife Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Games Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Jelly Bean Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bunsen Burner Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international cupcake day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]men cook day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Relaxation Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is twin day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Hippo Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Emmeline Pankhurst Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]what day is national send a nude day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]National Spumoni Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national punctuation day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national reggae day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Postal Worker Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Techno Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]grandma day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Twin Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national dream day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]National Picnic Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Migrants Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national proposal day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Only Child Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Whisky Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Nurse Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Eid al-Adha 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Child Health Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Jerky Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national booty pic day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]The Prophet's Birthday[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is national sex week[/url]

    21.10.2024 - 06:50

  • Serghmq

    Hello comrades [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several state holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just don't see ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our site.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Food Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Cheesecake Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]seasame street day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sailor Moon Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]candy day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national sex day calendar 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]twilight zone marathon thanksgiving 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]sailor moon day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]sons week 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Tea Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]alberta holidays 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bullying Prevention Day  2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Crossword Puzzle Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Dr. Seuss Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Kansas Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]King Kamehameha Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Air Force Birthday 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Corn Dog Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Absinthe Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is national sex day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international nude day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ballet Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ice Cream For Breakfast Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Orangemen's Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Euro Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]School Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sister in Law Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sangria Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Working Naked Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international pizza day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sweatpants Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Roots Day[/url]

    21.10.2024 - 12:50

  • Svetlxqh

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  • Sergxxn

    Hello comrades [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several official holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just don't see ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our site.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Concussion Awareness Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]rum day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national men cook day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national pinot noir day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother-In-Law Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sister in Law Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]supervisors day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Architecture Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]spaghetti day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Hello Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national i love you day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]National Pharmacists Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is national sex day calendar 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Whit Monday[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]what day is national sex day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Waffle Iron Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]is there a national nephew day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is national lazy day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Caramel Apple Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Tick Tock Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Day of Happiness 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Child Health Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Use Your Common Sense Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]St. Patrick’s Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Philanthropy Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Best Friends Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]bosses week 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]ask a stupid question day examples[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Chicken Wing Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Memory Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Vegetarian Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Use Your Common Sense Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]dress your pet day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]hot tea day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Red Planet Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pumpkin Pie Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Caramel Apple Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]may 13 leprechaun day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Computer Security Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pencil Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national cotton candy day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Strawberry Ice Cream Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]National Day of Singapore 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Be An Angel Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]kamehameha day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Remembrance Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]toilet paper day[/url]
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    21.10.2024 - 18:52

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    21.10.2024 - 20:51

  • Viktorimbt

    Good day ladies and gentlemen[url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several state holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just skip ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our portal.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bat Appreciation Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national fresh breath day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bunker Hill Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]prophets birthday[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Feral Cat Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national gorilla suit day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]clean your room day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter Sunday 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Felt Hat Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national origami day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is kansas day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]world press freedom day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international oyster day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pinata Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pistachio Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is national first love day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Tweed Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national deviled egg day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national vegan day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Be Bald And Free Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]nude picture day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]is there a national fart day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sandwich Day Subway 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Walk to Work Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]techno day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Giving Tuesday 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter Monday[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Fragrance Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national i love you day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Saraswati Puja 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national pina colada day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mustard Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Last day of Passover[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Chocolate Milkshake Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national yellow day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]candlemas day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national miners day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pocky Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labour Day in USA[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]First Love Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]what day is national blowjob day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]White Chocolate Cheesecake Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day [/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international dot day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Chaos Never Dies Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Coffee Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Iced Tea Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national windmill day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]what date is pentecost 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]happy national cupcake day[/url]

    22.10.2024 - 04:16

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    22.10.2024 - 05:47

  • Serguas

    Hello gentlemen [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]![/url]
    Each of Us is accustomed to the fact that there are several state holidays in a year. But what about the fact that there are thousands of these holidays and they happen every day. And we just skip ...
    Holidays are different.
    • Birthday, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Name Yourself Day [/url], Wedding are personal holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year Eve[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url]8 March, [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mother'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Father'S Day 2024[/url] - everyone's favorite holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Labor Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Memorial Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Thanksgiving 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Inauguration Day 2024 [/url]are official holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Christmas [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]New Year [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Passover [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Ramadan [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Easter 2024 [/url]are religious holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]World Peace Day [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sun Day [/url], Disarmament Week are international holidays.
    • [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Comic Book Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Boss'S Day 2024[/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/] Friendship Day 2024 [/url], [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Bicycle Day 2024 [/url] are professional holidays.
    The history of the emergence of holidays features of celebrations in different countries, advice on organizing and holding any holiday - all this can be found on our portal.
    A holiday is a state of mind. Choose your holiday!
    And here are a few more holidays that you may not have even heard of:

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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Extra Mile Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national oreo day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]2nd January[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Techies Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national only child day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Tattoo Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]subway november 3rd[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Rat Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pig In A Blanket Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Pharmacy Technician Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Monkey Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]october 5 send nudes day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Sandcastle Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Family Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national 69 day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national hippo day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Eat An Apple Day 2024[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]when is national whiskey day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Physician Assistant Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Day of Non-Violence[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]is today national blowjob day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Peanut Butter Fudge Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Girls' Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Iced Tea Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Middle Child Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Anthem Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Working Naked Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Farm Animals Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Whiskey Sour Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national no homework day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]International Grenache Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Caps Lock Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Aunt Day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national flashlight day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]national Teachers Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Earth Hour 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day[/url]
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    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]waqf al arafa[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Mental Health Day[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]international reggae day 2024[/url]
    [url=https://whenisholiday.com/]Dolphin Day[/url]

    22.10.2024 - 10:53

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