Latvijas tīrākie ezeri

  • speeks

    Kads var ieteikt ezerus pie kuriem var labi atpusties,peldeties,taisit piknikus respektivi labi pavadit laiku pie dabas kruts galvenais faktors lai ezers nebutu aizaudzis butu peldvietas un butu ljoti tirs udens. Paldies

    05.07.2006 - 16:28

  • Andris

    Tīro ezeru saraksta nav tāpēc, ka atpūtnieki viņus ātri padarītu par netīriem. Bet arī netīrie nav slikti - skaists, zaļš ūdentiņš, tur parasti ir daudz peldvietu, utt.

    05.07.2006 - 19:22

  • Jānis

    Gribat uzzināt Latvijas tīrākos ezerus, kuru aizsardzībā pret vienas dienas izmantotājiem cilvēki smagi strādā gadiem? Nekas nav neiespējams. Laipni lūdzam Latvijas ezeru aizsargātāju klubiņā! Augstākā izglītība ar vidi saistītā specialitātē, 5 gadu darbs vides aizsardzībā, kolēģu atzīti panākumi ezeru aizsardzībā - un pilnīgi noteikti zināsiet visus tīrākos ezerus. Pagaidām varat saņemt tikai bijušo tīrāko ezeru īso versiju: Mazais Baltezers (kanāls apbūve), Lielais Baltezers (kanāls), Langstiņu ezers (apbūve peldētāji), Pulksteņezers (peldētāji), Valguma ezers (Tukuma kanalizācija), Dzirnezers (apbūve foreļu audzēšana), Dziļezers (foreļu audzēšana), Linezers (peldētāji), Lielais Subates ezers (kanalizācija), Buļezers (līmeņa pazemināšana atpūtnieki), Alūksnes ezers (kanalizācija), Ropažu pagasta Silezers (apbūve atpūtnieki)...

    05.07.2006 - 23:13

  • par tiru vidi

    ak, jaani,kaa es tev piekriitu!!!

    12.07.2006 - 11:08

  • Intario

    Pagaidaam tiiraakie ir meža ezeriņi,ar peldvietaam,protams,buus probleemas!. Ieteiktu Sventes,Rušona,Siivera ezerus,bet veel ir milzumdaudz ezeru Latgalee un Seelijaa!

    15.07.2006 - 19:29

  • toms from jēkabpils.

    jaa L-ezers ir ljoti tiirs arii ar peldvietaam vairaak vai mazaak ir viss kaartiibaa...!!!

    18.07.2006 - 12:50

  • Jānis

    Tom, vai ar peldvietām "viss kārtībā" ir tad, ja nevienai peldvietai nav tualetes?

    18.07.2006 - 15:13

  • Intario

    Tad jau sanaak ka muusu valstii vispaar ar peldvietaam ir galiigi garaam???Kas tad taas mazmaajiņas izvietos,pašvaldiibas?!Taisni vai smiekli naak:))

    20.07.2006 - 16:44

  • Jānis

    Intario, problēmas būtība ir tāda, ka priekš peldēšanās milzīgi tīrs ūdens nav nepieciešams. Vēlme pēc tiešām tīra ūdens rekreācijai ir tas pats, kas prasīt ķīmiski tīru NaCl zupas sālīšanai. Kas attiecas uz tualetēm - no tualetēm nevar dabūt nekādus blakus maksājumus. Izdevumi ir, a peļņa nekāda... Tāpēc tualetes netaisa. Toties attīrīšanas iekārtas - tur apgrozās miljoni, un atlec arī pietiekami. Neatkarīgi no vajadzības un efektivitātes.

    20.07.2006 - 19:43

  • Intario

    Ar visu "meeslu" iepludinaašanu ezeros staavoklis ir krietni mainiijies uz labo pusi saliidzinoši ar padomijas laikiem, kad katrs kolhozs savus "meeslus"gaaza tik iekšaa! To var secinaat arii peec veežu populaacijas palielinaašanos muusu ezeros,tas,kaa zinaams,ir dabiskais indikaators tiiram uudenim!

    20.07.2006 - 21:04

  • artis

    tīrāku ezeru par U. neesmu redzējis

    06.08.2006 - 17:58

  • aikers

    Vai jūs varētu pastāstīt, kuros ezeros ir dzidrākais ūdens(redzamība zem ūdens vismaz 1,5 m)?

    08.08.2007 - 23:00

  • Andris

    Hmmm... Kaut kur jau redzēts jautājums. Īsumā, mēs nedosim sarakstu ar tīrākajiem ezeriem.

    Būtu labi jaunus, nesaistītus jautājumus apspriest katru savā tematā. Citādi, kāds vēl kaut ko nevarēs atrast :)

    09.08.2007 - 08:00

  • andris

    vistirakais un ar zivim bagatakais ezers Latvija ir Šķaunes ezers,Ludzas rajona

    25.09.2007 - 11:48

  • Vita

    Andri, kāds Šķaunes ezerā ir Seki? Ja Seki nav mērīts, kāda aptuveni caurredzamība vasaras otrā pusē?

    27.09.2007 - 02:26

  • Vilnis

    Pirms 15 gadiem teiktu, ka tīrākais un dzidrākais viennozīmīgi ir Ummis. Bet šodien - žēl noskatīties>:(

    05.11.2007 - 15:20

  • tobis

    ezeri ir coool bet piesarnoti

    15.11.2007 - 09:19

  • slavik

    sakiet ludzu kur atrodas paši dzidrie ezeri

    25.01.2008 - 09:13

  • Jānis

    Neteiksim. Maz palikuši, ja visiem teiksim - drīz nebūs neviena.

    25.01.2008 - 09:53

  • Aivars

    Jā ir mums daži ezeri Sēlijā,pats esmu šad tad tur copējis,ūdens tīrs,zivis arī ir,un nevienas mājas tuvumā,vienīgi nokļūt tur pagrūti un iebraucēji labi ka nezina.

    08.02.2008 - 22:03

  • dzivojosa

    informaacija ir ljoti laba, bet neatradu saraxtu ar tiiraakajiem ezeriem

    12.08.2009 - 16:55

  • Jānis

    dzivojosa, pārvietoju Jūsu jautājumu par tīrāko ezeru sarakstu uz attiecīgo tematu. Te ir lasāmas atbildes.

    17.08.2009 - 11:27

  • zeks

    Tiiraakais laikam buus Balotes ezers, hhhhhh

    15.12.2009 - 12:13

  • es no psrs

    Vistīrākais ezers Latvijā - Laukezers! Ja nav viļņu, gultni var redzēt pat pāri vismaz 4m dziļumam.

    26.06.2010 - 13:27

  • Allens

    Jūsu datubāzē ezeri ir sagrupēti: lielākie, dziļākie, netīrākie utt. Būtu interesanti uzzināt arī par Latvijas dzidrākajiem ezeriem. Šāda informācija ļoti varētu interesēt nirējus.
    Pie dzidriem ezeriem noteikti varētu pieskaitīt Aiviekstes karjeru, Garā kalna karjeru.

    12.09.2011 - 15:55

  • Jānis Sprūds

    Varu piedāvāt vienu visdzidrāko ezeru - Bolderājas karjeru. Neticami, bet fakts - vismazākā zināmā krāsainība Latvijā. Aparāts uzrādīja absorbciju -0,003 (mīnus nulle komats nulle nulle trīs). Salīdzinājumā ar destilētu ūdeni...

    13.09.2011 - 01:06

  • Guntis

    Kāds var padalīties ar info kuros ezeros(upēs) ir laba ūdens redzamība, kur var feini palūkot zemūdens ainavas, zivteles. (Tuvāk galvaspilsētai kā arī attālāk novados)
    - Pārvietoja Jānis -

    30.12.2011 - 17:32

  • Guntis

    Kāds var padalīties par ezeriem, upēm, ūdenstilpnēm kur ir laba ūdens caurredzamība, kur var normāli ienirt, palūkot zemūdens pasauli, zivteles- tuvāk galvaspilsētai kā arī tālāk novados! Paldies :)

    05.01.2012 - 18:52

  • Normunds

    Ļoti dzidrs un tīrs ūdens ir Umītes ezerā pie Lilastes.Tur gan paliek atkritumi no "dabas mīļotājiem",tāpat kā citviet.

    16.02.2012 - 16:15

  • SS

    Vai Ummī (pie Lilastes, Carnikavas novads) vispār drīkst peldēties?

    09.07.2012 - 17:31

  • maris

    pats tirakajsezers irvelnerzers ,vinamirpats dzidrakajs udens ,bet peldeties tur gan nesanaks , dabas aizliegums

    07.05.2013 - 21:59

  • stefānija

    laukezers .

    09.06.2013 - 18:06

  • Emīls

    Kā man patīk tas, kā latvieši palīdz viens otram. Nav brīnums, ka visi brauc prom. Jāni, ne visi ir piesārņotāji. Lielākā daļa, kas iegulda laiku, lai nokļūtu kaut kur atpūsties, vienmēr aiz sevis savāc. Nav vairs Padomju Savienība, cilvēki apzinās labas atpūtas vietas vērtību. Beidz zīmēties ar saviem grādiem. Tam papīram nav nekādas vērtības, ja Tevī nav cilvēcības

    06.08.2014 - 17:21

  • Kaspars

    Esmu saja lapa pirmo reizi, jo man arī radās šāds pats jautājums. biju priecīgs, saprotot, ka tādi tomēr vēl ir saglabājušies Latvijā. un pilnīgi atbalstu "ezeru sargātāju" attieksmi. Pret jautātājiem. Tagad vien atliek ņemt rokā karti un meklēt pašam lai varētu ik pa laikam doties izbaudīt sen nepiejamo - tīru dabu.

    20.08.2014 - 23:28

  • j;anis

    latvijā nav nevients ezers t;irs

    30.11.2015 - 09:33

  • Tīrs ūdens...

    Pats dzīvoju pie kāda ezera Latgalē-vienīgā mana māja krastā. Tā kā nav akas, ūdeni lietoju no ezera. Bet atpūtniekus vairāk gan ne tuvu sev nevēlos redzēt. NAV NEVIENS vēl tāds bijis, kurš aiz sevis nebūtu atstājis mēslus.

    03.03.2016 - 03:07

  • Andris

    Dzidrs ezers būs Čertoks, jeb Velnezers, un peldēt tur drīkst ja nēesi māņticīgs

    09.01.2017 - 22:36

  • Patriots

    Kadagas ezers ir dzidrs, bet kļūst aizvien duļķaināks, jo arvien vairāk cilvēku par to ezeru uzzin. Daži pat nekautrējas tur mazgāt savus braucamos.

    06.06.2019 - 22:20

  • Nimerjhiz

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    27.06.2024 - 04:45

  • Nolanac

    The Benefits and drawbacks of Mass Posting on Social Media

    Social media marketing is becoming an integral aspect of contemporary electronic promoting procedures for businesses of all sizes. One tactic which includes attained level of popularity in recent times is mass posting – the exercise of publishing precisely the same material throughout a number of social media marketing platforms at the same time. Even though mass submitting can offer some strengths, What's more, it comes with opportunity disadvantages that businesses ought to thoroughly consider. A Secret Weapon For captcha service

    Pros of Mass Submitting:

    Improved Attain: By sharing content material on many platforms without delay, companies can noticeably increase their achieve and expose their messages to the broader audience. This can be specially effective for organizations seeking to Make manufacturer awareness or market a brand new services or products.

    Time-Preserving: Generating unique content material for every social media marketing platform is usually time-consuming and source-intense. Mass submitting makes it possible for enterprises to streamline their information development approach, preserving important effort and time. captcha service

    Steady Messaging: With mass submitting, businesses can ensure that their concept stays constant across all platforms, cutting down the risk of inconsistencies or combined messaging.

    Disadvantages of Mass Publishing:

    Lack of System Optimization: Distinctive social websites platforms have exceptional formatting prerequisites, audience Tastes, and engagement styles. Mass publishing can lead to material that's not optimized for every System, potentially bringing about lessen engagement in addition to a subpar person working experience.

    Lessened Personalization: Mass posting causes it to be challenging to tailor information to the particular desires and Choices of each and every platform's viewers. This can cause a significantly less individualized and fewer engaging expertise for followers.

    Potential for Over-Saturation: If not done strategically, mass posting can result in more than-saturation, where audiences really feel bombarded with repetitive written content. This may lead to follower tiredness, diminished engagement, and perhaps unfollows or unsubscribes.

    Though mass posting can offer some performance Gains, It can be important for corporations to weigh the opportunity drawbacks very carefully. A balanced method that combines mass publishing with platform-certain content material optimization and strategic scheduling may also help organizations improve their social websites existence while averting the pitfalls of over-saturating their audience.

    In the end, the decision to use mass posting really should be based upon an intensive comprehension of the brand name's target market, their social media habits, and the specific goals in the advertising marketing campaign. Firms should constantly check engagement metrics and change their procedures accordingly to guarantee They're providing a persuasive and fascinating social websites knowledge. How Much You Need To Expect You'll Pay For A Good captcha service

    30.06.2024 - 21:12

  • Nimerjhiz

    The Advantages and drawbacks of Mass Submitting on Social media marketing

    Social media happens to be an integral part of modern digital marketing and advertising techniques for companies of all sizes. Just one tactic that has acquired level of popularity in recent years is mass posting – the observe of publishing exactly the same content throughout multiple social networking platforms concurrently. When mass putting up can supply some pros, Additionally, it comes along with prospective disadvantages that businesses must thoroughly contemplate. 5 Simple Techniques For captcha service

    Pros of Mass Submitting:

    Improved Access: By sharing content material on many platforms simultaneously, enterprises can substantially grow their arrive at and expose their messages to the broader viewers. This can be specially helpful for providers trying to Construct manufacturer recognition or encourage a new product or service.

    Time-Saving: Generating special written content for every social networking platform may be time-consuming and source-intensive. Mass putting up lets businesses to streamline their articles creation approach, saving valuable time and effort. About captcha service

    Consistent Messaging: With mass putting up, organizations can be sure that their information continues to be regular across all platforms, lowering the potential risk of inconsistencies or blended messaging.

    Disadvantages of Mass Putting up:

    Insufficient System Optimization: Unique social media platforms have unique formatting needs, audience preferences, and engagement styles. Mass putting up may end up in content that is not optimized for each platform, potentially bringing about reduce engagement in addition to a subpar consumer working experience.

    Minimized Personalization: Mass posting causes it to be complicated to tailor content to the specific needs and Choices of each and every System's viewers. This may lead to a fewer personalised and fewer partaking knowledge for followers.

    Opportunity for more than-Saturation: If not performed strategically, mass putting up can cause more than-saturation, in which audiences experience bombarded with repetitive content material. This may result in follower tiredness, diminished engagement, as well as unfollows or unsubscribes.

    When mass posting can supply some effectiveness Advantages, it's important for organizations to weigh the potential drawbacks carefully. A balanced method that combines mass putting up with System-distinct information optimization and strategic scheduling might help corporations improve their social networking existence though keeping away from the pitfalls of around-saturating their viewers.

    Eventually, the decision to hire mass putting up ought to be based upon a thorough knowledge of the brand name's target market, their social media marketing actions, and the particular aims with the marketing campaign. Enterprises should really constantly keep track of engagement metrics and regulate their techniques appropriately to be sure They're offering a powerful and interesting social networking practical experience. solving captcha

    01.07.2024 - 01:43

  • Nolanac

    The Advantages and drawbacks of Mass Posting on Social Media

    Social media marketing has become an integral aspect of contemporary digital promoting procedures for businesses of all sizes. Just one tactic which has gained acceptance lately is mass publishing – the observe of publishing the same written content throughout various social media platforms simultaneously. Whilst mass publishing can offer some positive aspects, Additionally, it comes along with prospective disadvantages that companies need to diligently look at. Facts About captcha service Revealed

    Professionals of Mass Putting up:

    Increased Get to: By sharing information on a number of platforms at the same time, enterprises can considerably extend their arrive at and expose their messages to a wider viewers. This can be especially helpful for businesses looking to Develop manufacturer consciousness or endorse a new product or service.

    Time-Conserving: Building unique written content for every social media System could be time-consuming and source-intensive. Mass publishing makes it possible for businesses to streamline their written content development approach, preserving precious effort and time. captcha service

    Regular Messaging: With mass putting up, firms can be certain that their message continues to be steady throughout all platforms, cutting down the risk of inconsistencies or combined messaging.

    Drawbacks of Mass Submitting:

    Lack of System Optimization: Unique social websites platforms have distinctive formatting prerequisites, viewers Choices, and engagement designs. Mass posting may end up in articles that isn't optimized for every System, possibly resulting in decrease engagement plus a subpar user practical experience.

    Lessened Personalization: Mass publishing causes it to be complicated to tailor content to the particular needs and Choices of every System's viewers. This can lead to a fewer customized and fewer participating practical experience for followers.

    Prospective for Over-Saturation: Otherwise finished strategically, mass posting may result in more than-saturation, the place audiences come to feel bombarded with repetitive written content. This can lead to follower fatigue, lessened engagement, and even unfollows or unsubscribes.

    When mass posting can present some effectiveness benefits, It is really important for organizations to weigh the prospective negatives cautiously. A well balanced approach that mixes mass submitting with platform-precise written content optimization and strategic scheduling may also help companies maximize their social media marketing presence although avoiding the pitfalls of in excess of-saturating their viewers.

    Finally, the decision to hire mass submitting ought to be determined by an intensive idea of the brand name's audience, their social media actions, and the particular ambitions in the advertising and marketing campaign. Businesses really should constantly observe engagement metrics and modify their methods accordingly to be certain they are providing a compelling and interesting social networking expertise. Everything about captcha service

    01.07.2024 - 07:31

  • Lucassw

    The Positives and negatives of Mass Putting up on Social websites

    Social media marketing has grown to be an integral aspect of contemporary electronic internet marketing approaches for enterprises of all measurements. Just one tactic that has attained reputation recently is mass submitting – the practice of publishing the identical articles across a number of social media platforms simultaneously. Although mass publishing can supply some strengths, In addition it comes with possible drawbacks that companies should thoroughly consider. The Ultimate Guide To captcha service

    Professionals of Mass Putting up:

    Enhanced Attain: By sharing articles on many platforms at the same time, companies can appreciably develop their arrive at and expose their messages to the wider audience. This can be especially helpful for companies attempting to build brand consciousness or market a whole new service or product.

    Time-Conserving: Producing exclusive content for every social networking System is usually time-consuming and resource-intensive. Mass publishing lets businesses to streamline their written content generation procedure, saving important time and effort. Everything about captcha service

    Reliable Messaging: With mass submitting, firms can make sure that their information continues to be constant across all platforms, lessening the risk of inconsistencies or blended messaging.

    Disadvantages of Mass Submitting:

    Deficiency of System Optimization: Diverse social media platforms have exclusive formatting prerequisites, audience Choices, and engagement designs. Mass posting may end up in content material that's not optimized for each platform, probably bringing about reduced engagement as well as a subpar person encounter.

    Minimized Personalization: Mass submitting causes it to be demanding to tailor content to the particular requires and preferences of each platform's audience. This can result in a fewer customized and less engaging practical experience for followers.

    Potential for more than-Saturation: If not finished strategically, mass submitting may lead to over-saturation, the place audiences feel bombarded with repetitive information. This may end up in follower tiredness, decreased engagement, as well as unfollows or unsubscribes.

    Although mass putting up can present some efficiency Added benefits, It can be essential for enterprises to weigh the likely drawbacks diligently. A balanced strategy that combines mass publishing with System-particular content optimization and strategic scheduling might help businesses increase their social media marketing presence while preventing the pitfalls of around-saturating their viewers.

    In the end, the choice to make use of mass publishing ought to be based on a thorough idea of the brand's audience, their social media actions, and the precise plans on the promoting marketing campaign. Enterprises ought to continually watch engagement metrics and modify their procedures appropriately to ensure These are offering a powerful and fascinating social networking working experience. captcha service Things To Know Before You Buy

    01.07.2024 - 22:20

  • Madisontz

    The Advantages and drawbacks of Mass Submitting on Social networking

    Social websites is now an integral section of contemporary electronic internet marketing approaches for enterprises of all dimensions. Just one tactic that has received popularity recently is mass publishing – the observe of publishing a similar material throughout multiple social media marketing platforms at the same time. While mass putting up can present some benefits, In addition, it includes potential downsides that companies must meticulously consider. solving captcha

    Execs of Mass Putting up:

    Elevated Get to: By sharing information on a number of platforms directly, corporations can noticeably grow their attain and expose their messages into a wider audience. This may be specially helpful for organizations trying to Establish brand recognition or advertise a completely new products or services.

    Time-Saving: Producing unique content for every social networking platform may be time-consuming and useful resource-intensive. Mass submitting lets corporations to streamline their articles generation process, conserving precious time and effort. 5 Easy Facts About captcha service Described

    Consistent Messaging: With mass posting, organizations can ensure that their concept stays regular throughout all platforms, lowering the risk of inconsistencies or blended messaging.

    Disadvantages of Mass Putting up:

    Insufficient System Optimization: Distinct social networking platforms have special formatting needs, audience Tastes, and engagement designs. Mass posting may end up in articles that isn't optimized for every platform, potentially bringing about decreased engagement as well as a subpar consumer practical experience.

    Minimized Personalization: Mass submitting causes it to be demanding to tailor information to the specific wants and preferences of each platform's audience. This can lead to a significantly less personalized and less engaging experience for followers.

    Possible for Over-Saturation: Otherwise completed strategically, mass putting up can result in above-saturation, exactly where audiences feel bombarded with repetitive material. This may end up in follower fatigue, lessened engagement, and in many cases unfollows or unsubscribes.

    When mass posting can offer you some effectiveness Gains, It can be important for corporations to weigh the likely downsides diligently. A balanced strategy that mixes mass putting up with platform-specific information optimization and strategic scheduling may also help enterprises maximize their social networking presence though staying away from the pitfalls of about-saturating their audience.

    In the long run, the choice to utilize mass publishing ought to be depending on a radical idea of the brand's audience, their social websites habits, and the precise plans with the advertising campaign. Organizations really should continuously keep track of engagement metrics and modify their procedures accordingly to be sure They can be offering a persuasive and engaging social websites expertise. Not known Details About captcha service

    02.07.2024 - 00:36

  • Nimerjhiz

    The Pros and Cons of Mass Putting up on Social websites

    Social media marketing happens to be an integral component of contemporary electronic marketing and advertising techniques for companies of all measurements. Just one tactic which includes attained acceptance in recent times is mass putting up – the apply of publishing exactly the same content material throughout multiple social networking platforms at the same time. Although mass posting can present some positive aspects, In addition it comes along with opportunity negatives that companies should diligently look at. Xevil

    Professionals of Mass Posting:

    Greater Achieve: By sharing content on several platforms directly, companies can drastically increase their arrive at and expose their messages to your broader audience. This can be specifically effective for corporations looking to Create manufacturer awareness or market a new service or product.

    Time-Preserving: Producing exclusive content material for every social media platform is usually time-consuming and source-intense. Mass publishing makes it possible for corporations to streamline their information generation course of action, preserving important effort and time. captcha service - An Overview

    Regular Messaging: With mass putting up, organizations can be certain that their information stays consistent across all platforms, lessening the risk of inconsistencies or blended messaging.

    Disadvantages of Mass Posting:

    Lack of Platform Optimization: Unique social networking platforms have distinctive formatting necessities, audience Tastes, and engagement styles. Mass publishing can lead to written content that is not optimized for every platform, probably bringing about lessen engagement plus a subpar consumer expertise.

    Minimized Personalization: Mass publishing makes it difficult to tailor information to the specific requirements and preferences of each and every platform's audience. This can cause a less customized and fewer engaging working experience for followers.

    Likely for more than-Saturation: If not done strategically, mass publishing can result in more than-saturation, exactly where audiences experience bombarded with repetitive content. This can lead to follower tiredness, diminished engagement, and even unfollows or unsubscribes.

    Whilst mass submitting can supply some efficiency benefits, It is really essential for companies to weigh the potential negatives diligently. A well balanced method that mixes mass putting up with System-certain written content optimization and strategic scheduling may help companies maximize their social media presence while keeping away from the pitfalls of more than-saturating their audience.

    Eventually, the decision to make use of mass submitting needs to be depending on a thorough comprehension of the model's target audience, their social media conduct, and the particular targets of your marketing and advertising campaign. Enterprises should really repeatedly watch engagement metrics and change their tactics appropriately to be certain They can be delivering a powerful and fascinating social media working experience. An Unbiased View of captcha service

    02.07.2024 - 01:32

  • Lucassw

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    04.07.2024 - 04:25

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